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Chapter 2810 Memory suppresses the sensitivity of consciousness

Zheng Qing is very insensitive to time.

Part of the reason is that he is really busy and often ignores the passage of time; part of the reason is that he has really been 'dead', so he is indifferent to the most deterrent consequences of time; and part of the reason is that he often turns into a cat and wanders around.

, it is easy to confuse the time difference between cats and people; finally, and the most direct reason should be attributed to the time turner. Wizards who have been wandering on the timeline for a long time will become desensitized to time. This has been certified by the alliance's internal authority.

Therefore, when he heard that he had been in that room for three hours, he was just stunned, and he naturally forgot about the time difference.

"so what?"

The boy walked slowly in the night with his hands behind his back, wondering: "I stayed in there for three hours, and it feels like I stayed for three minutes... What does this have to do with the sensitivity test?"

The cyan dragon obviously didn't expect the boy's attitude to be so bland. He paused for a moment before speaking again in a depressed tone.

"Because memory suppresses the sensitivity of consciousness."

It considered the words and tried to explain this sentence with words that boys could understand: "Do you still remember what I said to you before? 'Memory is the door to the long river of time' - perhaps to prevent too many outstanding talents.

Wizards and even mortals covet it and disturb the order of the long river of time. Nature, or those beings on the long river of time, have derived a law called 'forgetting': this law selectively erases the relationship between individuals and

The historical memory of the group will be stored in everyone's mind, and the 'memory' that should have been continuous is broken into discontinuous virtual dimensions to prevent highly inspired individuals or groups from having too much exposure to the essence of time through that door."

These words are very similar to the definition of physics that Zheng Qing learned in high school.

He chewed over it in his mind for a while before he figured out the meaning.

The little cyan dragon paused for a long time very considerately. It wasn't until Zheng Qing made a large circle around the lawn at the foot of the dormitory hill that it slowly spoke again: "——Of course, from another perspective, too much

Excessive memory will put a heavy burden on the brain and consciousness, making thinking slow. Releasing some redundant memories will provide more space for thinking and reduce the pressure on the neural network. This is an important way to maintain the sensitivity of consciousness.

Let’s use two analogies.

For example, if there are two houses, your consciousness is the dog running around in the room. A spacious house can keep the dog active, while a narrow house can make the dog depressed, sick, or even commit suicide.

Another example is a computer - you know computers, right? - if the machine's hard disk stores too much information, it will make it difficult to retrieve the information, slow down the operation, and even crash.

Regarding the content of 'consciousness sensitivity', I remember that there was a wizard named William James from First University who wrote a book "The Stream of Consciousness Link", which explained the relationship between the "innocent heart" and "memory sensitivity" from the perspective of dimensional theory.

The relationship and viewpoint are very interesting. If you have time, you can go to the library to look for it.”

Zheng Qing's acceptance of this content was obviously faster than the previous time.

After only a short circle around the grass, he spoke.

"Do you know what the big project of Fringe College is?" There is a big gap between this question and the topic just discussed, and it seems a bit abrupt.


A little electric spark exploded at the tip of the little green snake's tail, and then hit Zheng Qing's neck. It felt like being pricked by a fine needle.

"I just have a high status, and I'm not really that guy. How could I know such a secret thing!"

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in its tone, and it replied angrily: "——Please understand, it has not been a week since I broke out of my shell! My magic power has barely touched the threshold of registered wizard... How can you

Do you expect me to know about a big project that a group of legends started executing months ago?”

"Don't you know about computers?"

"I also know the five major exceptions to Ganpu's basic law of transformation! Can this kind of thing be the same? Well, wait, you ask...do you know something?"

Zheng Qing did not answer this question directly.

"I remember it was said in the book that emotion is the inevitable result of any complex system."

The young teaching assistant rubbed the haha ​​bead on his wrist, searched his slightly poor magic theory vocabulary in his mind, and tried to piece together the inspiration he had just come up with: "——Ordinary alchemy puppets, fish wizards can only have simple exchanges with each other.

Interaction cannot derive more complex emotions, so they are called 'tool people'... And if the cognitive ability and thinking ability of tool people are improved, they can also have functions similar to 'emotions'..."

"What do you want to say?" The little cyan dragon poked him impatiently with the tip of its tail.

"I've been thinking about the test just now. Alex has been using two words to describe it - resonance and matching. If you simply test the sensitivity of consciousness, it doesn't necessarily need to be so troublesome... I mean, since

If we can use specific spells to help the tool person derive consciousness, then we should also be able to use specific spells to replace the tool person's consciousness."

"Sounds a bit like seizing a body? My child, don't go astray! I don't want to be forced to follow you and be hunted down by the Alliance before I grow up..."

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes silently and ignored the cyan dragon's noise.

He also felt that Fringe Academy would not embark on a big project that would approach black magic infinitely, but considering that the North District wizard's initial method was very similar to sacrificial magic, he suddenly became less confident in his own feelings.

"What is that kid doing? Why don't you go back to the dormitory?"

"have no idea."

"Didn't you just send him off?"

"I don't know." Zhang Yu repeated his previous answer.

Hilda glanced at her captain with a slightly speechless look, then turned to Zheng Qing, who seemed to be planning to go around for the third time, and suddenly felt a little angry: "...Does he know that wandering around in an open place at night?

Are you easily attacked by dark wizards? Did you know that tomorrow is Monday? It’s really not worry-free at all!”

"This is our job."

The leader of the teaching assistant team finally couldn't ignore the noise in his ears. He glanced at the time: "If you hold on for another seventy-one minutes, the shift changer from the school working committee will come... I've been busy at Fringe College these two days.

That project, without paying attention, will the Silent Forest be as quiet as last week this weekend?”

Hearing the latter question, Hilda's expression became slightly more serious.

"No abnormal death phenomenon has been detected." After he answered briefly, he hesitated and shook his head: "But we are not sure whether it is the crows who have started to keep a low profile, or whether the magical races in the forest have become more vigilant after receiving our warning..."

"It's also possible that he's full." Zhang Yu's eyes were cold and he gave another possibility in a very soft voice: "Like a fire dragon, if you have a full stomach, you won't leave the magma lake all winter."

This chapter has been completed!
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