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Chapter 265 Constant Detection

 "Check the equipment!"

"Report items that have lost or failed."

According to the pre-training plan and the inexplicable experience that came to mind, when the hunting team members gathered, Zheng Qing immediately issued the first captain order.

At the same time, he took out a bunch of paper cranes from the gray cloth bag and shook his hands and threw them out.

These paper cranes are all folded with talismans, five red, eight green, one white, one black, fifteen in total. They can form a simple Five Elements and Bagua defensive array, which is perfect for use as a guard for a temporary camp.

Fifteen paper cranes fluttered their wings and suddenly disappeared into the forest, disappearing in the blink of an eye. A layer of golden light visible to the naked eye flashed more than fifty meters away, and then disappeared quietly.

"The talisman array lasts for three hours, everyone should pay attention."

With that said, Zheng Qing turned to look at Xiao Xiao and continued to give instructions: "Release the fireflies first."

Xiao Xiao nodded silently, took off a two-inch long bamboo tube with one finger thickness from his waist, and pulled out the wooden plug on it. A light spot the size of a rice grain flew out of the plug, rose up when it saw the light, and landed on it.

On a thick air root next to it, in just the blink of an eye, these light spots expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a group of translucent light bugs.

These fireflies carefully cultivated in the laboratory can not only survive on tree sap, pulp, and dew, but their diet also extends to a large number of tangible and intangible energies such as morning glow, moonlight, and even biological essence. At night, improved fireflies

Able to release a bright light source, each one can provide an effective lighting area of ​​7-10 square meters; during the day, these small things can also be used as early warning measures. When they are frightened or detect the fluctuation of evil spirits nearby, they will instantly

It emits violent bright light and noise, which not only disturbs uninvited guests, but also helps hunters to be more vigilant.

Zheng Qing got these little bugs from assistant teacher Hilda. Compared with the 'color-changing' light bugs he first saw on the shores of Linzhong Lake, the bugs he got have been improved for several generations and have

A sharper sensory system and a wider energy collection system.

For this reason, the young public-funded student had to spend most of the night drawing talismans to help Mr. Don Alfonso complete the preparations for some of his experiments.

Of course, in the eyes of other members of the Exoneration Hunting Team, the time Zheng Qing spent was quite cost-effective. After all, as a major participant in the 'Detective Fireflies Project', the bugs in Assistant Hilda's hands must be high-quality products that are not available on the market.


"If we are willing to spend more than ten or twenty jade coins, we can also find magic products with the same effect at Green's Grocery Store or Wandering Bar." The main hunter of Yu Zui said in an internal meeting room: "But considering

Given the hunting team's financial situation, I think 'time for money' is a good deal."

After all, I still have no money.

His thoughts were fleeting, and Zheng Qing felt a little more at ease when he saw the bellies on the aerial roots of the banyan tree gradually swollen and shimmering, but still trying hard to suck the sap.

"Dharma book inspection!"

He took out his Dharma book, turned to the title page, and silently recited the small spell he had copied in advance. A light blue halo rippled from his Dharma book, passing over several young wizards, and everyone's hearts suddenly melted. Much calmer.

"The Meditation Mantra has a remarkable effect, the power of the mantra is ±10%, and there is no obvious loss." Zheng Qing immediately made his own judgment.

Correspondingly, several other people also opened the Dharma books one after another and experimented with the small spells they had reserved.



"No abnormality."


Everyone is no longer as casual and out-of-the-box as in the past, and everyone looks serious and serious.

"Check the talisman." Zheng Qing casually pulled out a standard talisman from the gray cloth bag, which was still a meditation talisman, and released it onto Xiao Xiao.

"The effect is similar to that of a spell, with no obvious fluctuations." The doctor nodded slightly.

"Where's the potion?" Zheng Qing turned to look at Fatty Xin.

"We're working on it." The fat man had already sat cross-legged on the ground at some point, with a row of intubations and test strips at hand, and was constantly testing the effects of those medicines. The test papers emitted colorful light under the influence of the medicine, making People get dizzy looking at it.

"Where's the constant?" Zheng Qing looked up at Zhang Jixin again.

"The basic gravity is about 0.8g, with an upper and lower deviation of 5%." The main hunter of Yu Sin clenched his fist, smashed it a few times in mid-air, and confirmed: "It will not affect our basic actions, and it has a bonus effect on many spells. .”

"What about the other data? Avogadro's constant, molar constant, speed of light, atomic mass, electron magnetic moment, Planck's constant... what about other data?" Zheng Qing suddenly frowned.

In his opinion, it is a very dangerous and ignorant behavior to be in a brand new world without knowing anything about the foundation of this world.

But his questioning was met with a bunch of surprised looks from around him.

"We are not adventurers exploring the new world." Zhang Jixin shrugged helplessly: "It's just a hunting competition for freshmen. Who will carry a basic constant verification center with them... We didn't learn that much during training before! "

Zheng Qing's frowned brows suddenly raised high.

He thought for a few seconds before he realized it - it was that damn shadow again, and the experience it brought back from its journey into the two-dimensional world was stuffed into his judgment process, causing him to suffer a minor embarrassment.

"But it's no longer a freshman hunt. If we want to get out alive, we need to know as much basic data as possible... This is very important for subsequent tactical arrangements." The excusing captain nodded reluctantly and touched from his arms. He took out a few talismans, put them into Zhang Jixin's hands, and added: "Go to the side and verify the basic effects of fireball, freezing, and lightning to see if there is any effect."

The main hunter of Yu Sin took the stack of talismans and was stunned. Finally, he shrugged and ran more than ten meters away and began to verify each one.

Next to him, the fat man had just finished the medicine test.

"Basic medicines such as hemostasis, analgesia, paralysis, and detoxification are still effective."

"The effectiveness of psychotropic drugs such as those used to dispel evil spirits and remove nightmares has been significantly reduced, but if the dose is increased, they should still have the same effect."

"In general, the consciousness of this world is biased toward decay, so the effectiveness of medicines against negative effects will be weakened to a certain extent." At this point, the fat man seemed to think of something, and added: "I guess the spells should also have this preference."

"Is it because the meditation spell and the meditation talisman just now tend to be neutral, so the effect is not attenuated?" Zheng Qing nodded thoughtfully, turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "Doctor, divination, choose the appropriate plan."

"Already doing it." Xiao Xiao replied in a low voice.

At his hand, a milky white flame was floating in the air, rolling happily. Just above the flame, a withered yellow tortoise shell was being burned by the spiritual fire, making a slight explosion of beeping, popping, and popping.

There are traces of cracks.

This chapter has been completed!
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