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Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Consequences

 Chaos on the hunting ground is like a storm.

It comes quickly and goes quickly.

Before most of the students could even cast the second spell, they were suppressed by the professors from the First University who came after hearing the news.

In the surrounding stands, in addition to the students of the First University, including hunting game observers sent by the Wizards' Union, representatives of other wizarding organizations, and spectators outside the school who had received temporary invitations, they were all greeted by the school staff in a friendly manner.

Please leave hunting ground No. 1.

As the dean of the host college, Professor Yao had a frighteningly dark face when he appeared on the hunting ground.

Nine students who were originally excited only vaguely recalled what they had just done after seeing their dean. They all fell silent and stood back obediently, not daring to move.

"How dare you?!"

Lao Yao roared, like an angry lion, striding back and forth on the rostrum, waving his arms widely, and the loud voice made Zheng Qing's ears itchy:

"Is it your first day at school?"

"Let's not talk about the freshmen for now, what about the second and third graders? Is the black border on your robes a decoration?!"

"Do you still have any self-discipline as a student of First University? Do you still have any sense of shame?"

"So many people! ...So many spectators outside the school!"

"You actually use Dharma books on your classmates in broad daylight?!"

"Am I teaching you a spell to let you curse your classmates?!"

"Where did everyone put the school rules and regulations? Did they all sleepwalk in the general studies class?!"

"It's just a simple school hunting party, and you all can get together. If the school really organizes any larger-scale activities in the future, are you going to burn down the Silent Forest? Huh?!"

The students from Jiuyou Academy and Alpha Academy stood dejectedly, silent; the people from Starry Sky Academy and Atlas were not spared, and were baptized by Old Yao Roar together. There were also those who were hired to act as cheerleaders.

Nymphs, sirens and other elves were even more prostrate and trembling under the wrath of the great wizard.

As for the Burler-Hillyard goblins that had been wandering around the Jiuyou Stand, they got back under the chairs in the stand as soon as the professors appeared and disappeared without a trace.

"Where are those fence fairies?" Zheng Qing's eyes rolled around, he rubbed his elbow against Dr. Xiao next to him, and asked in a low voice: "Why are they all gone?"

"That's why they are called 'pests'... because you never know where they have crawled, but when you are in a good mood, these nasty things will always inadvertently break into your sight,

Ruining your good mood." Xiao Xiao moved his lips and explained quickly.

"What a pity," the young public-funded student stared at the violently vibrating morning glory in front of him and sighed regretfully: "I originally wanted to catch one or two and take them to Professor Li's laboratory to dissect them and see what's inside their stomachs.

What did you eat to spit out such smelly saliva..."

"You actually have the heart to consider such a thing?!" Xiao Xiao finally couldn't help it, and looked at Zheng Qing in surprise, as if curious about what was in his head: "Don't you think about the first-year college students who are out of school?

Is there any work you can do?”

Zheng Qing thought for a long time before realizing what Xiao Xiao meant.

"You mean, the school might expel us?" He said in an incredible tone: "Are you kidding me! Is the school crazy? Hundreds of people are going to be expelled just because a group of young people are making trouble?!"

"This is not a simple fight," Xiao Xiao denied Zheng Qing's statement and emphasized in a low voice: "This is a large-scale, organized attack between two colleges using spells to attack each other. This has not happened in the school for more than ten years.

This kind of thing... If according to the relevant regulations of the Wizards Union, the scene just now can almost be regarded as an 'act of war'... How do you think the school will deal with students who start a war and participate in the war!"

Maybe his analysis is too scary.

The other members of the Exoneration Hunting Team, who were just standing silently behind the two of them, couldn't help but move closer.

"If I am expelled from school, I will definitely have my legs broken by the old man." Zhang Jixin groaned and stared blankly at the stands of the Alpha Academy opposite the hunting ground: "I just wrote home last week, saying that I was a graduate of the school.

The main hunter of the hunting team..."

"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment...and the harsher the punishment will be." Dylan smacked his lips in an experienced tone: "Based on my 1,300-year-old experience, some things can be hidden.

One day is one day...it's better to hide it for a lifetime and everyone will be happy."

"Thirteen hundred years old?" Lin Guo's confused voice interrupted: "Didn't you tell me last time that you just celebrated your thousandth birthday this year, so you wanted me to help you roast some roasted swallows?"

"Humph." A dissatisfied snort came from the blue bird.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Dylan's behavior of cheating children.

"Really? It's a thousand years old!" Dylan swallowed back what he said a few seconds ago without blinking an eye: "I just said that my cousin's experience of being 1,300 years old tells me...

…Maybe you didn’t hear it clearly because the voice was low.”

Lin Guo muttered something in a low voice, seeming to be deeply suspicious of the vampire werewolf's remarks.

"Why do you want to burn swallows? Are you planning to hunt dragons?" Fatty Xin turned to another topic without knowing it: "Also, when do you plan to celebrate your birthday? Do you need us to prepare any gifts? Do you want me to help you give it to you?

Order a set of luxurious coffin exterior decorations...your black coffin looks too boring."

Zheng Qing listened expressionlessly as the topic beside him got further and further away, unable to speak in his heart.

Finally, he turned to look at Xiao Xiao again:

"You just said that this kind of thing has not happened in the school for more than ten years... You mean, this kind of thing happened more than ten years ago? How did the school handle it at that time?"

"Eleven years ago to be precise." Xiao Xiao thought about it and said slowly: "The reason was that a few foreign students from the Danube ethnic group mocked a pure-blood wizard from the Alpha Academy in class, saying that his head was full of stinky tofu.

', mocking him as a 'genetically confused idiot'... although this is originally true."

"But obviously, those international students went a little too far. They made a joke about this pure-blood wizard's surname."

"You should all know that for many declining aristocratic wizards, their surnames are the only thing they can use... so those international students caused public outrage and were beaten up by other Alpha School students in the class."

"If those international students at that time had brought this matter to the school and dealt with it through diplomatic channels, maybe those students from Alpha College would be the unlucky ones... But they didn't. Those international students gathered their own compatriots and some international students of other races.

, duel with the Alpha students in the Silent Forest."

"They are simply crazy." Dylan twisted uneasily: "Aren't you afraid of the ghosts deep in the forest?"

"That's true." Xiao Xiao sighed: "Nearly two hundred students slipped out of the school without saying a word... until the spells they used during the battle ignited the soul-returning poplars in a small silent forest, triggering the alarm of the school's guard formation.

, was discovered.”

"Fortunately, it was discovered early and there were no more serious consequences."

"Even so, the entire wizarding world was shocked by this incident, including the Wizards' Union and the embassies of other races immediately involved in the relevant investigation... Dan Hager's final determination of this accident is - this has been

This is not an angry fight between a few young wizards, but a low-intensity war between different races."

"Yes, you heard it right. That gang fight finally alerted the wizard court, maybe because it involved an alien race. In short, because of that accident, First University was forced to make a series of corrections, including improving

The monitoring system of the school's guardian formation; warnings, sanctions or even dismissal of school workers and faculty who have neglected their duties; and all students of First University will be offered an additional general education course to learn the newly revised school regulations

School discipline...and the school stipulates that only students with perfect scores are allowed to graduate."

"All the international students involved were expelled from school...Alfa, after paying a large fine, reluctantly agreed to their application to continue studying. Even so, the students involved in the incident only received the dismissal of their studies.

Certificate. First University did not allow anyone who participated in that battle to graduate from the school."

"There are detailed comments on this incident in "Into First University" and "First University Yearbook". Maybe you should read it carefully...so that you won't think that I am being alarmist."

This chapter has been completed!
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