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Chapter 207 David's Key

 It's ten o'clock on Tuesday morning.

It was quiet in the classroom in Room 1001, East Annex of the Bishop Building.

All the students sat quietly in their seats, carefully looking at the thin divination professor on the podium with their peripheral vision.

Although this is not the first time that students in Astronomy Class 08-1 have been deducted credits by their teachers in class.

But this is the first time that a publicly funded student in Astronomy Class 08-1 has been deducted points by a professor in class.

Professor Yi's simple words broke a certain layer of mysterious halo surrounding public-funded students.

This is surprising to many people.

You know, at Jiuyou College, which pays attention to test scores, professors always give preferential treatment to students with excellent grades in one way or another - everyone thinks it is natural, and almost no one thinks this is a form of discrimination.

And now, the professor uses his power to make a strong statement about his authority in the classroom.

Zheng Qing buried his head in the textbook and tried to reduce his sense of existence.

If students were not prohibited from wearing hoods in the classroom, he would even want to cover his entire head tightly.

He bet that his ears were so red that they were about to smoke.

Professor Yi seems to be very satisfied with his control over classroom discipline.

He cleared his throat, took a sip of tea, and gave the elf school manager a thumbs up with satisfaction.

"Before you continue to understand the divination system in depth, you still have a little preparation work to do."

Professor Yi flipped through the lecture notes and clicked on the desk with his fingers, attracting everyone's attention.

Zheng Qing lowered his head and did not raise his head.

He made up his mind that from now on, he would never speak again in Professor Yi Jiazi's class.

Don't answer questions.

No more doubts.

He grabbed the pen fiercely and took notes through gritted teeth. Every word he wrote was soaked in his anger. The strength of each stroke could poke seven or eight holes in the 'big horse monkey' on the podium.

"Before you try to use magic to seize other people's information, you need to consider the backlash of the river of destiny in advance. After all, every wave in that river represents the most brilliant glory of a life."

"No one can desecrate this brilliance casually."

"If it can be said that before the official establishment of First University, disciplines such as potions, magic texts, talismans, alchemy, etc. that have been accumulated through experience have already developed to a certain extent, then prophecy magic, which is in sharp contrast to it, is still stuck in the ancient times.

In the age of chaos, wizards can only rely on their talent and intuition to get a glimpse of destiny."

"The only obstacle to the development of this discipline is divine punishment."

"…And I saw a great earthquake on the earth. The sun became black as wool, and the full moon became as red as blood. And the stars in the sky fell to the earth, just as a fig tree drops its unripe fruit when it is shaken by a strong wind. And the heavens were moved away, like a scroll being covered.

Rolled up, the mountains and islands were moved away from their original places..."

This horrific description made everyone restless. Although the power of divination is objective, there is no reason to offend the omnipresent Gaia for the sake of things that are invisible and intangible.

Professor Yi changed the topic and his tone became much lighter:

"Thankfully, you live in a new century."

"After the establishment of the First University, countless great wizards put aside their past grievances, exchanged experiences with each other, and successfully obtained the 'Key of David', unlocking the shackles of fate stuck on the wizard's neck and breaking through the eternal fog."

"That which is holy and true has the key of David; if it is opened, no one can shut it; if it is closed, no one can open it."

He said the last sentence so cheerfully that Zheng Qing couldn't help but raise his head and glance at this 'little old man'.

More people craned their necks, trying to see clearly what the 'Key of David' held by Professor Yi was.

"This is the 'key'."

Professor Yi raised his hand high and held a polished wooden bead between his fingers.

"This key is mine."

"Everyone should look for the key that truly suits their own heart... Everyone is bound by the shackles of fate. The chain around your neck cannot be opened by just any key."

"Some people may ask, how to use this key?"

Professor Yi opened his eyes wide, scanning everyone's faces with questioning eyes, and finally pointed to classmate Liu Feifei, who was sitting in the middle of the first row of the classroom.

"Medium, Professor." The chief student of Jiuyou Academy explained softly: "When using magic to extract information from others, you need certain media from the person being divined. For example, hair, clothes and other items that contain the breath of the host.

, of course, the most media is blood. And these 'keys' are tools used to carry the media."

"It's perfect." The professor nodded with satisfaction, swung the yellow bamboo whip in his hand vigorously, and made a sizzling sound in the air: "One extra point for classmate Liu Feifei... you deserve it."

The head girl sat down shyly.

Zheng Qing's mood became increasingly depressed.

"As Liu Feifei just mentioned, only by finding your own 'key' can you avoid divine punishment and accurately depict the information contained in those media through magic."

"So, where is the key?"

"Keys are everywhere."

"The 'key' you use in divination can be anything in this world."

"Such as a roasted black bone, a dead leaf, a flower, even a piece of cotton thread, a piece of broken porcelain, anything. I remember there was once a great fortune teller whose key was a ball of cow dung rolled out by a dung beetle.


A few chuckles rang out in the classroom, and then quickly disappeared under the professor's patrolling eyes.

Even Fatty Xin, who always liked to complain, bulged his mouth and looked at the professor seriously, without any urge to speak.

Professor Yi nodded with satisfaction.

"Looking for your key... This is the first and most difficult step in divination."

"Because the world is so vast, who can find the object that suits his or her own mind among all things? Some divination apprentices spend their entire lives unable to find the key that suits their abilities."

Many people showed embarrassed expressions.

For these college students living in ivory towers, trying to find their own keys all over the world is as impossible as sifting out a special grain of sand in the desert or extracting a special drop of water from the ocean.

Not only do I have no time, I also don’t have the ability.

"But this is also your advantage!" Professor Yi held his head high and his eyebrows raised high, as if he wanted everyone to remember this moment.

"Where is this?"

"Number One University!"

"who I am?"

"Your Divination Professor!"

He asked and answered himself, and the tail of the bamboo whip in his hand slammed hard on the lectern, making a "dong dong" sound, and the bamboo tip trembled, appearing very excited:

"As your professor!"

"As the professor of your divination class!"

"I know your names and have given you three divination classes. If it's not enough to tell you something, then it's simply a shame for First University!"

Having said this, he put down the bamboo whip in his hand, picked up the water cup, and drank several large gulps.

When the professor spoke again, he was no longer so excited and his tone was much calmer:

"Just like my former divination teacher, he would always take a brief look at his students and do calculations, not only to surprise you, but also to make us feel at ease."

"Now... each of you will take turns to come to the podium, and I will tell everyone what your 'key' is."

Liu Feifei raised her hands high.

It almost hit Professor Yi in the face.

"Is there any problem?" The professor looked at her gently.

"I remember you said," the female chief stood up and asked uneasily: "Divination has backlash... The textbook also says, 'There are risks in divination, and you need to be cautious in divination'... You are doing divination for so many people.

,Is it okay?"

The professor smiled movedly and blew his nose vigorously.

"Oh, as I mentioned before, you must be careful when touching the thread of fate." He shook his skinny fingers, his eyes sparkling: "But you also need to look at the target."

"If you try to peek at the dim imprint of our great old principal hidden in the river of destiny, you are likely to be killed by his unconscious backlash."

"However, if I, as a professor, simply see what supports you will use in the next class and give you some hints, I will probably sneeze at most."

A few words of understatement made everyone look at this harsh professor in awe.

Even Zheng Qing is no exception.

In the sunlight, his short and thin figure seemed to have suddenly grown much taller.

This chapter has been completed!
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