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Chapter 2772 It’s not a sequelae

Luck is often the beginning of misfortune.

This is absolutely true.

In the morning, Zheng Qing was still glad that he did not participate in the Shura field last night and escaped a disaster. However, after just one noon, this luck disappeared quietly like bubbles in the sun.

This is probably what is often called the 'lucky backlash' in mysticism.

"I won't sit down,"

The boy smiled dryly, rejecting the dean's 'kindness', and tried hard to restrain his urge to run away: "Since you have something to do now, I will come back to you later..."

His voice became smaller and smaller.

Because while he was speaking, Jiang Yu had already followed the direction of Lao Yao's finger and sat generously on the sofa, occupying the other half of the space vacated by the big fox.

Zheng Qing swore that from the corner of his eye, he clearly caught a glimpse of Team Leader Jiang flicking a big furry tail as he sat down. However, the movement was fleeting, and the big fox showed no reaction, so that

He suspected that he was dazzled.

"It's all here..."

The professor spoke in a long voice, with a hint of constriction in his tone. He knocked the pipe in his hand and looked at the boy who was standing in a dilemma at the door with a smile. He did not continue to invite him to sit down, but clicked on the big fox:

"She had nothing to do and came to my place to sleep in."

Will the director of the 2D Evolution Laboratory have nothing to do?

Can't she sleep in in her own office?

Zheng Qing resisted the urge to complain.

Unlike him, Jiang Yu didn't have so many worries. Looking at the big fox on the sofa, he asked naturally: "Is the 2D Laboratory closed today?"

"Evolution, evolution. It's a two-dimensional evolutionary laboratory."

The big cyan fox muttered, shook his left ear, and said in a lazy tone: "There is no break in the laboratory. She is busy in the laboratory, and it is not appropriate for me to stay there all the time."

These words almost boiled Zheng Qing's brain dry.

He stroked it several times before he realized it, and his eyes widened immediately: "——Wait, you are also a clone? After transformation? You can also do the clone transformation technique?"

“How fresh!”

The big fox finally couldn't help it, opened his eyes, and looked the boy up and down: "Clone transformation is not a forbidden skill, why can't I know it? After all, I am also a great wizard! In addition, we had such a happy chat last night

,haven’t you ever wondered why foxes can talk?”


Zheng Qing silently reflected on himself.

After staying in the magical world for a long time, it is easy to turn a blind eye to such abnormal things - such as frogs singing and foxes talking - and default to normal.

More importantly, when he saw the fox for the first time last night, he had clearly realized that her color was different from when he first picked it up, but he subconsciously ignored this.

"I thought the ability of the fox tribe in Qingqiu to speak was your talent." Jiang Yu was slightly surprised as she revealed the reason for her misjudgment: "Theoretically, the fox tribe form is your true form!"

"This is a very complex issue."

The big fox yawned widely and replied lazily: "Just like it is difficult for us to distinguish between the true form of the great wizard and the original form, which one is his true form. The fox clan, werewolf clan, blood clan, etc., these Yuexia clans

Just because they can easily master superb transformation skills does not mean that they are the descendants of foxes, wolves and bats..."

"We can't finish this issue this afternoon." Old Yao behind the desk finally made a voice belonging to the owner of this room: "——You two came to see me at noon, what do you want?"

He waved his hand to disperse the smoke in front of him, looked at the boy, and then waved: "Come closer, don't stand so far away... What does it look like to block the door?"

The tone is relaxed.

The attitude is kind.

Only the smile is full of malice.

Zheng Qing didn't squint his eyes, and moved forward stiffly twice, then took a breath, and quickly described his purpose: "During this period, I occasionally have tinnitus -"

The big fox on the sofa raised one ear, opened his squinted eyes slightly, and looked at the boy up and down.

Jiang Yu also moved forward, his body becoming straighter and straighter.

Lao Yao, on the other hand, looked like he was watching the show from beginning to end. Even when the boy mentioned words like 'relevant departments' and 'sequelae', his expression did not become more serious.

Until Zheng Qing shut up.

The dean of Jiuyou College nodded perfunctorily and concluded lightly: "Well, I understand. The conclusion of the school hospital is very correct. There is nothing wrong with your ears. Occasional tinnitus is not a big deal. No need.

I am suspicious and on tenterhooks all day long. Take classes well, eat well, sleep well, it will be more effective than any magic medicine."

"Isn't it a sequelae caused by time change?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but ask.

Lao Yao calmed down his smile slightly and gave a relatively serious answer: "If there are really sequelae of time transformation, they will only be reflected in higher dimensions, rather than through phenomena such as 'tinnitus'... In other words,

Your current body is not strong enough to reflect or bear the sequelae brought about by the concept of time. As for your tinnitus, I don’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, but I know that it has nothing to do with you. So don’t worry.

.That’s it. Remember to lock the door when you leave!”

Before he finished speaking, the owner of the office disappeared from behind the desk without a trace.

Only a faint piece of blue smoke was left, swaying and hovering above the table, lingering there.

"Professor..." Zheng Qing subconsciously stretched out his hand and took a step forward, as if he could catch the other person in this way: "Why does healthy people have tinnitus!"

He was a little annoyed at Lao Yao's half-hiding, half-talking way: "Also, what do you mean by not knowing whether it is good or bad, but knowing that it has nothing to do with me? Don't you think this is contradictory?"

He turned to look at the sofa.

The big cyan fox and the witch both looked at him.

"Who are you? Who are you talking to?" the big fox asked curiously.

Although Jiang Yu didn't speak, his eyes expressed exactly the same meaning.

Zheng Qing finally realized that there were only three people left in the office.

"I, I am," he stammered, glancing at the door unconsciously: "I mean, since the legendary wizard also thinks it's okay, then I'm fine... There are classes in the afternoon, so we won't disturb you.

Now, do you have a good rest?"

With a smile on his face, he moved towards the door of the office.

Jiang Yu stood up silently and followed him.

On the sofa, the big fox yawned for a long time, seemingly indifferent to the boy's little moves, and just wrapped his tail tighter around himself: "——As the old man said, don't be suspicious all day long, scare yourself.

Yourself...no one wants to beat you...The weather is getting drier and drier, so remember to bring some Yunhua oil when you go to Maoguoshu at night!"

This chapter has been completed!
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