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Chapter 301: Consciousness as a ration

"No more running, no more running!"

"I can't run anymore!!"

Zheng Qing sat down on the ground and yelled at the tiger following him: "Are you hungry or not?! I told you to eat but you didn't eat! If you don't eat, don't follow me... The wild monsters will also be fed now."


The black tiger demon couldn't speak, and just stared at him with two golden-red eyes as big as copper bells.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Then Zheng Qing's momentum dropped little by little.

"Actually, I didn't mean to accuse you..."

"You know, I'm an outspoken person, and I always say what I want."

"When you go out, who doesn't have the time to get angry... You must understand this."

"I just think that we met by chance. Although we are destined to be together, we are not the same people after all, because we are different people and monsters."

"As the saying goes, everyone goes to one side of the road... It's very difficult for you to follow me like this."

The young wizard mumbled and explained confusedly to the tiger in front of him.

The tiger demon still didn't speak, but flicked its tail casually, and smashed the head of the dead bull demon diagonally behind it. The bright red demon blood mixed with brain matter hit the grass like raindrops, sketching a picture.

Postmodern abstract painting.

The young wizard immediately stopped talking and shut his mouth obediently.

But sitting there seemed a little too boring, so he picked up a yellow thatch next to him and wrapped the young stems of the thatch around his fingers.

Around, around.

His eyes wandered around the tiger demon, circling around, and soon landed on the body of the bull demon whose head was smashed.

Thick blue-black horns were stuck diagonally in the grass, with dots of red and white things splattered on them. There were also a few broken skull fragments hanging at the base of the horns.

One of the bull demon's eyeballs was lucky enough to escape. At this moment, it was lying quietly in the shadow under the horns, staring at the young wizard not far away with dull eyes.

"Such a waste."

Zheng Qing was thinking in his heart, wondering how much money he could make from that eyeball or horn if he sold it on consignment at the Wandering Bar.

Then, he finally remembered his identity - he was a hunter, the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team, and the wizard who led the hunting team to struggle to survive in this strange hunting ground.

According to the puppet man's words, only one hunting team can get out of this hunting ground alive.

He hopes it's his teammates.

Thinking of the atoning team members, he couldn't help but think of the blue bird swallowed by the wolf demon, and Xiao Xiao falling into the monkey demon's mouth. Thinking of the messy battlefield in front of the hill, he couldn't help but feel sad.

Then he gradually couldn't sit still.

"Since I'm still alive, I have to do something." He glanced at the tiger demon and couldn't help but sigh: "You can't escape death anyway, so your death must be worth something... Let them have the opportunity to talk about me more."

With that said, he stood up and shouted at the tiger monster: "You killed so many wild monsters and didn't eat them. They were all wasted... Let me clean them up for you!"

The black tiger seemed to understand what he meant, and had no intention of stopping it. Instead, he just slapped it on the spot, picked up a monkey demon head again, and continued to play ball - who knows where it had hidden the head before.

Got it!

Sensing the ambiguous attitude of the tiger demon, Zheng Qing felt a little relieved.

He immediately dug out a lot of bottles and dissection tools from the gray cloth bag - this is the standard equipment prepared by the hunting team before the game, used to collect trophies, and each hunter has a set.

The boning knife is used to cut skin and meat, and the bone saw is used to dismember demons. During this process, you need to wear elbow-length deerskin gloves to prevent being scratched by bone stubble or being infected by demon blood.

After decomposition, you have to put on silk-skin gloves - because the subsequent operations are more delicate - such as completely pulling out the demon's eyeballs from the eye sockets, patiently peeling off the entire nerve along the spine, or

Squeeze out every drop of demon blood in the atrium without hurting the heart.

The above is just the decomposition work, the collection of loot, and the follow-up work - preservation.

After most of the tissues are removed, they need to be soaked in the corresponding solution within the specified time to prevent oxidation or external air pollution. There are also some tissues, such as the demon bones, that need to be dried as much as possible, and the demon fur, for example, needs to undergo some preliminary tanning work.

, and demon blood needs to be added with corresponding doses of anticoagulants, etc.

Originally this was a task of division of labor and cooperation among hunting teams, but now Zheng Qing was the only one and a half disabled worker, so he omitted as many steps as possible and took whatever he could do.

For example, he works with deerskin gloves from beginning to end: he snaps off his eyeballs and throws them directly into the protective solution, without bothering to clean up the debris on the sphere; he just peels off the demon nerves easily, and if he is lucky, he peels them off completely and throws them in

Soak it in a bottle; if you are unlucky, it will break and you will just throw it on the ground - anyway, this slaughterhouse lacks everything except dead demons.

There are also bones, all kinds of bones on the ground. Zheng Qing has no energy to sort them patiently, so he simply piles them together, uses the crushing charm to turn them into powder, and only collects the last bone powder - this is a kind of bone powder in the market.

This popular raw material has no worries about sales, whether it is used as fertilizer in pharmaceutical fields or as a feed additive for insects.

The hands on the pocket watch went around the dial again and again. In the busyness, Zheng Qing quickly gave up recording the time.

When all the bottles and cans he had prepared in advance were filled to the brim, and the gray cloth bag could not find any more containers, and there was no more space left, he finally removed the monsters within sight of this 'slaughterhouse'.

The corpses were all cleaned up.

Even so, there were still several bundles of leather piled at his feet.

This was the back skin of those bull demons and pig demons, which he had hastily peeled off and bundled into a ball. The texture of these leathers was very good, but it was heavy and took up space. It was really useless.

The tiger demon lay on the grass, looking at the busy young wizard, and yawned out of boredom.

Zheng Qing held on to the bundles of leather materials, hammered his sore legs, and raised his head, just in time to see the tiger demon yawning. The fatigue all over his body suddenly turned into anger, gushing out.

"Master, I'm working hard here, but you monster is so comfortable!"

For a moment, he was filled with anger and fear, and walked towards the tiger demon while holding the leather.

"Since you don't want to eat me, and you don't want to work...then you can carry it on my back!"

As he spoke, he placed the bundled cowhide heavily on the tiger demon's back.

Perhaps feeling a little uncomfortable, the tiger demon shook his shoulders, and the cowhide bundle slid down a little along the tiger's back, and it was immediately placed more firmly.

Black Tiger tilted his head and glanced at the young wizard provocatively.

That means - it's so light, do you look down on the tiger?

"What the hell, what conspiracy do you have!" Zheng Qing felt that his worldview was constantly collapsing: "No one has been bullied to this extent by rations!"


This chapter has been completed!
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