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Chapter 2821 A peaceful ending

There were no accidents in the qualifying test on Friday night.

The experimental subject Edge No. 7 controlled by Zheng Qing did not lose control, the ancient leather giant he was responsible for hunting did not mutate, and some eyeless crows did not emerge from the depths of the Silent Forest.

It’s a very plain ‘departure-hunting-return’ process.

So when Zheng Qing's consciousness left the experimental subject and returned to reality, leaving the resonance room in a daze and lying on the physical examination chair next door, he felt an inexplicable sense of emptiness and loss.

"...Is this the end?"

A few minutes later, he looked at the experimental report that Alex handed him, still with a bit of disbelief - because even the physical examination was unusually dull, the dark-skinned wizard just held a slender metal rod and

He poked it casually a few times, quickly sketched it on the form, and asked him to sign it.

Alex looked up in confusion and glanced at the young assistant coach.

"Any questions?"

Zheng Qing choked up at this very reasonable rhetorical question.


Any questions?

Of course, it doesn't happen to others, but to him - it's not that he's belittling himself, it's simply because he has too many dark histories. For example, when he encountered a banshee hijacking his plane for the first time when he traveled far away; when he casually participated in a school hunting competition, he encountered the roar of a wild dragon;

Following the night training of his own hunting team, he accidentally seriously injured a popular student from the college next door; he was accidentally dragged into the black prison while playing soy sauce in the school, and then smashed the school's tightly protected inner fortress of the black prison with a stick.

Complete a project safely and smoothly?

It’s simply too problematic!

Of course, he couldn't talk about these words to the wizard in front of him who was not very familiar with him.

"No... no problem."

Zheng Qing stuttered, and after shaking his head quickly, a question actually popped up: "I mean, what exactly is being tested in this assessment?"

"Assess your adaptability to the experimental subject and the stability of your resonance under combat conditions."

The dark-skinned wizard lowered his head and focused on the experimental report in front of him, leaving only the boy with a bare head: "In short, the former tests your ability to control the experimental subject to walk, jump, squat, stand up, and run.

For basic actions such as fighting, the latter monitors the fluctuations in your resonance during the process."

Zheng Qing immediately remembered some of the data he had just glimpsed when he signed, and suddenly became a little embarrassed: "Well, my resonance level doesn't seem to be high...can I pass the assessment?"

"It's a good thing it's not high."

Alex flipped through the data, looked up at the boy in surprise, and muttered: "It's always maintained at 60%? No wonder they asked you to retest the resonance before... Once you get this data, I

I think the project team might let you take another qualification assessment."

Noticing that Zheng Qing also had a confused look on his face, he shook his head and continued to sketch on the experimental report. At the same time, he explained smoothly: "——As I told you before, a match that is too high can easily get out of control or encounter problems.

We call it the risk of 'Taoism'; the matching degree is too low to resonate with the experimental subject, and the qualified person cannot even control the experimental subject to complete basic test actions. In a combat state, your resonance will be affected by mental

Drastic changes occur due to state changes - I mean under normal circumstances, most people will change - do you know the Nordic berserkers? During the battle, they will gradually lose control because their violent blood is stimulated. Although it is short-lived,

The combat effectiveness is greatly improved within a short period of time, but the backlash after the battle is also very strong, and severe cases may even cause death."

When he said the last sentence, he raised his head again, glanced at Zheng Qing meaningfully, and added: "I think based on the stability of your resonance, there is a high probability that it will become a real..."

His words ended abruptly.

It's obviously not voluntary.

Because when he swallowed the last consonant of the last word, he raised his hand and touched his neck, and his face suddenly turned brown. For a dark-skinned wizard, this expression was equivalent to "pale" - this was a lot of silence.

A warning reminder will appear in every contract, causing the wizard to have a suffocating reaction to remind him not to cross the line.

Zheng Qing felt itchy in his heart because of the 'real one'.

But he wisely did not continue to ask, but pretended not to see the dark-skinned wizard's embarrassment, and naturally asked another question: "——I remember that this project is led by the Fringe Academy?"

"Yeah." The dark-skinned wizard replied in a muffled voice, lacking in interest.

"But I heard that several other wizards who have become qualified are older than me, and either have special talents, are senior registered wizards, or even great wizards." He tried to understand the paradox of this matter.

Department: "If this project is to support the basic combat capabilities of Fringe College, why don't the identities of those of us who are qualified sound like we are not from Fringe College?"

The dark-skinned wizard glanced at him in surprise.

"You know a lot." He muttered, without answering the question directly, but vaguely pointed out Zheng Qing's other identity: "If the information shows that there are no errors, you are a teacher at Fringe College, right?


"The foundation of Fringe College is too shallow."

Colma sat behind the bar of Sakura Tavern and said this with a smile, while raising the Kraken Rum in her hand: "——Are you sure you don't want some?"

The black gem cat squatted on the bar and dropped its tail in displeasure.

"I'm just a stone. Ingesting alcohol will only make my body fragile...and there are so many pigments in Siren Rum that it will tarnish my pure black color!"

It was already Saturday noon.

When he returned to the dormitory last night, Zheng Qing finally failed to suppress the curiosity in his heart and simply recalled the black gem cat and asked him to go to the North District of Beta Town to meet Senior Sister Kolma to see if he could find out any inside information.

It's just that the Black Jewel Cat stayed at the Sakura Tavern all night and didn't see the Great Sage of the North District.

It wasn't until noon the next day, when she was lying on the bar and asleep, that Colma returned to her Gini cabin. She seemed a little surprised by the arrival of the black gem cat.

Because Zheng Qing hasn't been to her tavern for a long time since the incident at the Forbidden Demon Festival.

Therefore, she happily gave the answer to the question brought by the Black Jewel Cat: "——The test drive you are participating in is a 'basic' experimental body. The purpose is to verify whether the relevant theories are correct. Therefore, it includes the initial batch of suitable

We are very inclusive in the selection of qualified candidates - only with enough rich materials can we verify various possibilities."

As she spoke, she raised the wine bottle in her hand towards the black gem cat and took a big gulp.

The light blue wine stained her red lips, shining with strange colors.

This chapter has been completed!
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