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Chapter 2803 Answers to Five Questions

"How to stop time?"

"How to time travel?"

"How to escape time?"

“How can I feel time?”

"How to free up time?"

"——What is this? A brainteaser?"

During dinner, Xiao Xiao looked at the questions on the parchment on Zheng Qing's table, adjusted his glasses with interest, and murmured: "I seem to have seen these questions somewhere."


Zheng Qing's spoon paused slightly in mid-air, and the pile of mashed potatoes hanging on the spoon immediately began to slowly slide downwards under the action of gravity, but he didn't care at all, and couldn't wait to explain: "——

This is the five questions the professor listed on the blackboard before the end of the introduction to Dimensionalism class in the afternoon as our homework. He will ask questions in the next class..."

After saying that, he looked at the short wizard expectantly, hoping that the great doctor could help him solve this problem.

“Are postgraduate homework so arbitrary?”

When the fat wizard who was stuffing a bacon sandwich into his mouth heard this, he raised his head with envy on his face and his voice was a little vague: "I feel like I can answer all the questions you listed with just two words..."

"What two words?" Zheng Qing looked at Xin in surprise, the spoon in his hand still hanging in the air.


The fat wizard poked a piece of boiled broccoli with a fork and threw out these two words: "Magic can stop time, magic can allow time travel, magic can escape time, magic can make you feel time, magic can make you feel time."

It can also free up time...right?"


The mashed potatoes in Zheng Qing's spoon finally became overwhelmed and fell back onto the plate.

"Hmm...that sounds reasonable."

He didn't pay attention to his mashed potatoes, but just looked at Xiao Xiao again, thoughtfully thinking about the fat wizard's answer: "Isn't there a saying in classical magic theory - you are not afraid of excessive waste of magic power, because magic power can always find another one."

A dimension continues to be used, even if it has fallen into a two-dimensional world. As long as the magic power can still flow and take effect, they will eventually be used by the lives of this dimension - it is also very appropriate to replace the subject in this sentence with 'time'


Dr. Xiao Da raised his chin slightly and looked at the two roommates from under the mirror frame.

"The fat man's answer is just like saying 'because he is alive, he is not dead'."

He did not begrudge his disdain at all. He paused and then spoke again: "But after your interruption, I remembered the answers to these questions... 'Kissing can stop time' and reading can make time travel.'

'Music can make people escape time' 'Writing can make people feel time' 'Breathing can release time'... These are the words left by the famous planeswalker Matt Haig in one of his works. I remember this

Mages are best at extending certain wonderful moments through some exquisite magic techniques... But I think your teacher of Introduction to Dimensionalism should not want this answer. Because this answer is too philosophical and has nothing to do with the Dimensionalist School.

Theory has nothing to do with it.”

Zheng Qing nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, he no longer had the worry he had a few minutes ago, because now he could write at least two different answers on the parchment to hand in his homework.

He scooped up another pile of mashed potatoes with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Is it possible that it has something to do with dimension expansion?"

He thought about the content of the next class and the painting in today's class, and briefly described it to his classmates: "... In short, according to the book, 'symbols can expand in the spatial dimension, but sound can only

Expand in the time dimension. For example, for an alchemy war puppet, its two-dimensional expansion diagram can refer to the 'magic projection'..."


The fat wizard suddenly interrupted and gave Zheng Qing a better reference: "The design drawings of an alchemy doll may require several kilograms or even tons of parchment. In a sense, those drawings are the dimension reduction of the alchemy doll.

What it will look like afterwards.”

Xiao Xiao nodded, then shook his head.

"The answers to Brother Zha's questions should indeed be related to the expansion of dimensions."

He first confirmed Zheng Qing's guess, and then analyzed it very slowly: "——Compared to the three dimensions of space, the dimension of time is very lofty, just like the passing of time, never giving up day and night. A great wizard who is involved in the field of time for the first time

, it is very difficult to understand the true meaning of time in one go, so our normal approach is to use the 'jade from other mountains'... Just like a wizard with low divination talent learning trend divination, he can start by drawing a line chart.



A flash of lightning flashed across Zheng Qing's mind, and he suddenly said: "Expand the time dimension from the direction of speed! I remember a saying - if there is no upper limit to speed, time is meaningless - so speed can escape time!"


Xiao Xiao made a dull snap of his fingers, and at the same time gave another direction: "Wizards with insufficient talent who want to understand the dimension of time can also start from the simplest part - memory. The dimension of consciousness

Intersecting with the dimension of time, a famous virtual dimension will be born. This virtual dimension is the time experienced by the memory owner. In this way, time is materialized, allowing the wizard to truly get involved in the truth, ferry in the long river of time, and let go of the first time.

A piece of wood."

"So 'memory' is the answer to which question?"

The fat wizard looked around with interest: "Can memory travel through time? Memory can feel time? Memory can stop time?... Hiss... I suddenly feel that this answer is more appropriate than magic power."

"That's because memory is a ferry that watches the long river of time."

A slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded, startling the three young wizards. Zheng Qing tilted his head and looked to the side, but saw nothing. On the contrary, Xiao Xiao and Xin stared at Zheng Qing's ears and looked at each other.

Looks like a ghost.



The two people stood in front of each other, speechless.

Zheng Qing suddenly realized who was speaking - it's not his fault. Compared with last night, the little green dragon seemed to be a little bigger today. Although it could still be hung on his ears through the transformation technique, the color was smaller than last night.

It was much deeper before - and at the same time, he was also surprised that this big boss was willing to participate in a few young people's chat.

Xiao Xiao also came back to his senses at this time and looked at Zheng Qing inquiringly.

Zheng Qing nodded imperceptibly.

"...Memory is the basic dimension that constructs consciousness, or the soul. Its status in dimensional theory is no lower than time. If you use it to interpret the time dimension, you will naturally fall into a dilemma similar to using magic to interpret it."

The little cyan dragon didn't know what he thought of, and he was quite talkative at this time: "——But you can use several 'sub-dimensions' of 'memory' to answer this question. For example, recall can stop time, recall can allow time travel, and amnesia can

Escape from time, remember time to feel it...and, hey, gains and losses can release time."

Zheng Qing understood the first few sentences, but he chewed the last sentence several times without comprehending its meaning.

"What is profit and loss?" Xiao Xiao was obviously more curious about this than him.

"Profit and loss is not memory, it is a cross-dimensional concept." The green dragon's voice became lazy again: "——Under the constraints, the total amount of everyone's time is certain, as long as you know how to use other people's time, then

You can free up your own time. This process is 'profit and loss'."

So, it's just complaining that it's 'profiting and losing' everyone's time?

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes in his heart.

I have a new understanding of this stingy guy.

This chapter has been completed!
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