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Chapter 965 Goodwill from the Three-pronged Sword

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

"The exam time is over. Candidates please stop answering questions, place the test papers in the center of the table, and leave the examination room in an orderly manner... Please ask the supervisor to collect the papers in order according to the test number..." On the podium, accompanied by the crisp sound of the chime, Seleu Professor Si loudly reminded the candidates to leave. Under the supervision of the two supervisors, each test paper slowly rose from the table and quietly and smoothly slid into the box in the arms of the supervisors.

Commissioner Milley stood at the door, watching the candidates leave the venue in a dignified manner. There seemed to be an invisible barrier on the low threshold, separating the inside and outside. Apart from the rustling sound of paper rolls rubbing against each other, there was only the slightest breath of people outside the barrier. , the candidates who had just finished the exam were discussing in suppressed and intense voices the answers to the questions on the test paper that they were not sure about.

"——Is coral glue an animal glue or a plant glue? I don't remember that there is an explanation on this issue in "Rule Bullet Making", and can't the magic glue used as the magic glue for the rune bullet adhesive be used? Why is this partial test taken? question!"

"——Taking into account the mana loss of the hunting team in the war to open up the new world, in many cases the cost of using modulated glue is much lower than that of all-purpose glue. Even if the magic... I mean, low-level wizards can also provide good logistical support. .”

"——Theoretically speaking, coral glue is made from the secretions of coral polyps. Coral polyps are animals, so coral glue should also be animal glue, and collagen is originally a type of animal glue..."

"——Wait a minute, why are you talking about coral gum? Are there any references to coral gum in today's test questions? Isn't the only place involving adhesives talking about rosin and gum?"


"——Your rhetorical question is as eye-catching as the candidate in red robe."

"——Speaking of the wizard in red robe, do you know who he is?"

"——Hey, everyone reads the Beta Town Post. Is there anyone who can't recognize him? Isn't he the youngest teaching assistant at the First University and the rumored husband of Goddess Su, the member of the Parliament under the Moon?"

"——You called him 'waste husband' before..."

"——Ahem, even if you don't read the Beta Town Post, people who have been to Shanglinyuan Spring Hunting should be able to recognize him... At that time, he really smashed the little girl from the Tushan family on the performance stage. ruthless!"

"——Oh! No wonder... I see that he has a very good relationship with those examiners. They even chatted together without hesitation before the exam! It's so unabashed... Do you want to report them?"

"——Report for what? Do you have evidence?"

"——Speaking of which, I can understand that he is familiar with the professor at the school. After all, he is both a student and a teaching assistant... But how can he be so familiar with the man with the Three-pronged Sword?"

"——I've heard about that Mili. The Three-pronged Sword is notoriously difficult to deal with. But look at the wrinkles on his smiling face when he was chatting with Zheng Qing before. It could kill mosquitoes!" Mili stood at the door. The wizard glanced calmly at the backs of the figures who had reached the end of the corridor, raised his hand, touched his face, and wondered whether he should go back and buy some suet.

Looking back, he also noticed that the man in red robe who had just been discussed was walking towards the door. Zheng Qing's seat was relatively far back, so when he went out, the noise in front of him was much quieter.

Even so, after crossing the threshold of the examination room, the sudden noise in the corridor still made him feel a little dizzy. He subconsciously stopped and took a moment to adjust his breathing.

Then he felt his arm being pulled. He turned around and saw the invigilator standing at the door. Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Sorry, please wait a moment." The high-ranking commissioner of the Trident Sword nodded slightly to the boy, and continued to watch the other candidates leave with a serious expression, as if he was not the one who spoke just now.

Zheng Qing didn't know what was going on, but he hesitated for a few seconds and stayed. Soon, all the candidates in the classroom were scattered. After Professor Seleus and Commissioner Mili sealed the box of examination papers, they were sealed by two The supervisor took him away.

"Why haven't you left yet?" When the professor went out, he noticed the young wizard standing beside him. Zheng Qing had not yet spoken.

Commissioner Mili followed closely and explained: "I have some official matters that I need to discuss with classmate Zheng Qing... The exam hasn't ended yet, so it's not convenient." Professor Seleus paused at the two of them. After a pause, he took out his pointed hat, put it on his head, and nodded slightly: "——Then I won't disturb you anymore... Remember not to be late for the practical exam this afternoon." He nodded to Zheng Qing.

He turned around and disappeared without a trace. The corridor finally became empty. Commissioner Milley locked the door, took out his pocket watch and checked the time: "——Well, it's just lunch time. Do you want to have lunch together?" Follow You can never go wrong if you have good dealings with your own proctor.

Although Zheng Qing was confused, he obediently agreed. As an invigilator, Mili could also eat in the school cafeteria for free.

Zheng Qing followed him and listened to his ramble for a while before he gradually came to his senses. Wizard Milli seemed to have not given up on recruiting Zheng Qing to join the Trident Sword - not only him, Wizard Milli also seemed to want to use him Recruit the two rat-men clerks from D&K.

"... When I came to school this time, I heard that you will graduate early at the end of this semester. Do you want to consider joining the Trident Sword again? In the entire alliance, we have good benefits, high salary, and will not encounter too many dangerous jobs. It’s not uncommon. You have working experience at the First University, and you have your own hunting team... After the members of your hunting team graduate, we at Sanxia Sword can also provide priority admission places... And if you apply, I can ask Robert to vouch for it. I will directly give you the position of High Commissioner and ask you to lead an independent investigation team!" Zheng Qing guessed that the Robert he was talking about must be the 'noodle' director of the three-pronged sword, Robert Nudd, otherwise it would be impossible for him to promise a high commissioner. Even the establishment of an independent investigative team.

"I'll think about it again," the young teaching assistant said vaguely. He didn't refuse, but he didn't agree either: "Now I just want to graduate safely, and I don't have much energy for the time being... You know, the school's requirements for graduation. Very high, I’m only in second grade..."

"Understood, understood." Wizard Milly stirred the French onion soup in front of him with a spoon, paused, raised his head again, and looked slightly worried: "Well, speaking of energy... Do you feel pressure to supply the Trident Sword? ?" Zheng Qing immediately shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I still have that energy." Just kidding, he would never give up a job worth more than 700 jade coins a month even if he didn't graduate!

Wizard Milli seemed to be slightly relieved: "That's good, that's good... Your rune bombs were delivered a little late last month, and you missed several missions... But your rune bombs are really good and powerful. It’s powerful, has little magic pollution, is easy to use and carry...except that it’s a little more expensive and the quantity is a little less, there are no other shortcomings!”

"The price can't get any cheaper!" Zheng Qing looked at the tall and lanky wizard warily, remembering Su Shijun's reminder after the Qingqiu Mansion reached an agreement: "We have signed a contract... and I need to pay a lot of money to make this kind of talisman." Price!" For example, eat an extra bowl of rice.

He held the bowl and stuffed a big mouthful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

This chapter has been completed!
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