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Chapter 68 Jota Cafeteria

 Yota Cafeteria is the largest restaurant in Beta Town. Because of its reasonable price and beautiful environment, it is very popular among students, and the restaurant's seats are always in short supply.

After Nicholas handed the dining number plate to Xiao Xiao, he disappeared into the crowd of people on the street again.

It is said that he had other urgent matters to take care of, leaving the newlyweds to eat by themselves.

This is indeed not difficult.

The restaurant is only a few dozen meters away from the milk tea shop.

The decoration style of the store is very refreshing, with green branches and vines circling along the pillars on both sides of the store door, with several strange characters twisted on them. On the dark plaque, there is only a huge white letter "I".

After stepping through the vine-wrapped gate, the noisy sounds on the street disappeared, and my ears suddenly felt much clearer.

The lighting in the restaurant is very soft, and the pale white light flows out from nowhere, as refreshing as the morning sun.

The waiters are emerald-green winged elves.

They flashed their flexible wings and guided the newcomers to their seats.

Zheng Qing saw an old acquaintance next to his seat, the young monk Shi Yuan on the plane.

The little monk was wearing Atlas's yellow robe. There was a lot of food placed in front of him, and he was eating steamed buns leisurely.

This made him very happy.

The queues in the square and the grouping in the first hall separated all the friends who had just met in the cabin. Except for Xiao Xiao, Zheng Qing had not had time to get to know the other freshmen.

"Where is your freshman advisor? He also brought you here for dinner?" Zheng Qing asked the little monk eagerly as he put down the cardboard box in his hand.

Several elves in the restaurant looked curiously at the similar-looking little guys in the box.

"We have already finished the visit. It was senior brother's idea to come to this restaurant." The young monk put down the tableware in his hands, shouted the Buddha's name, clasped his hands, and answered seriously.

Indeed, there were no other rebirths of Atlas beside Shi Yuan.

"Where is the menu?" Zheng Qing looked at Xiao Xiao.

"Hello, sir, what do you need?" A soft voice sounded in his ear.

Zheng Qing was startled and turned his head sharply.

A little elf with two pairs of transparent wings and emerald green clothes was floating beside him.

As if a little surprised by Zheng Qing's reaction, the elf suddenly floated back a few meters, pulled out a card from somewhere and hid behind it, with only his head exposed, looking at him tremblingly.

"She can talk!" Zheng Qing looked at the elf in shock, then looked down at the little guy in his cardboard box.

"If the waiter elf doesn't speak, how can he serve the guests?" Xiao Xiao asked.

"Are they different?" Zheng Qing pointed to the sleeping elf in the box and was surprised.

"The waiter elves belong to the realm of magical creatures, the phylum alchemical creatures, the class Elf, the order Ptera, and the family the waiter elves. They are elves created by wizards who specialize in catering services. Although they are smaller than other elves of the same kind.

It’s easy to get in touch with, but it’s an elf after all. It’s essentially a very timid creature and is particularly easily frightened.”

Xiao Xiao took a sip of water and lazily flipped through his notebook: "This is also the concept of the wizard who created them. It is best to be quiet when dining. Otherwise, if you scare away the elves, you will be hungry.


The elf seemed to have reacted, and floated back to Zheng Qing. He pointed his hands in the void, drew a clear menu, and asked tremblingly: "What do you need?"

Their voices are a bit high-pitched, but pleasant to the ear.

"The menu is quite rich." Zheng Qing looked at the elf waiter and smiled sheepishly.

The menu has an extremely rich variety of food, ranging from fruits, cold dishes, and salads, to various soups of different thicknesses, to various hot dishes that are stir-fried, stewed, and steamed, and then various small desserts and various drinks.


From beginning to end, it is clear and organized.

"Let's have some appetizing fruits first. I prefer apples, grapes are also good, and there's also watermelon." Zheng Qing tried ordering a fruit pie.

"Well, for a drink, I want a piece of millet and pumpkin porridge."

"Since it's a buffet, I won't be polite. Fried steak, hand-caught lamb, some braised pork, and scallops." Zheng Qing looked at the vivid pictures and swallowed his saliva.

"It's too greasy. Let's get some lettuce. And some shredded radish."

"I'll eat slowly first. Remember to give me three puffs later." Estimating his appetite, Zheng Qing reluctantly put down the menu.

"As for tableware, I'm used to using chopsticks." At this point, Zheng Qing saw the huge steak and blinked: "But as for the knife and fork, let's keep a portion."

Every time he mentioned a dish, the elf would quickly point out the corresponding name and create a corresponding three-dimensional image for Zheng Qing to confirm. After confirmation, the elf would sing a beautiful mantra and present the dish to Zheng Qing.

On the table in front of Qing.

After all the dishes were served, the elf cast two spells in succession, and Zheng Qing suddenly felt that his hands and face felt much refreshed.

He figured it was a cleansing spell.

"You sing so beautifully." Zheng Qing thought of the shock he had caused before and wanted to make up for this little thing, so he found this reason and asked, "Can you accept gifts?"

As he spoke, he generously held up a silver coin in front of himself.

"Thank you very much for your generosity!" The elf happily floated to the tip of Zheng Qing's nose and kissed the tip of his nose lightly.

"Ahem, aren't you busy?" Zheng Qing waved his hands in a panic and looked to the side in embarrassment.

He was a little confused in his heart, did this count as throwing away his first kiss?

No one paid attention to this interlude, and the newlyweds had already started to feast happily.

Zheng Qing pressed the steak with his fork and looked at the little monk next to him curiously as he cut it:

"Are there girls in your class? Do you have difficulty communicating with girls?"


"Yeah, it's like commandments."

"Amitabha, Tan Yue, please think about it. Men and women are all skinned in the mortal world. Therefore, my spiritual platform is pure and contains peace, so what's the harm in being *****?" The young monk almost choked Zheng Qing to death with his few words.

"You worship Buddha. Some people worship. There are no temples or churches. Is it okay?" Zheng Qing picked up a piece of braised pork, put it into the steamed bun, took a big bite with satisfaction, and asked vaguely as a trace of fragrant meat juice flowed from the corner of his mouth.

: "I don't seem to have seen these places in school."

"There is no need to worry about it at all. Where the heart is, there is also the place of faith. We hold the tokens of faith in our hearts and cover the sky and the earth, covering them everywhere. What does it matter whether there is a place to worship?" The young monk Shi Yuan looked at it with a sad face.

With a satisfied look on Zheng Qing's face, he picked up the vegetables and tofu in front of him with his chopsticks.

"Would you like some?" Zheng Qing blinked and pointed at his mouth: "Didn't the Buddha once say, 'After meat and wine pass through the intestines, the Buddha sits in the heart'."

"That's Buddha, not me." Shi Yuan sighed: "If you want to find excuses, there will always be some. But when we live in this world, we must take some responsibility. Even our own beliefs cannot support it.

Human beings are just living in a skin."

Zheng Qing took a big mouthful of rice porridge, and tears burst from his eyes.

Shi Yuan misunderstood, and couldn't help but said happily: "So, the donor is also a very wise person."

Zheng Qing was obedient and gave no explanation.

This chapter has been completed!
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