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Chapter 9 Business after the story

"A month later, the reporter came to Jiuyou College again to continue her interview."

"This time, with lessons learned from the past, the officers at the Jiuyou College Student Union office have become smarter. They no longer organize special welcome ceremonies. When entertaining, they also serve 'homely meals' with meat and vegetables, and three meals a day.

The soup no longer provides any delicacies from the mountains and seas, and does not invite additional male goblins to accompany them. The waiters are all the elves from the school working committee. Regarding the reporters’ questions, the student union officers who accompanied the visit answered all questions and said nothing if they were not asked.

From the beginning to the end, we have implemented the principles of 'doing things honestly', 'receiving people cleanly' and 'resolutely leaving nothing to be said'."

"It stands to reason that this performance should be considered regular and without any flaws."

"But after the reporter returned, she quietly published another article: "Visiting under Surveillance - Another Discussion on Jiuyou College's Pathological Study Style." This time, she did not attack Jiuyou College's reception standards, but

The focus was on the student union officers who accompanied the visit."

"According to her statement, from the moment she entered the school, she was surrounded by several indifferent student union officers. No matter where she went, these officers always followed her, monitored her every move, and separated her from the vast majority of people.

The students are artificially separated into two worlds - 'Those students who answered my questions couldn't help but look at the cadres of the student union next to them with cringing eyes every time they said a word, as if they were afraid that they would say the wrong thing!' And these student unions

The answers of the officers seemed to be reciting printed answers, all the same, without any opinion." From this, he concluded, "I saw real people, but felt the hypocritical soul." This is a school that has been criticized.

The walled-off college "Who will save these poor children under the morbid academic style of the college?"

"After this article was published, Jiuyou College suddenly became a college ruled by secret agents and was questioned by public opinion circles. But the female reporter transformed into a warrior who was not afraid of hardships and dared to expose the darkness of her alma mater.


Zheng Qing was stunned and speechless as he listened to the story told by the wandering wizard.

He originally knew that most of the news in newspapers was sensationalism, and each article presupposed its own position, with few objective and neutral comments. But he never thought that things would be so bad!

"First University actually allows this kind of newspaper to be circulated outside the campus?!" The young public-funded student shouted angrily: "If I were the president, I would have had this newspaper closed long ago!"


"It's all nonsense and sensationalism!" [@# ...~fastest update]

The wandering wizard looked at him with a smile. It wasn't until the young wizard started to take a breath after cursing that he spoke and asked unhurriedly: "Can closing the newspaper office eliminate the negative impact? Don't you just have to guard against others?"

Even better than Fangchuan, doesn't your simple and crude way of handling it just confirm the reporter's article?"

Zheng Qing's face turned red and pale, as if he wanted to argue.

But the old wizard shook his hand slightly and stopped him: "Let me finish telling the story first... This matter is not over yet!"

"Later, the reporter visited Jiuyou Academy one after another, and every time she came up with something new - the third time, she wrote an article "Rote Memorization - A Style of Study that Stifles the Creativity of Young Wizards", criticizing Jiuyou Academy.

There is an examination system in the academy; for the fourth time, she wrote an article "The Monopoly of Academics - The Hereditary System Cloaked as a Commoner", focusing on the discussion of the difference between the 'nobles' created by examinations and the 'nobles' inherited by blood.

; And the fifth time, she wrote an article called "The Beginning of Collapse—Talking from a Self-Mutilated Repeater"... Did you hear anything?"

Zheng Qing was originally filled with indignation, but gradually began to think deeply, and finally fell silent without saying a word.

Hearing the wandering wizard's question, he hesitated and replied softly: "Although the reporter's views are worthy of discussion, she is actually looking for trouble... targeting Jiuyou Academy from the beginning to the end."

The old wizard sat cross-legged on a chair, stroking the bottle of 'Golden Years' that still had half of it left, nodded noncommittally, and asked again: "Is there any more?"

"That reporter is so annoying," the young public-sponsored student muttered, "I thought there was no deep hatred between Jiuyou College and Alpha College."

"You just threw curses at each other on the hunting stand a few days ago, and you forgot so quickly?!" The old wizard raised his eyebrows in surprise, paused, and continued to ask: "So, after listening to the little story just now,

, did you gain anything in the end?”

Zheng Qing pondered for a moment, and finally said with emotion: "Old Master Confucius is right, 'Only women and villains are difficult to raise. Those who are close will not be inferior, and those who are far away will be resentful.'"

The wandering wizard let out a weird laugh in his throat, shook his head, and finally gave the answer: "What you said is correct, but none of it is accurate, and that's not the point... The point of this story is that sometimes, no matter what you do, or

What you do makes no difference in the eyes of people who want to find fault."

"In their eyes, your fault lies not in your choices, but in your existence."

"Your existence is the biggest mistake."

"Then, here's the question." The old man straightened his back, leaned forward slightly, and looked at Zheng Qing with a burning gaze: "Will you eliminate yourself in order to correct these 'mistakes' in other people's mouths?"

Zheng Qing blinked and denied decisively: "Of course not! I'm not stupid...but does this have anything to do with my purpose?"

He immediately raised his doubts: "I just came to you to eliminate those messy rumors... I didn't intend to eliminate anything..."

"The reason why rumors arise is because of your existence." The old man sighed slightly and explained slowly: "At this time, no matter what you do or how you do it, in the eyes of the onlookers - you know,

The 'eyes' themselves are biased - they all seem a bit unreasonable... If you don't do something right, the rumors will gradually die down."

Zheng Qing looked at the wandering wizard with strange eyes.

for a long time.

He sighed: "I originally thought you were the best at fighting, but you ignored the magic of time... As expected, time is one of the greatest magics in this world."

"So, do you still insist on suppressing those rumors?" The wandering wizard touched the brim of his hat and did not comment on the young wizard's words.

Zheng Qing did not hesitate and nodded quickly.

This is a matter decided collectively by the Exoneration Hunting Team, and he does not intend to make any changes.

The old wizard tilted his head and then gave his own opinion: "We do not have the ability to completely eliminate these rumors."

"Rumors are difficult to eliminate, but they can be deflected."

"The most changeable thing in this world is not a woman's mind, but the audience's attention."

"Wandering Bar can help you divert everyone's attention...for example, from your cheating, to the origin and breed of the big black cat, or the scandal of the Taylor family's little wolf cub being drowned, or whether there are loopholes in the rules of the freshman competition.


"As for the fees...if you are willing to hand over the harvest to Wandering Bar for sale, I can make the decision and only charge you ten jade coins."

"Ten pieces." Zheng Qing smacked his lips and felt heartbroken - this is a year's tuition for a publicly funded student.

"The premise is that your harvest must be handed over to us for sale." The old wizard immediately reminded: "And this is already a preferential price for gold card customers."

This chapter has been completed!
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