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Chapter 305 The Wizard and the Witch

 "I believe him."

The gypsy witch took off her soft felt hat and deerskin gloves, threw them on the ground, turned around and walked out of the formation in the other direction: "Only he can answer your question. So I will go out and confront him...

You stay here and stay vigilant."

"If he is really as you say..."

"Then remember to return my tarot cards to the Gypsy Witches' office at the school."

"If you can get out." The witch finally added, and then walked firmly outside the formation, her tall figure becoming more and more dazzling in the eyes of the hunters of the Karen hunting team.

"I believe him too."

Nan Jian, who was sitting on the ground and playing with yarrow, suddenly spoke, interrupting Matthew's attempt to stop Elena, and whispered: "...the divination result was close to safe, and from the appearance of the public-funded student, he was not

Bad guy."

"Facial physiognomy has never been a standard way of divination." Nan Kai, who was standing nearby, couldn't help complaining: "I remember that Jiangjun's face was blue, and the kid from the Zhang family in Jiuyou Academy always had a red face... If you look at facial fortune,

Let’s see, should Zhang Jixin always have good luck?”

"It's hard to say." Nan Jian scratched the little white ferret's ears and nodded with a serious expression.

"That's not the point!" Nan Kai's expression looked a little broken. He had to be patient and play his duty as an elder brother to instill in his cousin the principles of life: "It's not the bad people who do bad things in this world, there are good people."

Even for good purposes, bad things will be done. When living in this world, don’t look at the world with black and white eyes...squint your eyes and look with doubtful eyes.”

"Is this why you keep squinting at Captain Matthew?" Nan Jian raised his head and looked at his brother curiously.

This retort was extremely interesting. The little white ferret who was originally lying in her arms also raised its two round ears, stared at the little black eyes as big as beans, and looked at the wizard not far away.

"Who squinted to see?!" Nankai suddenly jumped up and shouted, "My eyes are small! ... My eyes are small, can I squint to see?!"

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel about this kind of thing." Adam interrupted the quarrel between the two at the right time, and they got into trouble again and again: "Although Elaine's move was reckless, it was still a good idea.

I also heard at Alpha College that there is a story that must be told between the public-funded students of Jiuyou College and the transfer students... Is there such a thing?"

The young man from the O'Brien family turned to look at Matthew Cullen.

Among the people present, he was the only one from Jiuyou Academy.

"Rumors." Matthew shook his head resolutely, but changed the topic and added: "However, they have a very close relationship in study, because Zheng Qing is helping Elena learn runes."

"Oh." Adam curled his lips and made a meaningful sound of agreement - as an outsider, he could easily detect the insincerity of Matthew's words.

"As long as we are familiar with each other." Adam touched the brim of the soft felt hat on his head and said softly: "We can't continue to be in this stalemate. Nor can we just use spells to kill our classmates without saying hello."

"Having an acquaintance to communicate with in the middle is the best choice."

"After all, even if there is an accident...he probably won't kill him right away."

"Beautiful girls always have some privileges."

As if he thought Adam's words made sense, Nan Kai couldn't help but nodded repeatedly. Next to him, Nan Jian snorted loudly through his nose, and then looked at his teammates with a look of disdain.

Several men looked at each other, closed their mouths in unison, and obediently turned their heads to look outside the talisman array.

Zheng Qing felt as if his brain was lacking oxygen.

Hanging upside down for a long time caused the blood pumped from the heart to converge crazily towards his head. At the beginning, because the blood supply to the brain was sufficient, Zheng Qing felt that his thinking had become much sharper. But as he hung upside down,

As time slowly lengthened, more and more plasma accumulated in his head. Zheng Qing could clearly feel that the arteries at his temples were beating wildly, and he had a vague illusion that his head was being fried.

He took a deep breath and looked desperately at the location of the gray bag.

The binding method of these vines is very tricky. They happened to go around Zheng Qing's waist and tied the gray cloth bag tightly under the vines. Zheng Qing's Dharma books, talismans and other props were all stuffed into the gray cloth bag.

Magic is very difficult - there are some small tricks that don't require spell books, but they are too weak and useless.

As a healthy and energetic young man, he had tried upside-down sit-ups and struggled to free himself from the vines that bound his body.

It wasn't until his hands were covered with burrs and his fingers were swollen as thick as carrots that he was forced to give up this simple and crude method.

"Uncle Tiger, please help me..."

"You're a big cat with a big belly. Don't pay attention to my disrespectful words before, okay..."

"At least I helped you clean up the battlefield..."

"Excuse me, can you pull me out of these nasty canes..."

"For the sake of the cat that Merlin... raised, have mercy on me, a young man who has a cat in his heart..."

The young public-funded student kept mumbling, hoping that the big cat playing ball a few meters away would be kind and help him free himself from the shackles of the binding spell.

The hunting team hidden in the dark never showed up. Zheng Qing thought for a while and realized it - if a strange wizard brought a demon into the hunting area of ​​the Forgiveness Hunting Team, he would definitely be confused for a while.


So, for now, the only one who could help is the big cat lying under the tree.

Unfortunately, the big cat was still lying lazily in the shade of the tree, playing with the monkey demon's head without getting tired of it. Even though the demon's skin and flesh were very strong, it couldn't withstand it.

It was so tormented. Zheng Qing glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that the poor monkey head had been torn apart and the white skull was exposed in many places.

Is this black tiger planning to take off my head and play with it as a ball when it gets tired of playing with the monkey head?

This thought suddenly came to Zheng Qing's heart, and he couldn't help but shudder. A string of Venus appeared in front of his eyes. But behind the Venus, a hazy figure suddenly appeared.

The figure, with the sun behind it, crossed the grass and walked slowly towards the wizard hanging from the eucalyptus.

"Congested brains can easily lead to hallucinations... I feel like I've already hallucinated."

Zheng Qing blinked hard, trying to get rid of the string of stars in front of his eyes, and murmured at the same time: "Otherwise, how could I see an acquaintance..."


The clear sound of mantras broke the calm under the tree, and a huge peach blossom suddenly appeared in the middle of the cane, taking Zheng Qing's place. At the same time, the young man who was originally hung upside down and tied to the tree also accompanied the sound of mantras.

, flashed away and fell into the grass.

Zheng Qing stood up unsteadily and shook his head vigorously.

"Sorry, I didn't plan to let the prey go when I set the trap, so I made a 'death buckle'... So now I can only use this escape spell to help you get out."

A familiar voice sounded in Zheng Qing's ears, along with a fragrant fragrance, which immediately filled the young wizard's consciousness, making him feel that this gloomy world was much brighter.

Next to him, the black tiger demon who was playing with a ball suddenly held down the rolling monkey head with his paw, tilted his head and looked at Elena, with a somewhat puzzled look in his eyes.


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