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Chapter 218 Deeper Reasons

 "Shogun-kun's behavior looks very rough!"

"He grabbed classmate Qiong's neck and lifted her up...it seemed like he was trying to make her give up the idea of ​​resisting."

"Blood is still flowing from the corner of Classmate Qiong's mouth. It can be seen that the series of blows just given to Classmate Jiangjun were very heavy... Her injuries are so serious that she can no longer even hold the long knife in her hand!"

"Emergency rescue therapists and nurses are ready and can rush to the scene at any time to perform rescue operations... All it takes is the Q of Hearts Hunting Team to give up the signal..."

"Oh no!"

The narrator’s panicked voice came from the morning glory:

"Jiang Jun grabbed Qiong and threw it hard against the big tree...it seems to be because classmate Qiong just refused his request!"

"This is completely unnecessary!"

"After all, anyone can tell that classmate Qiong has completely lost the ability to fight!"

"We are not sure whether the behavior of the Clover Hunting Team violates the relevant provisions of the "Hunting Competition Management Regulations" or the "Campus Cup" Hunting Rules... But we must admit that the behavior of the Clover Hunting Team, or Jiangjun, is very inappropriate.

Gentleman, contrary to ordinary moral standards."

The morning glory trembled and kept spitting out the organizer's opinion of what was happening on that prairie.

There was a commotion in the stands all around.

Almost everyone gave up watching the hunting of other hunting teams, and focused all their attention on the clover and the Queen of Hearts. The bright telescope lenses were arranged neatly like sunflower seeds, aiming at the star in the center of the 'flower plate'.

Eye of Heaven.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the rostrum.

The black-robed wizards sitting behind the referee's table all looked serious and whispered to each other, but never gave a signal to stop the game.

"Too much!" Lin Guo's shocked voice came to Zheng Qing's ears.

Even though he was also from the Alpha Academy, he finally couldn't accept the rough behavior of the Clover Hunting Team and began to lash out:

"That's too much! Even if the senior sister refuses to surrender, they can tie her to a tree and suppress her with a suppression charm. When the game is over, they will still be the winners..."...

"This is a game! What are they doing? Are they trying to kill someone?"

The little wizard's face turned red, he waved the Dharma book vigorously, and spoke fiercely. He looked like he wanted to rush into the hunting ground and throw a bunch of curses on the green-faced zombie.

On the contrary, Zhang Jixin, who is usually the most irritable, looks calmer.

"You also said, this is a competition, a hunting competition." Zhang Jixin pressed Lin Guo's shoulder, with a serious expression, and added in a deep voice:

"In other words, this is a simulation exercise of hunting monsters... Can you expect that when you encounter an 'enemy' outside, the other party will also be very gentlemanly, very friendly, talk to you politely, shake hands and greet you cordially? Wake up...

…We are facing the most evil creatures in the world, and we are participating in the most cruel activities in the wizarding world.”

"Don't be naive."

"This is not naive!" Zheng Qing finally couldn't help but retorted after hearing this: "As you said, this is just a game after all... shouldn't it be a little gentler and more acceptable to others?"

"The current competition is already very mild." Xiao Xiao suddenly interrupted and explained: "At least, no one died in today's competition... The "Monster Hunting Competition Management Regulations" passed by the Great Wizards Conference fifty years ago clearly prohibited it.

There are more than 20 types of hunting such as blood hunting and death hunting that will cause high mortality among participants, so the hunting competition we see today is already a very 'civilized' form."

"Civilized?!" Zheng Qing felt extremely ironic when he heard these two words.

"If there is a chance, I can take you to see the 'Underground Hunting Game'. Maybe you will change your mind." Zhang Jixin looked down at Zheng Qing and shrugged:

"Many paranoid wizards also call it the 'real hunting game'... In that kind of hunting ground, there are no rules, no mercy and tenderness, only cold goals and success or failure. The wild monsters they use are all real ones that have just been captured.

A wild monster, not a castrated version that has been bred in the laboratory for countless generations."

