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Chapter 213 Captain vs Captain

 "Calm down! Calm down!"

The captain of the Clover Hunting Team raised his arms and waved them vigorously, his voice and movements seemed a bit exaggerated:

"Besides, you definitely don't want anything troublesome to happen...right?"

Although it seems that he is trying to be more 'sincere', the actual effect is questionable. After all, no matter which hunting team it is, if its position is smashed by a sudden 'cannonball' that falls from the sky, there will inevitably be a period of panic.

The hunters of the Queen of Hearts stared nervously at the green-faced wizard in front of them, holding the Dharma book tightly in their hands, looking like they were ready to throw out a lot of curses at any time.

After discovering that his actions did not relieve the heavy pressure on the court, the captain of the Clover Hunting Team curled his lips:

"Oh, oh...you kids from Jiuyou Academy should really take part in more practical training." He emphasized in a heart-wrenching tone: "We are all students of the same school, am I going to beat you up?"

Are you injured or disabled?"

"In other words, as long as you don't get disabled, anything is possible...that's what it means." Arni Black whispered.

"You...you are the child! Your whole family is a child!!" At the same time, Peter Greenspan, standing behind the others, bravely retorted loudly: "They are all...sophomore students, you are

Whose advantage..."

"Be careful!" Luke yelled, shook the book in his hand, and threw out a binding spell, trying to block the general's movements with the vines that jumped in all directions.

But his spell still seemed a bit slow.


With a dull sound, a cracked earth pit appeared where the leader of the Clover Hunting Team had been standing.

A strong wind blew past, blowing away a few vines that had just poked their heads out of the void.

Peter Greenspan suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders, and his legs suddenly felt a little weak.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of several blue-black fingertips over his shoulder.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." A cold breath circled behind his neck, and Jiang Jun's eerie voice sounded softly in his ears: "Be polite, Mr. Greenspan... Be polite! Could it be that Greenspan

Are all the people at home so uneducated?"

"Did...did I say...something wrong?" Peter braced himself and hummed tremblingly: "And...and, I...I'm not a child!"

"But to me, you are really all children." Jiang Jun suddenly took his hand off his shoulder, flicked his wrist, and walked towards the baobab tree in a bored manner, muttering in a low voice: "I think back then, I

When you were sleeping under the mass graves, I guess your grandparents were still wearing crotchless pants..."

Peter raised his arm and touched the place where General Jun had just pressed his shoulder with trembling fingers.

A cold feeling came from the fingertips, as if they had been pricked by several thin needles.

He took a breath, his legs softened, and he sat down on the grass, sweat pouring out of his pores.

Arni Black sighed slightly, moved lightly, and moved in front of Peter.

Luke also moved a few steps.

Blocking the middle of the road in the direction of the general.

"Hey, don't be so nervous." Jiang Jun stopped, still looking like a good friend, and waved his hands with a smile: "Just like what Sima Yi said to me before the game, when you meet other teams

, if you can beep, try not to do anything, they are all classmates and alumni, if you go too far, it will not look good on everyone..."

Luke and others did not speak, but clenched the Dharma books in their hands tighter.

Colorful lights emerged from the Dharma book, and the spells in the book were in a state of being activated at any time.

"Not polite at all... What do you think?" As he said that, Jiangjun stretched his arms casually, stretched his body, and looked up at Luke.

A huge pressure rushed towards him, pressing down on Luke's spiritual world. The wizard standing in front of the captain of the Clover Hunting Team seemed to have been struck by lightning. He groaned, and the halo between the magic books in his hands

It disappeared suddenly, as if it had never been lit before.

"Is the gap... so big?" Luke gritted his teeth and looked at the dark eyes and pale fangs of the green-faced wizard opposite him, thinking silently in his heart: "This shouldn't be..."

"Are you wondering why the gap between you and me is so big as you are in the top 10% of Jiuyou Academy?" General looked over Luke's shoulder and looked at the tall baobab tree, slowly

Tuntun said: "This is the difference between Jiuyou and Alpha... You who overemphasize equality and justice have lost many inheritances that have been honed over time... just like the little trick I just used."

"If you are not willing to do so, you can always come to me for a 'chat' after you go out. I am happy to do some after-dinner exercises." As he said that, he turned his head, glanced at the other stiff wizards, and shrugged: "

So, don’t be in my way now...it’s very, very impolite to just block other people’s way casually.”

"Although I promised Sir that I won't mess around...but if you guys irritate me and I can't control myself, I guess he won't have any objections."


A slight sound interrupted the chattering voice of the captain of the Clover Hunting Team.

The wizard raised his head.

The Queen of Hearts, who was originally sitting among the branches of the baobab tree, stood up at some point.

"If you can't control it, don't control it." She held the long knife, looked down at the green-faced wizard under the tree, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Let everyone see your uncontrollable animal nature... What's the harm?


"team leader!"

"team leader!"

Several other hunters of the Queen of Hearts made noises and looked at their captain worriedly.

Although she has shown nearly devastating abilities in the two previous battles, those who are familiar with her will naturally know her actual situation.

Regardless of the amount of magic power required to fight two wild monster kings in a row, just two fierce battles had already consumed a lot of her physical strength.

Even though she had rested for such a long time, she still could not regain her energy. The very act of standing up had already made her feel a mental sting and a strong dizziness.

Joan frowned and bit her lip hard.

The bright red color moistened her lips, in stark contrast to her pale face. The smell of blood spread in her mouth, her spirit regained consciousness in the trembling, and the fingers holding the scabbard also felt the sensation again.


Then she glanced at the green-faced wizard a hundred meters away.

"Ouch!" Jiangjun's dark eyes brightened, and a bright smile burst out on his face. He took a step forward and crushed a monkey demon's head in the middle of the road with his feet.

"Bang!" The monkey demon's head exploded, and red, white, green, and colorful tissue liquids splashed in all directions, corroding the surrounding grass blades into ugly black scars.

"Since you are the one who wants to go...you can't blame me!" The smile on the Clover Hunting Team Captain's lips became bigger and bigger, and the two sharp fangs became more ferocious: "...I was forced to accept the challenge.


"This is for justice!" Joan took a deep breath, muttering a spell in her mouth, and the ring on her right hand flashed with a deep light.

Letting out a breath of turbid air, she tapped her toes and slowly dragged the long knife along the trunk of the tree towards the general's direction.

"Stop Alpha's honor...I will never let go!" Jiang Jun's legs were slightly bent, and a heavy pressure spread out in all directions with him as the center, and the entire land seemed to be moving with his breathing.


Not far away, the Queen of Hearts' footsteps became lighter and lighter, each step stepping on the trembling peak of the earth. In the end, her whole body seemed to be dancing with the trembling amplitude of the earth.

When the distance between the two was less than thirty meters, Joan's heavy voice, completely opposite to her light steps, burst out from her chest:

"Twenty-eight slashes!"

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