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Chapter 181 Murlocs who walked out of the bottom of the lake

 A fish-man dragged his heavy steps through the crowd.

Although it is covered with a large black robe, the corners of the robe are dragging on the ground, and the hood almost covers its chin, covering most of its physical features. But a small dorsal fin behind its neck is unruly.

The black robe was pierced and exposed, but the identity of this fish-man was completely exposed.

This also explains the strong fishy stench surrounding this black-robed monster.

According to old legends, murlocs are a kind of savage, brutal, bloodthirsty and backward creatures. Even though they are recognized as a civilized race by the "Wizard Code", they are difficult to be accepted by the wizarding world because their civilizations are too different.

Especially more than a hundred years ago, during the Second Lich War, the murlocs stood on the opposite side of the wizards, causing the reputation of this aquatic creature in the wizarding world to decline even more.

This was reflected in everyone's attitude towards this strange fish-man, which was unabashed hostility and distance. Wherever it passed by, all the wizards lowered their voices in unison, took out their magic books, and then took a few steps back.

There is a strong tendency to throw curses at anyone who disagrees.

The fishmen may not be able to feel the subtle atmosphere permeating the air.

Maybe you can feel it, but you don't care about it.

In short, it was always steady and walked forward unhurriedly. It did not stop until it reached the newly opened magic goods shop at No. 97 Pedestrian Street.

As an aquatic magical creature, there is no doubt that all individuals of the fishman race have a natural aversion to land. Dry air, too low air pressure, and the pointing eyes of those two-legged monkeys are all easy to

Make the bad-tempered fishman angry.

But Iseni won't.

It's a weird fish-man.

In other words, compared to other fish-men who are cunning, dishonest and lack ideals, Iseni is more like a product of genetic mutation.

It is a very motivated, or very ambitious, fish-man. It does not want to waste its whole life in the shallow lake in the courtyard of the academy, nor does it want to stay in the underwater grotto all its life, using a stone ax to strike.

Break the hard shells of the water clams one by one and suck the bland mussel meat inside, or stare blankly at the seaweed drifting with the waves at the bottom of the lake.

A stay is a lifetime.

Just thinking about it made the fishman shiver all over and his dorsal fin trembled.

Iseni wants to go to the outside world.

I heard from the elders of the tribe that if you swim along the waterway of Linzhong Lake, you can find an endless blue world at the end, where there are distant relatives of the fish people - sharks and sea monsters - only

However, that blue world, like the land world outside the lake, is not so friendly to fish people.【!# #!Free reading】

But these are not within the scope of Iseni's consideration.

Whether the environment is suitable or not, whether other races are friendly or unfriendly, cannot affect this young fishman's desire to break through the barriers and open up a small world of his own outside the circles drawn by the old antiques.

Therefore, it practiced for three days in the winter and three days in the summer, worked hard and became the strongest among the young fishmen; therefore, it was qualified to summon many similarly restless young fishmen at the bottom of the lake, and interact with them outside the lake.

Some students in that school made deals and accumulated knowledge; so, it recently agreed to the invitation of a fat wizard with whom it made a deal to join a newly established wizard hunting team as a guest.

A hundred years ago, wizards and fishmen were still enemies. Wizards' hunting teams searched the sky for these evil creatures hiding in the backwaters, using their dorsal fins and eyeballs as trophies to show off.

A hundred years later, wizards and murlocs can be in the same hunting team without any concern, and they can still laugh and joke with each other, trusting their backs in high spirits.

The funniest thing in the world is this.

Of course, for Iseni, these principles are too subtle and profound, and it is not willing to waste its insufficient wisdom to interpret them. It prefers to focus on the thing it is fighting for.

It didn't know much about the land world before, so its trading partners were only some covered wizard students. But as time went by, as some of those covered students rebelled, especially with that

After the fat wizard had a detailed discussion with it several times, the young fishman understood something by analogy and suddenly became enlightened.

It felt that it should also learn to swim with two tails - for example, the trading objects of debris at the bottom of the lake seemed to be slightly expanded; for example, some curious wizards on land might be interested in the fishmen's dishes and accessories.

In short, it feels that it should expand the scope of traders.

At the First University School Hunting Competition held some time ago, Iseni met a young public-funded student. Although they did not communicate much, he successfully performed the identity of a qualified robe. Therefore, he successfully expanded his own

Connections in the land world.

Therefore, when it received an invitation from a young public-funded student at the bottom of the lake not long ago, it simply hesitated for a moment and immediately agreed to go ashore to participate in the opening ceremony of the small store - even if it meant that it had to waste nearly a week to complete various tasks.

All kinds of complicated forms, and almost rude tests from the wizards at First University.

To show its sincerity, it even included a salted frog leg as a gift in its reply.

That's his favorite snack.

And the result of everything, all the efforts, will be revealed after it steps into this small shop.

Before that, other irrelevant matters were out of the young fishman's sight.

Dingding Finance and Pesticide Company——


Iseni grabbed the black and red card in his hand, and after comparing it word for word, he nodded, strode across the low threshold of the store, and squeezed in regardless.

The crowd was filled with screams from witches and shouts such as 'It stinks', 'Did the sewer explode?', 'Is this a prank? Who threw the skunk bomb?'

As the situation gradually became clearer, the noisy crowd gradually became quiet.

Many wizards gave up looking at the scenery outside the store or shopping for goods in the store, and left angrily with a straight face. It seemed to them that staying in a room with a smelly guy from the bottom of the lake was a waste of time.

Such a huge shame.

There were also some wizards who took out magic books and carefully watched every move of the fish-man, as if they were worried that the fish-man would have some evil intentions towards this small shop.

Iseni turned a blind eye to this.

Behind it, there was a lot of clanking in the huge fish skin bag.

Ignoring the surprised, disgusted, or greedy looks around him, the big fish man slammed a fish skin bag on the counter on the left side of the shop and shouted in a muffled voice.

"Mortgage, dead pawn."

When the old man Verne walked through the crowd and walked to the small shop, he happened to see the public student who was negotiating with the fish man.

Smelling the familiar smell in the air, the old man suddenly understood and smiled softly.

"They are all acquaintances."


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