"Isn't it illegal to hunt underground?" Lin Guo looked at Zhang Jixin in shock, his voice sounding horrified: "If you are caught by the people with the Three-pronged Sword, you will be sent to Danhag!"

Denhag is the seat of the Wizarding Supreme Court, and there is also the largest "security prison" in the wizarding world - unlike the Black Prison on Phuket Island, the prison in Denhag does not imprison monsters, but only wizard criminals with minor crimes.

Zheng Qing silently held up the binoculars and continued to stare at the Clover hunting team in the hunting ground.

The Queen of Hearts still hasn't surrendered.

"I think that zombie is more qualified to be sent to Danhag." The young public-funded student snorted and looked at the clover hunters whose white robes were splattered with blood. He felt increasingly unhappy in his heart.

"She works so hard...she probably wants to gain more people's recognition." Dylan's faint voice suddenly sounded, making the surrounding atmosphere suddenly heavy.

Although there was no clear subject in the sentence he said, everyone knew that he was talking about Joan, the half-blood vampire.

Even though the Wizards Alliance recognized the Moonlight Council a long time ago as 'fellow wizards with special identities', in the eyes of the vast majority of wizards, those creatures walking in the darkness under the moon are always 'alien', aliens and monsters.

Hook up with others, sneaky creatures.

Therefore, wizards with half the blood of creatures under the moon will always face some kind of subtle discrimination in the wizarding world.

As for these half-blood wizards, they are known as "bastards" and "scum" among the creatures under the moon, and they are even more ostracized and persecuted.

At First University, although professors and school staff would not look at them differently, young wizards who are deeply influenced by family and society still cannot help but wear colored glasses. According to a popular class classification in Alpha Castle, half

Blood wizards are only slightly stronger than magicians. They are on the same level as low-level magical creatures such as sirens and murlocs, and even far lower than nymphs, centaurs and other alien life forms with certain magical civilizations. Even if there is a principle of equality and justice

In the Jiuyou Academy, when facing these half-blood wizards, sporadic strange sounds can be heard.

I have to say, this is a very sad thing.

"I remember that General Jiang was a very extreme supporter of the blood theory... Maybe this is the reason for his bad behavior towards Queen of Hearts." Dylan added his own analysis: "As the most famous half-blood of First University,

Wizard, Joan is equivalent to a flag in the eyes of many half-blood wizards... Being able to attack this flag is something worth celebrating for many stubborn wizards."

"It's also possible that this was his last excuse to escape guilt." Xiao Xiao was noncommittal about Dylan's statement: "After all, everyone knows that he is a blood-based wizard, and this is not a bad thing in the wizarding world... There are die-hard lawyers.

In his defence. Know about 'Affluena'? Maybe they'll invent a 'Blfluena' to defend the lineage wizards."

"That's not entirely the reason." Zhang Jixin obviously had a different view on this: "I remember that the general was Friedman's man, and Friedman was competing with Soprano for the position of the next Augustus.

...What could be better for Friedman to gain limelight than to give Lei Zhe a big blow in the hunting ground? Maybe this was Friedman’s idea!”

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more strange, Zheng Qing finally couldn't help but speak and tried to divert everyone's attention: "What you said are all speculations. I think the only thing that is certain now is that the zombie is so ferocious.

He treats girls badly...I will never find a girlfriend in this life."

A few chuckles suddenly sounded around.

The heavy pressure finally eased a little.

"Dead people don't have such needs in the first place," Fatty Xin added very cooperatively: "I believe many witches in the Alpha Academy can testify to this... Maybe I should write a manuscript on this topic. I believe I can get a lot of help.

High reading volume.”

"Don't make any more trouble." Xiao Xiao interrupted Fatty's beautiful thoughts angrily, pointing to the small world in the hunting ground: "Today is already very chaotic... I just hope that the game can end peacefully, and don't worry about the following.

Something went wrong."

As if to confirm his conclusion.

Suddenly there were some small commotions in the stands around Hunting Ground No. 1.

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