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Chapter 2819 Mission Objective

"Resonance warning!"

"Resonance warning!"

"The resonance level of qualified people is less than 60%! The resonance level of qualified people is less than 60%! Please adjust your mental state quickly, maintain neural links, and avoid magic backlash!"

"Resonance warning..."

"The review has been passed and moderate spiritual guidance is allowed!"

"who I am?"

"You are Zheng Qing."

"Who is Zheng Qing?"

"Zheng Qing is a wizard."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Edge Seven."

"Who is Edge Seven?"

"Edge Number Seven...Edge Number Seven...Edge Number Seven is Zheng Qing!"

"Zheng Qing is Edge No. 7?"

"No, Zheng Qing is Zheng Qing - Margin No. 7 is Zheng Qing, but Zheng Qing is not Margin No. 7!"

After hearing this answer, the young wizard's consciousness finally got rid of the chaos earlier and gradually returned to calm. He tentatively continued to ask in his heart: "Why am I here?"

"You are participating in the special security project of the First University's Edge College. The qualified candidates are assessed. The assessment method is to control the Edge-1 experimental body "Edge 7" and hunt the designated mission targets."

“What is Borderline 1?”

"A basic special combat experimental body jointly developed by the Edge College of First University, with the participation of Duzem Alchemy Laboratory and other key laboratories, based on the principle of magic prosthetics and the law of projection, to make up for the foundation of the Edge College

Combat power. Qualified persons who meet the requirements can possess combat capabilities far exceeding those of the original body by manipulating the relevant test subjects..."

"——The resonance of Edge No. 7 has returned to the 60% safety level and can be restarted... Edge No. 7 starts normally, the status is normal, the monitoring is normal, and the magic circuit flows normally."

"——The qualified candidate No. 7 is being re-matched! Synchronization status update! The synchronization rate is five percent, ten percent, fifteen percent... fifty-nine percent, sixty percent, one hundred percent

Sixty, sixty percent...the resonance is stable!"

"——Physical function assessment of qualified candidates: Excellent."

"——Stability assessment of qualified person's magic power: Excellent."

"——Evaluation of the mental state of qualified candidates: mild delirium and delusions, which do not affect cognition, and are judged to be qualified."

"——The neural connections of qualified candidates are stable and there is no rejection reaction."

The huge light screen in the monitoring hall flashed across the images of Edge No. 7 and its qualified candidates, and green marks flashed one after another in the data falling like a waterfall.

"Evaluation conclusion, release allowed."


The heavy drain valve rotates rapidly under the power of magic.

The light green nutrient solution surged out like waste water along the water outlet of the bilge. The huge glass cover looked like a blooming piranha, opening its wide transparent petals to reveal a huge monster standing hunched in the center.

It is about seven meters tall, has a slender body, an insect-like face, a mouth that opens and closes to both sides, thick hind limbs, and four fingers on its front paws, three of which are on the open side, and an additional finger is hidden at the wrist.

Its skull, elbows, crotch and other parts are covered with a hard and smooth carapace. The shell is covered with light green, vaguely shaped magic patterns. As it moves, streams of light flash across those magic patterns, showing that they are not flashy.

decorative patterns.

Trailing behind it was a long, lizard-like tail, as flexible as an arm, almost as long as its height, and the tip of its tail shone with a frightening cold light.

There is also a flame-shaped ring imprinted on its forehead, with the Chinese character "seven" in seal script engraved in the center of the ring, representing its identity.

All in all, apart from having four limbs and a slightly humanoid shape, it bears no resemblance to a normal wizard.

As the water level of the nutrient solution dropped rapidly, the pipes connected to the monster's body were disconnected one after another. When the last drop of nutrient solution disappeared into the smooth bilge, the monster's eyelids began to tremble violently.

However, it hasn't fully opened its eyes yet.

The magic nodes on the star array covering the entire test cabin lit up one after another, and surging magic poured in from all directions, like sea water pouring in, completely submerging it in an instant.

The whole process only lasted a few seconds.

When the blooming magic light disappeared, the monster originally standing in the test chamber had disappeared, leaving only an empty round platform and two wet paw prints in the center of the platform, recording traces of its past existence.



'Zheng Qing' squatted by the pool, looking at the ugly reflection in the calm water. Many thoughts flashed through his mind. Some of these thoughts were his own, and some were of this body. They were like the yin and yang poles of electric charges, intersecting with each other.

At the moment of collision, sparks burst out in the sky above his sea of ​​consciousness, igniting the depression accumulated in his heart.

The tail behind him, driven by the burst of gloomy energy, flicked unconsciously and cut off the thick soul-returning Yang next to him.

He turned around and looked at the stubble on the tree stump, unable to hide the irritability in his heart.

It's not because he has an extra tail - after all, he has been turning into a cat for a long time, and he often drags a tail around the campus, so that sometimes he feels uncomfortable without a tail.

The problem was that the monster with a long tail reflected in the water was so ugly that it was difficult for him to accept that he looked like this.

"——Zizzi——Zilala——Call 'Edge Seven' - Command calls 'Edge Seven' - Please answer if you receive it! Edge Seven, please answer if you receive it!"

A sizzling sound suddenly sounded in his ears. At first, the sound was very small, as if it was just an illusion of tinnitus, but soon, the sound changed from intermittent to continuous, and became increasingly clear.

Zheng Qing looked around warily.

The silent forest in the middle of the night should have been very lively, but due to the arrival of his uninvited guest, there was no sound within a few miles. Not only the hunters who preyed on the night had restrained their breath, but also the insects in the gaps between the bushes and stones.

He also shut up and remained absolutely quiet.

Perhaps only the breeze passing through the forest is still unknown, playing happily on the branches.

"Edge No. 7, please reply when you receive it."

The patient voice came to my ears again.

Zheng Qing tried to reply from the bottom of his heart: "Received."

This thought did not bring about any change. He could still hear the repeated call: "——Edge No. 7, please answer after receiving it."

"Copy that!" This time, he chose to speak. The harsh sound was like two iron blocks rubbing against each other. The horizontal opening and closing of the mouthparts did not make him feel any inconvenience at all, as if his mouth was born with such a long mouth.

The calling finally stopped.

A moment later, the call rang again: "Mission No. 7 on the Edge: Hunt an ancient giant that accidentally broke into the Centaur hunting ground. Introduction to the target... Target location... Security code..."

This chapter has been completed!
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