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Chapter 79 Who is the right hunter

 Contrary to the schedule of most students at First University, as a creature under the moon, Dylan often goes out to class at night and spends most of the day lying in his dark coffin.

On the one hand, this reflects the humane side of school management; on the other hand, it is also a last resort choice for non-pure-blood moon creatures: compared with their pure-blood cousins, their resistance to sunlight is obviously worse.

Of course, this does not mean that they cannot walk in the sun. Dylan can also run, jump and perform magic under the scorching sun. It is just that the sun is more likely to make him feel tired and make it difficult to concentrate. For students who need to consume a lot of mental energy every day

, this state is obviously not suitable for learning.

On the contrary, pure-blooded Yunxia beings—mainly those descendants of the ancient Yunxia clan—prefer to attend classes, rest, and use a normal schedule with other ordinary young wizards.

For example, Matthew Cullen from Astronomy Class 08-1, and Thomas Taylor from Alpha College. The negative impact of sunlight on them has been minimal. In their perception, they are just nobles with rarer blood and higher status.


403 Dormitory.

When Bluebird recommended Dylan to everyone as a hunter, it immediately aroused widespread resonance.

With keen senses, agility, and extraordinary knowledge—is there any person more suitable to search for the location of the demon?

"The only question is whether he can accept this appointment... to train with us." Fatty Xin hugged the cat and stroked it twice worriedly.

"This is the mission of the leader." Xiao Xiao hummed softly.

Zheng Qingxu looked at the doctor and tilted his eyes.

"Dylan is indeed a very suitable hunter. After all, whether he is a vampire or a werewolf, they are all sublunar creatures with keen senses and good at tracking... And doesn't he often say that he has lived for more than a thousand years? Come to think of it, that's true.

He is very knowledgeable." Zhang Jixin praised him twice, then changed his tone and added: "Just because he has been around for a long time, he may not be interested in participating in children's games like ours... so our hunters must prepare several candidates.


"He just claims to live a long life." Zheng Qing complained: "In my opinion, with his childish talk, he can't be more than twenty years old..."

"You actually called other people childish!" Fatty Xin looked at the public-funded student in shock, and the hand that was originally stroking the cat stopped involuntarily.

The sound of snoring suddenly stopped.

It flicked its tail in dissatisfaction, opened its mouth, and exposed its fangs threateningly.

Zheng Qing pretended not to hear Fatty's question and continued: "...But I also think it is very necessary to choose another hunter. After all, Dylan's work and rest schedule are different from ours, and we can't always ask him to make a choice.


"Second the proposal." Lin Guo raised his arms high and looked at everyone with excitement: "Can you recommend yourself? How about me? I know many kinds of monsters, and I can use alchemy to refine props suitable for different environments...


As he spoke, he opened his small schoolbag and kept taking out some small gadgets from it.

"...This 'eye of the sky' uses alchemy to combine the armillary sphere and the crystal ball, and can actively scan for any movement within a ten-mile radius... And this, I call it the 'buzzer', can detect any slight fluctuations in the aura of demons.

It will cause a strong reaction."

As he spoke, Lin Guo raised something that looked like a wrench and pressed it hard.

The trumpet flower that was originally curled up on the head of the wrench suddenly stretched out, bulged, and made a sharp noise.

"Oh..." Lin Guo's originally excited expression suddenly collapsed: "Stop!"

He grabbed the wrench and banged it on the desk several times.

But the trumpet flowers not only did not stop making noise, but even louder.

"It's just a small glitch..." The little wizard looked at the others nervously and continued to explain: "This was just made not long ago and has not been tested by the system, so there may be a misjudgment..."

Zheng Qing helplessly watched Lin Guo busy at the desk, and looked to the others for help.

Xiao Xiao watched with great interest the little wizard toying with the 'buzzer', completely ignoring the gazes of the public-sponsored students; while Fatty Xin and Zhang Jixin discussed the training arrangements of the Exoneration Hunting Team in a serious manner.

Only Lan Que frowned, seeing that no one spoke, and finally walked behind Lin Guo, raised his hand and put it on his head.

"You're still young." The wizard from Starry Sky Academy was always not good at words.

Lin Guo finally stopped playing with the gadgets at hand and looked at Lanque with tears in his eyes: "I didn't think about what to do, I just wanted to see if I would faint..."

"There are still many opportunities, don't rush." ​​Zheng Qing also spoke and comforted: "... In this way, Lan Que can be the hunter on the bench, and you can act as Lan Que's assistant... You can train with him on a regular basis."

Lan Que frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

Lin Guo curled his lips and weakly packed up the alchemy gadgets on the desk.

"You should also choose another hunter." Blue Bird suddenly spoke, rarely saying a long sentence: "Dylan and I are in a similar situation... for some reasons, I cannot guarantee my attendance.

If the hunting team makes a mistake due to my absence, this is something that cannot be forgiven."

Zheng Qing raised his head and glanced around, and finally nodded helplessly.

"In this case, then I will be the second candidate for the hunter." Zheng Qing seemed to be aware of the surprised looks around him, and spread his hands: "I have a horse and armor talisman, which can move quickly... I should be able to barely qualify for this position."

"No." Zhang Jixin and Xiao Xiao objected in unison.

"Okay...eh?" Zheng Qing looked confused.

When I asked you to come out, no one said anything; now that I have volunteered myself, you are scolding me instead.

Don't bully people like this!

Xiao Xiao glanced at Zhang Jixin and buried his head in his notebook again.

"Well, let's put it this way." Zhang Jixin rolled up his sleeves, raised his posture in a serious manner, and said seriously: "A hunting team usually has five members."

"One main hunter, two auxiliary hunters, one on the left and one on the right; one hunter, and one hunter." Zheng Qing repeated with a straight face.

"Yes." Zhang Jixin nodded and continued: "What is the goal of the hunting team? It is to hunt monsters. Therefore, we need to find the prey, then capture or kill it, and obtain the trophies."

"So we have three goals: find, defeat, collect."

"Among the three goals, the first one is to find the prey - this is the task of the hunter. We need the hunter to have strong detection capabilities and fast movement capabilities."

"I have both of these conditions." Zheng Qing was a little unconvinced: "To move quickly, I have the armor and horse talisman. I dare not say teleportation, but the escape speed is quite fast... As for contact, except Feihe, Feihe

Fu, I also have a group of elves... I remember that alchemy items can be brought into the hunting grounds. They can help me find those monsters together."

Hearing Zheng Qing mention their names, the elves who were hanging on the curtains to rest all flew up, holding their arms and floating behind the public student, cheering him up.

"It's not that your Armor and Horse Talisman or the elves are not suitable." Zhang Jixin smiled wryly and raised his hand to the elves, then turned to look at Zheng Qing: "These skills can only allow you to maintain good mobility and

Liaison. But hunters also have a very important requirement. They must know the types, habits, and characteristics of monsters thoroughly, so that the hunting team behind them can make correct preparations... How much do you know about monsters?"

"Eh?" Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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