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Chapter 114 Dr. Xiao's Prize Quiz

The diamond that Xiao Xiao threw out was very small, only the size of a needle tip. If taken out alone, it would not be much different from ordinary glass shards, and it would have no decorative significance.

But this size is completely different when it comes to Tinker Bell's ears and claws. According to the conversion of a mouse's height of ten centimeters and a human's height of one hundred and seventy centimeters, in human eyes a diamond the size of a pinhead would need to be fifteen or sixteen times larger.

It's the size in the eyes of a mouse.

Of course, even if it grows fifteen or sixteen times, it will only change from the tip of a needle to a grain of rice, and it will still be of no use.

But a diamond the size of a grain of rice is already very valuable to Mr. Mouse.

"Is this given to me? Thank you so much! You are such a good person! I have long heard that the young talents of the First University are handsome and kind-hearted. It is true that I saw you today. It is really better to see once than to hear a hundred times!"

Tinker's ears held the diamond, his eyes shone, and at the same time a series of compliments came out of his mouth, which made the black cat who heard the sound and looked over almost thought that the mouse was possessed by some evil merchant.

"Ouch! Diamond?!"

The black cat turned around and saw something in the mouse's paw. He couldn't help but twist his body, trotted a few steps, came close to the two people and the mouse, and said in surprise: "Doctor, when did you become so rich? You can reward such a big diamond at any time."

...With this little spare money, you should buy a beautiful dress so that you won’t lose your status when you go out with Mr. Sima next time!"

Xiao Xiao's face darkened when he heard this, and he moved his body calmly, facing the black cat with his butt without making a sound.

Compared to Dr. Dingdang's ears, Tink's reaction was much more violent.

Seeing the black cat approaching, the clothed mouse's muscles suddenly tensed up, its body slightly arched, and it looked like it was about to run away at any moment. And the diamond was stuffed into the crotch of the black cat the moment it appeared -

-Zheng Qing is really curious as to what the hell is under this mouse’s crotch and how can so many things be stuffed in it!

"Hey, doctor, you haven't told me where you got that little diamond." The black cat thought of Christmas in the near future and the gifts he needed to prepare, and asked rather persistently: "Is there any extra? Yes.

Don’t have a bigger one? Can you give me a few? I plan to wrap a Christmas gift.”

"A gift?" Xiao Xiao finally turned around and looked at the black cat in confusion: "Didn't your group of cats give you a honey-yellow cat's eye stone as big as this a few days ago? I remember you said you wanted to use it.

That stone was probably a gift."

"If there is no better choice!" The black cat pressed its paws, its ears ridged, and its expression became a little serious: "As the saying goes, 'A diamond is forever, a diamond will last forever.' Who can use diamonds as Christmas gifts?

I would also choose cat’s eye stone!”

This sounds correct.

But the plan of the young public-funded student was doomed to fail.

"There are some extra diamonds, but there are no bigger ones." Xiao Xiao said, reaching into his arms for a long time, and took out a small bag, then he picked up the bag and tipped it slightly, spitting out a small pile of fine pieces.

Diamond Lai: "This was cleaned out of the crucible when I helped Professor Li clean the laboratory a few days ago. It weighs half a catty... After finishing, the professor gave each of us helping students a small handful."

"Hey, they are all like this. They are basically the size of a pinhead...that is, when put together, the color is slightly richer. Taken individually, they are no different from ordinary glass slag."

"It's not of much use."

At this time, Lin Guo, who had been acting as the background, suddenly spoke, "I don't know if it's useful, but if I were you, I would repackage the small bag of 'glass slag' and stuff it back into my pocket..."

…Can’t you see that the mouse’s eyes have turned red?”

The black cat was horrified when he heard this.

After looking back at Dingdang Ears, she realized that what Lin Guo said just now was an exaggerated rhetoric - yes, this is the First University, there is no reason to meet animals with red eyes casually - of course, although the statement

It's a bit exaggerated, but what Lin Guo said is true.

At this moment, Mr. Mouse, who was wearing clothes, had his eyes wide open and was breathing heavily. He was staring motionlessly at the small handful of diamond scum in Dr. Xiao's hand. Judging from its appearance, it seemed that he would pounce on it at any time.


Therefore, it is not wrong to say that its eyes are red.

Xiao Xiao obviously also noticed the abnormal behavior of Dingdang Ears. However, he did not pour the small pile of diamond scum back into the bag and stuff it back into his pocket as Lin Guo said. Instead, he picked out a small particle with his fingernail and placed it in the bag.

Mr. Mouse wavered in front of him.

"Do you want it?" Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses and put on a kind smile on his face.

Looking at his expression, the black cat couldn't help but blow up a small patch of hair on its back. It couldn't help but quietly took a step or two back and stood in front of its own group of cats, feeling a little more at ease.

The long pointed nose with jingle ears twitched violently, the small eyes widened, and the neck seemed to be equipped with a round shaft, slowly rotating with Dr. Xiao Da's shaking fingertips.

"Do you want it?" Xiao Xiao repeated his question again.

The mouse nodded its head very hard, so violently that one couldn't help but worry that its huge head would be thrown off its slender neck in the next second.

"Answer me a few questions and I'll give them to you." Xiao Xiao showed a satisfied expression, calmly opened his notebook, glanced at the questions above, and finally added: "If the answer is good, then every

You can get one pill for every answer.”

Ding Dong Er suddenly stood up straight, took a long breath, closed his eyes, and then opened them, a determined expression appeared on his narrow face.

"You asked!" The mouse bowed slightly very politely.

The black cat discovered that since the 'enticement', the mouse became more and more polite. Not only did he know how to salute appropriately, but he also used honorifics in his speech.

"Well, the first question... you said before, 'What's going on in the clan...'? Listen to this, there are many rats like you that can talk. Can they become a clan?" Xiao Xiao asked the first question.

A question made Zheng Qing prick up his ears.

The little eyes with tinkling ears blinked hard, blinked, and blinked again and again.

It wasn't until Zheng Qing felt that it was about to blink its two little eyes out that it seemed to have finally finished the draft.

"We are indeed a clan, and there are many clan rats." The clothed mouse dryly answered Xiao Xiao's first question. Although a clear answer was given, the words used were very vague, making it difficult to judge accurately.

The size of this strange group of mice.

Xiao Xiao was obviously not satisfied with such an answer, but he did not show it. Instead, he paused and asked his second question - of course, because the answer was not good enough, he hung it from his fingernails.

The diamond finally passed by the tip of the mouse's nose without being dropped.

A certain mouse wearing clothes could only stare at the beautiful luster of the small stone in the sun, but he could only be anxious.

"Second question, who is the 'ancestor' you mentioned?"

This chapter has been completed!
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