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Chapter 2763 If there are bugs, we must spray them

"Raise your hand?"

Not only Jiang Yu, but also Zheng Qing looked at the black gem cat in surprise, wondering what it was talking about.

The Black Jewel Cat's eyes in reply to the boy were full of disdain - Zheng Qing suddenly felt a subtle emotion, feeling as if he was looking into a funny mirror - the Black Jewel Cat's voice explaining to Jiang Yu came to his ears: "What I mean is

, when Professor Li asked about the weakness of earworms and the effects of secretions... I think you should know... After all, Li Meng often attracts bugs, you must know these things very well. But why didn't you raise your hand?"

"Oh, that."

The witch brushed the long hair hanging around her ears, pinched the black gem cat's neck, put it back on Zheng Qing's shoulder, and looked at the boy and the cat with a smile: "——I said I didn't pay attention to what the professor was saying just now.

,Do you believe?"

The black cat twitched its ears.

Zheng Qing nodded obediently.

Although this explanation sounds very unreasonable, it is indeed the most reasonable explanation. As for what the witch was thinking about just now without listening to the teacher's lecture, and just looking at her smiling expression, Zheng Qing did not have the courage to ask further.

The distance between the teaching building and the Baicao Garden where students often go is not far.

Soon, the low two-story building appeared in the sight of the young wizards.

The thin and dilapidated arched garden gate, the dark house number, the hollow runes on the stone wall and the rolled-up gray wall covering in the corner of the wall, etc. Everything here seems to be frozen in time, and it is the same as Zheng Qing’s impression.

It's usually the same when you first come to Baicao Garden.

"Everyone, hurry up."

Professor Li had already changed into the dragon skin protective clothing. His eyes glanced at the kittens on the shoulders of Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu, then turned to look at the others: "Do you still remember the rules of Baicao Garden?"

"You must listen to the teacher's instructions!"

"Don't move!"

"Listen to the teacher's instructions and don't move!"

The young wizards' chaotic answers obviously did not satisfy the professor. He paused, and after he calmed down, he added: "In addition to these, remember, do not bring magic items that have nothing to do with the garden without permission!"

This reminder is very clear.

Jiang Yu immediately released the clone transformation technique and put the piece of white jade into his pocket.

Just before Zheng Qing took action, the black gem cat jumped up to the big oak tree at the entrance of the garden and screamed: "You go to class, and I will help you drive away the squirrels!"

The screams attracted the attention of many students under the tree.

The originally peaceful squirrels on the oak tree were also chased away by the sudden appearance of the black cat.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, but after all he did not release the clone transformation technique. He turned around and took the incense stick from Xiao Xiao, inserted it into the incense burner in front of the shrine in the gate of Baicao Garden, prayed a few words silently, picked up a cluster of incense ashes, and threw it over his left shoulder.

Then he followed everyone into the garden.

It needs to grow in calcium-based soil after the limestone bloom. It likes wind and sun and is afraid of cold, because it was planted outside the Herb Garden by Uncle Stendhal.

"——This tree looks like a tang tree, with yellow flowers and red fruits. The tang tree tastes a bit like a plum, but has no pit. After eating it, the wizard can temporarily gain the ability to breathe underwater, similar to gills.

It tastes much better than cystic grass... Of course, everyone must pay attention to the risk of suffocation, so don’t eat it just because it tastes good.”

When the professor said the last words, he gave Fatty Xin a warning look.

This made the fat wizard quite unhappy.

"Do I look like the kind of person who eats casually?" he complained angrily to the doctor.

"It's not like..." Zhang Jixin, who was walking on the other side of him, suddenly said three words.

The fat wizard was furious when he heard this.

But it was difficult to touch the red-faced wizard.

Because Professor Li at the front of the team has finished handing over to Uncle Stendhal, the manager of Baicao Garden, the old school worker is standing in front of a snowy forest with a pickaxe.

After the young wizards gradually calmed down, he slowly spoke.

"——The insect you are going to deal with today is called jujube lice. Its scientific name is 'Yingzhou wax scale' and 'Zeba wax scale'. It is a very annoying insect."

The old man Stendhal introduced today's task in a gruff voice: "The nymphs will attach to the leaves of the crab apple, suck the sap, and then secrete waxy excrement to form a hard scale shell, which is fixed on the leaves and

On the branches. It doesn't matter if there are one or two, but this kind of insect has a very strong reproductive capacity. Each female will lay one thousand to five to two thousand eggs at a time. In April and May, which is the season, they begin to hatch.

They are densely attached to the branches, and from a distance it looks like there is snow on the trees..."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and pointed at the gray-white forest behind him.

Only then did Zheng Qing realize that what he thought was snow was actually insect shells. As if aware of the prying eyes of the outside world, the 'white snow' suddenly trembled, and in an instant, pitch-black insect heads popped up.

Against the backdrop of the white scale shells, which looked like eyeballs, a dense sense of fear arose spontaneously, making Zheng Qing shiver involuntarily.

He's not the only one reacting to this.

Almost at the same time as the old school guard finished introducing, the witches in the team took a step back in unison and made extremely slight sounds of disgust. The performance of other wizards was not better. The difference was that some just turned their heads.

They leaned back, and some lowered their eyelids, as if they would not be upset if they could not see.

Perhaps he sensed the disgust of the young wizards.

Uncle Stendhal's eyes paused on Zheng Qing, and suddenly the conversation changed: "——These bugs, everyone has seen them. Professor Qihuang will teach you how to prepare insecticides later. His prescription is very good.

Kulie. If you use his medicine, all the leaves of the S. saponica will fall off, and not a single fruit will be produced this year. So some people don’t agree with using medicine. But everyone knows that if you don’t use this medicine, the insects will

They will gnaw along the bark and into the roots of the tree, and they will also leave eggs in the soil. By next year, these sedge trees will not even be able to grow leaves. Therefore, everyone should not be afraid of difficulties. You still need to spray pesticides when necessary.

...Because the roots are saved, there will be next year...the fruit tree can still bear new fruits next year. If the roots are rotten, there will be no new fruits."

When he said this, the Potions Professor frowned slightly and didn't say anything more. He just stood quietly with his hands folded, seemingly unaware of the slightly confused looks around him.

Including Zheng Qing.

He is no longer the pink freshman he was when he first entered college.

"Why do I think there is something in Stendhal's words?" He whispered quietly into the doctor's ear.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses.

He did not directly answer Zheng Qing's question, but recited a sutra: "Looks come from the heart, circumstances change with the heart, destiny is created by the heart, blessings are brought by oneself... You are watching the scenery on the bridge, and the people watching the scenery are watching upstairs.

That's you."

Zheng Qing hated fortune tellers.

This chapter has been completed!
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