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Chapter 133 The chat between the wizard and the witch

 The speaker is Dr. Duzem.

Because of the excitement of chatting with the witch just now, the young public-funded student completely forgot that he was now in the courtyard of Dr. Duzem's house. Naturally, he also ignored the owner of the courtyard who had always remained silent.

Jiang Yu seemed to be taken aback by Dr. Duzem's sudden praise, but her behavior was much calmer than that of the wizard.

"That's not what you just said," the witch looked back at the doctor and smiled: "You just said that you can't take risks unless you are 100% sure... You are not a real alchemist if you change your words so quickly.

It’s something you should do.”

Dr. Duzem obviously did not expect that the witch would question him at this time, and was immediately at a loss and speechless. When Constantine stood next to him, he immediately took a few steps forward, took the cardboard box from Zheng Qing's arms familiarly, and then

He raised his feet and walked towards the small building not far away.

When Dr. Duzem saw this, he immediately let out a sigh of relief: "You guys chat slowly, and I'll go check it out for you... It'll be quick, it'll only take a few minutes. You don't have to come, there's no need to come over..."

As he hurriedly walked towards the small building, he waved his hand back to stop the young wizard from following up.

Zheng Qing was willing to follow the doctor to see it, but because of Dr. Duzem's stop, he also thought that he would not be able to help there, but often caused trouble. In addition, there was a witch beside him, and several thoughts were in his mind.

After rolling over, he stopped Jian Ruliu and continued chatting with Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu no longer continued to hold on to Dr. Duzem's previous problems - she seemed to be in no hurry to leave at this moment, she just wrapped the cloak around her shoulders a little tighter, and then looked at the young public-funded student again.


"Have you invited any guests to the opening ceremony? Are there any entertainment programs? Is there a buffet on site?" She seemed to be very interested in D&K and kept asking about some details about opening a store, which made Zheng Qing feel a little overwhelmed.


"We are just a small shop, very small..." The wizard smiled awkwardly, raised his left hand with great effort, and made a very small gesture with his index finger and thumb, emphasizing: "For such a small shop, the entire shop

Even with all the budget, there are not enough people to fit in, and there is no capital to do anything big... Naturally, there will be no programs or buffets."

"No guests invited?" The witch seemed a little disappointed.

"Guests will naturally be invited, but not too many." At this point, Zheng Qing suddenly stopped talking and glanced at the witch: "You will go, right... We are so familiar, don't you want to

Let me get an invitation!"

Jiang Yu raised her hand and held it lightly, covering her mouth, as if she wanted to laugh, but felt it was not polite enough, so she suppressed a few coughs.

"You're not even willing to send out an invitation, you're really fed up!" She couldn't help it in the end and laughed out loud: "The store hasn't even opened yet, but it's already cost-conscious... Mengmeng wanted to go to you before.

There is an autumn breeze blowing in the store, and it looks like she has no hope at all."

"Business is business, and friendship is a matter of friendship. One code equals the other." The young public-funded student puffed up his chest and tried to put on a serious tone, saying: "The world of gold is a cold world, without warmth.


"It's a pity that you don't work for the goblins. The way you spoke just now is very similar to the style of the current president of Sam Chase." The witch smiled and said sarcastically: "I remember that several wizard bank branches around the school are recruiting for a long time.

Intern... maybe you can try to apply for one during the summer vacation."

"Intern?" Zheng Qing's eyes suddenly lit up: "Do they also want freshman students? Is there a salary? Do you care about accommodation and food? Can I bring pets to work... I mean, if I put Poseidon

In the reception room, do they have any objections?"

Jiang Yu looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

"Your thinking jumps too fast!" the witch complained: "My family doesn't have a bank, how do I know their conditions for recruiting interns... And there is still more than half a year before summer vacation, so there is no need for you.

Think so much!”

"And maybe by then, your D&K business will be so popular that you won't have time to find an internship at all."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing's originally somewhat depressed expression suddenly became cheerful. He quickly raised his hands and bowed to express his thanks in a decent manner: "I accept your good wishes, my good wishes... I must come to the opening ceremony. We have prepared a very exquisite souvenir."


"You haven't said which guests you have invited." As if she felt the chill in the air was gathering, the witch stamped her feet and wrapped the shawl around her shoulders a little tighter. At the same time, she looked at the wizard with a smile: "I guess, Elaine

Na will definitely go, right."

Zheng Qing was hesitating whether to find a coat from the gray cloth bag and give it to the witch, but after hearing her words, he felt inexplicably depressed in his heart, and his original thoughts were dispelled by this depression.

"She has other things to do... she may not be able to go." The wizard said in a casual tone, but immediately added: "But we have a lot of guests, so it will definitely not be too deserted."

As he spoke, he raised his fingers and counted them carefully: "First of all, all the members of the Exoneration Hunting Team will definitely come."

"Then from our college, there are Nicholas, Liu Feifei, Downton, Duan Xiaojian and others in the same grade; from Alpha College, there are Andrew, Julian, Nanjian, Nankai - they are friends I met during the freshman competition.

They are all very good hunters.”

"There is also Dylan from Starry Sky Academy - our roommate, a vampire werewolf. Although he is also a sinner, you probably rarely see him, because his work and rest schedule is different from Matthew and others, day and night.

Upside Down; and Omega, the Jota restaurant on the pedestrian street is owned by his family, and we can be considered neighbors this time."

"I don't know many people in Atlas, so I only invited two. One was a young monk named Shi Yuan, who sat next to me on the admission plane. He was also one of the initiators of the forgiveness, but he was only in name.

You probably haven't seen it either... The other one is a fortune teller from Andrew's hunting team, his name is Amber, he's very powerful, very powerful."

"In addition, there are some senior seniors, such as Deng Xiaojian and Qi Qinglan from Judgment. They gave our hunting team a lot of help during the freshman competition... If nothing else happens, they are very likely to drag Hoffman over.


"Oh, Zhang Jixin also called him brother. His brother Zhang Shuzhi is on the No. 1 university team. But according to what you said, if Lei Zhe is dissatisfied with our small shop, his brother might not come."

"Well, I also invited a few parrots to the student union, the ones at the front desk on the first floor of the office building. They are very familiar with us and are very well-informed. If we don't invite them, they will definitely be arrested next time they enter the office building.

Making things difficult."

This chapter has been completed!
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