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Chapter 213 D{xml}K has a new accountant

 Professor Yao's education was very good at curbing Zheng Qing's heart that was gradually slipping towards indulgence.

As a result, from Sunday night to Thursday, the young public-funded student's face always looked a bit depressed. Even the Christmas Eve carnival on Wednesday night couldn't make him feel any less excited.

Of course, the reason why Zheng Qing was still in a bad mood on Wednesday night may not only be because of what Lao Yao taught him a few days ago - at the masquerade party in the evening, the Count Dracula he dressed up was chased and beaten by several real vampires.

It ended with the young public-funded student being carried upside down and thrown into Linzhong Lake.

Even Xiao Xiao thought that Zheng Qing was just asking for trouble.

Vampires have always been powerful representatives among the nobility under the moon. Even if we look at the entire wizarding world, there are not many forces that can compete with them. Those who are more powerful than them, such as orthodox wizards, do not have the unity of vampires;

Those who are weaker than them, such as werewolves and ghosts, will not easily stroke the tiger's beard.

That is to say, Zheng Qing, who grew up in Bai Dong's world, lacked sensitivity to this kind of thing, and dared to make up like the man in "400 Years of Love" who wore a big red robe, had stiff and long fingers, and had two hairpins on his head.

Count Dracula with a bun in his bun, then swaggering around the campus.

The young public-sponsored students were completely unaware that in the entire First University, in addition to Sir Friedman and Matthew, there were also a large group of pure-blood or non-pure-blood vampire classmates, and most of them could not tolerate them.

This young wizard's behavior is almost blasphemous to his ancestors.

"This is just a joke!" Zheng Qing complained angrily to several of his classmates in the potion class on Thursday morning: "They really dare to do that... If I hadn't had some friendship with the fishman tribe in the lake,

You will definitely be dragged to the bottom of the lake and fed to the kappas!”

"It's hard to say which one of you is more outrageous." Fatty Xin was wearing a pair of large protective glasses, leaning his head in front of the crucible, checking the properties of the medicine through a piece of lavender smoke.

While reading and taking notes, he still had the energy to reply to the young public-sponsored student: "After all, Linzhong Lake is inside the First University. Every year, as many as 100 to 80 students accidentally fall into the water, but I haven't heard of any.

Who really drowned... In comparison, several students really drowned in the large bath in the school's public restroom."

"This is indeed ironic." Zhang Jixin folded his arms, turned to look at the white world outside the window, and lazily expressed his opinion.

Today is Christmas, and as usual, the climate management department presents everyone with a world covered in silver.

The heavy snow started falling in the middle of the night yesterday - when the masquerade was about to end - and continued all night until the sky lit up and the first wave of students for morning exercises got up from their beds.

In just one night, the entire campus was covered with thick snow. This made everyone have a lot of joy on the way to class in the morning - often when someone passed a big tree, they were hit by a series of snowballs shot out of the tree hole.

The ball was screaming.

Well, that's right, classes at Jiuyou Academy are still going on as normal today.

Although Christmas is a legal holiday in the wizarding world, the Wizarding Union does not stipulate that holidays must be taken on holidays - in the view of Jiuyou Academy, it is irresponsible to everyone to allow students to have fun all day long near the end of the term.

Of course, this is just the practice of one college in Jiuyou.

For the other three colleges of First University, as well as most graduate schools, Christmas is still a day worth remembering and resting.

"No one paid attention to the drowning accident last night, no one." Fatty Xin moved his head back from above the crucible, looked up at the young public-funded students, grinned with a malicious smile: "The school newspaper didn't even have one

I didn’t even bother to send a text message...even though the person who fell into the water was the famous Merlin Medal recipient and a publicly funded student.”

Zheng Qing pretended not to hear the fat man's ridicule.

He turned his head and said angrily to Dr. Xiao Da: "Excuse me, the dry ground powder of salamander can only be added to the pot after the juice of Aesthesia... Do you want us to get zero eggs in today's assessment?"

"It's just an experiment," Xiao Xiao waved his hand nonchalantly: "The wizard must have the courage to try. No one knows whether adding dry newt grinding powder and adding the juice of the axolotl can make a new one.

The antidote.”

"Then you should choose a safer potion to try!" Zheng Qing growled in a low voice: "If I read it correctly, today's potion is used to treat Xia Sanlu... I don't want to be caught out of the pot.

Some unknown gas poisoned the school hospital!"

"Especially today is Christmas." Fatty Xin moved slightly to the side, increasing the distance between him and the crucible in front of Dr. Xiao, carefully avoiding the dark blue light coming out of the crucible.


Xiao Xiao also carefully covered himself with a large mask, and then changed the subject angrily: "Oh, by the way, Fox Five flew me a paper crane this morning, saying that there were not enough mice to pull the pumpkin cart, so you

Let’s discuss with the guys below if we can send in more temporary employees.”

Hu Wu is a professional accountant assigned to D&K by Qingqiu Mansion.

Yes, stationed.

Beauty Su, who walked around at the store's opening ceremony on Saturday, felt that Zheng Qing and others' management of the store was really poor, so she sent them a professional housekeeper to help them take care of the store.

Of course, the excuse she used was to ask D&K to discuss with the underground rats, and send some mice in clothes to act as temporary employees during Christmas to drive the pumpkin cart to the school. And the housekeeper of the fox clan was Qing

The remuneration paid by Qiu Gongguan is for a period of half a year. After expiration, the employee has priority for additional employment.

In the eyes of others, this is probably one of the benefits of D&K having the ‘exclusive rights’ with the Rat Tribe.

But Zheng Qing knew that this was not the case.

The deeper purpose of Su Shijun sending this Fox Five is to prevent the Duke of Milton from the Moon Council or the werewolf prince of the Talbot family from making trouble in the store again - in the eyes of Su Shi, these are all caused by her.

The trouble should be solved by her.

Her help came just in time. If it had been a few days later, D&K would have closed.

Because after classes started on Monday, the young wizards of the Exoneration Hunting Team discovered that it is not an easy task to open a good store while taking good classes.

The simplest thing is that it is difficult for them to balance the conflict between class time and opening a store.

If they cannot hire a professional store clerk, they can only choose to open the store in their spare time, and they also need to waste a lot of time studying in the library to watch the store.

This is very, very difficult.


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