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Chapter 211 Why not exchange ideas

"When you study magic text, you must first understand what magic text is."

Standing on the podium, Professor Emma first set the tone of this class:

"In the previous lessons, you have briefly understood the origin, development and current situation of the magic text; you have known how to use the magic text under what circumstances; you have seen the astronomical communication between me and a devil elder, and finally reached an agreement."

When Zheng Qing heard this, he tried hard to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

Reach a consensus?

As soon as the big devil opened the magic door and poked his head out, Professor Emma's spell cut off his head and blocked the door again.

Then that poor head was bombarded with random spells. From the neck to the ends of the hair, from the eyelids to the nose hairs, everything was sealed with colorful spells.

Only then did the professor start to talk about astronomy to this strange visitor in a pleasant manner.

The big devil who could turn the hell upside down faced this terrible old witch and fully demonstrated to the young wizards in the classroom what it means to endure hardships, be able to bend and stretch, endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens, and be tenacious and unyielding.

Professor Emma answered all questions and responded to every request, which made Zheng Qing very suspicious. If it weren't for the fact that its tail was locked at the other end of the magic circle, it would definitely be able to demonstrate to every student how to make a Haba ghost.


"In this lesson, we return to the source and start from the foundation of the birth of magic text."

Perhaps the atmosphere in the classroom was a little strange. Professor Emma increased her tone and asked everyone a question:

"Who can tell me what words are?"

Zheng Qing sat upright, frowning and thinking.

This is a very big topic.

Slowly, people in the classroom began to raise their hands.

Fatty Xin’s chubby elbows defied all expectations and occupied the most conspicuous place.

The professor was extremely appreciative of this positive attitude. He nodded and signaled Fatty Xin to answer the question.

"Writing is a system of symbols used to record language. It is a product of human civilization that has developed to a certain extent." Fatty Xin's attitude was serious, without his usual playful smile. He looked quite the same: "It can be understood that in an agreed system

Below, a symbol with an agreed form and an agreed meaning. Modern analysis believes that the main development direction of writing is to represent phonetics and meaning."

"That's about it for mundane words." Ms. Emma adjusted the huge black frame on her face, nodded, and did not show any surprise: "But, for magic words, words are everything! It's magic.

The basis of inheritance! Magic scripts not only include fixed forms, fixed meanings, and fixed combinations, but also include other characteristics... We will gradually come into contact with them in subsequent courses. Except for one thing, magic scripts have only one development direction."

"Second question, what words do mortals use?"

Zheng Qing felt that it was necessary to restore his position in the heart of this loving boss, so he quickly raised his hand. Ms. Emma flipped through the roster and nodded.

"It should be the two categories of pinyin characters and hieroglyphics." Feeling the stern gaze on the podium, Zheng Qing was a little nervous and tried his best to search for the scattered knowledge in his mind:

"One type of writing is directly related to the meaning, stipulating the meaning represented by the text. When there is a new meaning that needs to be expressed, a new text is created through the title; the other type is gradually developed through the connection between meaning and symbols... It should be like

Just like the two directions that classmate Xin mentioned just now."

"The expression is very complicated... but the general meaning is understandable." Ms. Emma frowned, clapped the thick handout in her hand, and concluded: "It's just like what the two classmates above said."

"Human pronunciation is limited. It can be summarized into dozens of phonemes. Each phoneme is represented by a symbol, and then the meaning is expressed through phoneme combinations. This is the simplest language system, just like the vulgar Latin system, because it is simple

, so it is the choice of many secondary civilizations.”

"Or by constructing symbols, each scene has a symbolic representation, giving this symbol a combination of phonemes, and then expressing the meaning. This is relatively complicated. Only the initial civilization can develop this kind of language. Now in Baiding's world, only China has

Relevant inheritance.”

"But the above mentioned are all mortal languages ​​and writing systems. For wizards, these concepts only have certain reference significance."

"Magic writing is the text that communicates the source of magic. It is another name for the high-level universal language of the universe. In the modern wizarding world, it is commonly known as 'Tianwen', which means the writing of the sky."

"Compared with ordinary writing, magic writing has two characteristics."

"First, symbols. There are only 365 symbols in the magic text. Each one is unique, a combination of thoughts with complex lines and three-dimensional structure. In other words, you are not strong enough and you cannot even condense the magic text!"

"Second, communication. The pronunciation of each magic text must be expressed by combining the vibration of the vocal cords, the trembling of the spirit and the image projected by the sight. If you do not have the talent of a wizard, you will naturally be insulated from this profound language.


"Many students will say during their studies that we can communicate with other beings very simply through 'heart language' or 'thoughts', etc. Why do we need to learn such a cumbersome, complicated, and even seemingly outdated language?


Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly.

This was also a very curious question for him.

For wizards, strong mental power ensures their ability to communicate with each other using only their thoughts. This simple method can be used even when communicating with strange races.

There is absolutely no need to go to the trouble of learning such a complicated and awkward magic text.

"Simply put, it's about protecting ourselves."

"Communication of ideas is a very simple thing for many people."

"You only need a very simple foundation of spells to explore the secrets of other people's hearts through the thoughts linked to them. But on the contrary, even if you have a very powerful ability, it is difficult to prevent others from prying into your spirit. So, go out

When communicating, you must learn to protect your thinking anytime and anywhere!”

"A wizard can have no arms and legs, no eyes, no ears."

"But a wizard can't live without a brain."

"Our thoughts are our most valuable asset... They are our only evidence of independence from this world."

"Any attempt to influence your thinking can be regarded as a 'blatant invasion'."

"So no matter how hard we take precautions, it's not too much for our minds."

“Thinking, thinking, dimensions of thinking, dimensions of consciousness.”

"Compared with the dimension of time and space, this dimension is more secret... but has a closer relationship with us."

"Since the rise of the Dimensionists, any category related to dimensions has been reinterpreted by wizards... According to the theory of this sect, the interference of thinking in other dimensions is the fundamental source of wizards' power. This further emphasizes our understanding of '

Think’ safety concerns.”

"Finally, the magic text can communicate with the mysterious energy existing in the universe through various vibrations. Compared with the original long spells, you only need one, or even half, or one-third of the magic text characters to complete the chant.

.In many cases, this is a very obvious advantage."

"In short, whether you are protecting yourself or others, magic writing is a very effective method."

"I hope!" Professor Emma paused heavily on the heavy handout in her hand, and everyone in the classroom was excited.

"After one school year of study, each student will be able to master twenty magic texts, a fraction of the 365 standard characters! Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" The young wizards were full of energy and confidence.

This chapter has been completed!
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