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Chapter 124: Dry Seeds

 "Hey, this is the seed you want."

Zhang Jixin dug around in his arms for a long time, finally pulled out a small paper bag and threw it in front of the black cat: "It's not a big amount, it's only enough for you to use it two or three times. You can use it as a snack during the recording."

The paper bag was brown, and there were still clear visible oil stains on it. Zhang Jixin probably tore it off from the paper bag containing the fried dough sticks after having breakfast in the morning.

Smelling the rich aroma of oil coming from the paper bag, the black cat shrank back in disgust, fearing that the oil would stain its beautiful black fur.

"I got it, I got it... With my skills, two times is enough." The black cat retracted its body, and at the same time, it tried its best to reach forward with its claws, flipping it nimbly, and quickly opened the paper package in front of it.

In the paper bag, three shriveled green beans lay quietly on the oil flowers, looking lifeless.

"Are these live seeds?!" Black Cat raised his head and glanced at the red-faced wizard suspiciously, his red eyes full of suspicion: "Why do they look so shriveled... I remember we planted seeds in the dormitory before.

The two seeds are very round and plump. Can this one still survive if it is dried like this?"

A few weeks ago, Fatty Xin got two seeds that were said to be from 'internal' sources from the school newspaper's editorial office, and planted an image of beautiful Su Shijun singing in Würzburg - although Su Shijun only showed her back at the time,

Still left a very deep impression on Zheng Qing.

The young public-sponsored student clearly remembered that the two seeds that Fatty Xin got at that time were both blue-grey and the size of peanuts. The most important thing was that the two seeds were very full, round, and not shriveled at all.

"Can it be the same?" Elder Zhang rolled his eyes strangely and snorted angrily: "What you are looking for are seeds that have never been recorded or photographed. They are original seeds...the seeds we planted in the dormitory that time.

It has been photographed and recorded, and it is the finished product. Just like the same letter paper, one page is full of words, and the other page is clean and blank. Is it the same concept? "

"Oh, so there is such a difference." The black cat flicked its tail and pressed its paws on a shriveled seed, feeling the subtle undulations and folds between the seed coats on the flesh pad, wondering about this seed in its heart.

How much magic is contained in a small seed? [*! Free reading]

"Speaking of which, we don't run newspapers, and we don't have a publishing house... You don't seem to have any hobbies in this area. Why do you need this thing? If you want to take photos and leave a voice, some say it is a more efficient and convenient way."

Seeing the black cat happily pulling out a piece of clean white paper, wrapping the seeds again, and putting them into the gray cloth bag hanging around his neck, Zhang Jixin finally couldn't help but raised the doubts in his heart.

As a method of information collection and dissemination with a long history of use, the combination of morning glory and image grass has been an important means for wizards to preserve information for a long time. However, with the continuous development and progress of modern magic technology, it can

More efficient and convenient methods such as jade slips and crystal stones for recording sounds have been continuously developed by wizards, and the number of wizards who still use morning glory and recording grass has gradually decreased.

Today, wizards who still use this tool, just like those who use paper cranes to convey messages, perform tricks or use wands to cast spells, are more of a sentiment.

To use an inappropriate analogy, the status of morning glory and phoenix in the wizarding world is like vinyl records, phonographs, and film DVDs in the 21st century, giving people an old-school, late-life, but full of charm.

"Well, I plan to sing a song to Elena as a New Year's gift." The black cat waved its paws and revealed this big secret without caring, then flicked its tail and planned to leave: "See you later...ah

!What are you doing?!"

The black cat turned around and walked not even a foot away when he felt his tail tighten. When he turned around, the red-faced wizard was grabbing his tail with a mean smile on his face: "Sing? What song? Do you need accompaniment? I can play the guitar.

, and also whistle..."

"I'm paralyzing you, let go!" The black cat felt its tail being pulled, and its hair suddenly exploded. Its eyes were as big as copper bells, and anger rushed from the bottom of its heart, and its body suddenly swelled.

One foot, two feet, three feet, one meter, two meters, three meters.

In the blink of an eye, the cute little black cat, which was originally only about a foot tall, turned into a ferocious beast with a shoulder height of three meters. Then the black cat swung its huge paw and pinned the red-faced wizard down with a bang.

They were beaten violently on the ground.

"You're a fool! Do you want to be beaten?"

"You still play the guitar? Believe it or not, I've stopped playing the guitar for you?!"

"Haven't you ever heard that a tiger's tail cannot be touched?"

The red-faced wizard held his head and screamed, but he did not dare to move his book or fists, for fear that the black cat would poke out its sharp claws from between its toes and the conflict would escalate out of control.

In the final analysis, he was still a little unreasonable and had forgotten what Zheng Qing had repeatedly warned them.

The black cat beat him for a long time before the anger in his heart subsided.

Correspondingly, his body shape also returned to its original shape.

"It's better that I have a good temper and didn't use violence...otherwise you would have been pinned down on the operating table by the therapists at the school hospital to save you right now!" The black cat was beaten so hard that he gasped and spat on the grass next to him.

Then he glared at the red-faced wizard and announced viciously: "You committed a crime! The money for the seeds is gone!!"

"It's okay, it's okay, just treat it as a casual person." Zhang Jixin grinned and rubbed his shoulders, but refused to show weakness at all: "Besides, you are a cat, not a tiger... And that's not what he said.


The black cat took a deep breath and raised a paw.


Four or five sharp claws popped out from between the toes, flashing with a few gleams in the cold wind.

"If you have any last words, let's tell them together." Black Cat lowered his eyelids and said gloomily.

"Hey! Why are you so anxious?!" The red-faced wizard grabbed the Dharma book and held it in front of his chest. He hurriedly took two steps back and shouted with an inward look: "In broad daylight, do you still want to kill someone?

!I can tell you, this is a hunting ground, and five full hunting teams are training five hundred meters away from here! You don’t want to be caught and put in a cage..."

The black cat's expression froze upon hearing this, and he subconsciously glanced at the edge of the hunting ground.

Just as Zhang Jixin said, the huge black cat two to three meters high just now has attracted the attention of many wizards on the hunting ground. Four or five senior wizards with black stripes embroidered on their robes are walking towards this side quickly.

The black cat didn't want to talk to other strangers - he didn't want others to know that he could talk. So he finally glared at the red-faced wizard fiercely, gave you a dead look, and turned around angrily.

Pass through the bushes and disappear into the depths of the lawn.

This chapter has been completed!
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