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Chapter 39 Colmar de Guigny

 A moment after the bell rang, a young girl with a delicate face wearing a gray-white robe appeared in the yard.

"Who are you looking for?" Looking at the clothes of the three wizards, she sounded a little wary. "This is not that kind of place. You are looking for the wrong one."

While Zheng Qing was still thinking about what kind of place 'that kind of place' was, Xiao Xiao had already handed over the note in his hand with a smile on his face.

"We are students from Daiichi University's Kuyou College. We received a recruitment invitation from the Gini Hut, so we came over to see if there is anything we can do to help." His words were very polite and tactful, and he did not blame the other party for being rude.

And angry.

As he spoke, the note in his hand was like a swimming fish, moving gracefully with a slight splashing sound, and finally fell into the hands of the young girl. This little trick made the girl opposite him shine with a look of envy on his face.


"Please wait a moment, I will ask Sister Kolma." She looked through the parchment in her hand and finally replied.

Xiao Xiao was confident and nodded repeatedly.

After the witch left, Zheng Qing just turned to look at Xiao Xiao, and Fatty Xin next to him came over with a mean smile on his face.

"I know, I know, you want to ask what kind of place the 'that kind of place' that girl mentioned just now is, right?" Fatty Xin said with a wink, and his originally honest and round face somehow became a bit more vulgar. "That's right.

...That kind of place! A place where men all want to go but can only go there secretly.”

Zheng Qing is not a child. As soon as he saw the fat man's wretched appearance, he knew what he was talking about.

"Stay away from me," he twitched the corner of his mouth and took a step back calmly, "I don't want to get things like dragon disease syphilis, snake flower genital warts... It is said that it has become popular here in the North District in the past few years.

There is an incurable disease called 'Magic Immunodeficiency Virus'. If you have it, your magic power will continue to drain away, and you will eventually become worse than a magician."

Fatty Xin had a somewhat uncomfortable expression on his face.

"It's just a joke, am I that kind of person?" Fatty defended for a moment, and then added, "And the magic immunodeficiency virus you mentioned is just a rumor. I think it's more like some wizards in the alliance habitually give it to

The magician is throwing dirty water on him. Who knows if those sick guys were backlashed by black magic while doing black magic experiments."

There is some truth in this statement, but to be cautious, Zheng Qing will never conduct this kind of consumption in the North District of Beta Town - including other districts, and he will not go to other places!

With this strange confidence, he glared at the fat man fiercely again, which made the fat man confused.

"How much do you know about this Gini Hut?" Zheng Qing turned to look at Xiao Xiao, who had been keeping quiet, and asked, "You didn't choose this task randomly, did you?"

Xiao Xiao nodded silently, pondered for a long time, and then slowly explained

"The owner of Gini's hut is Corrado Gini. It is said that he was once an officially registered wizard. However, due to some changes, he was deprived of the book of magic by the Wizards' Federation, sealed his magic power, and canceled his wizard qualification... and later...

, everyone only knows that he opened this Guini House in the North District of Beta Town and became a magic master among magicians."

"Gold will shine wherever it is." Fatty Xin commented.

"Is this the point?" Zheng Qing glanced at the fat man angrily, and then asked worriedly, "Then his mission this time won't be anything illegal... Is it appropriate for us to directly accept this kind of mission?"

"I didn't say it was Corrado who issued the mission." Xiao Xiao raised the notebook in his hand. "The imprint on the parchment belongs to Colma de Gini... She is Corrado's daughter, so she can use Gini's hut.

Release the commission in name.”

"Colmar de Guini?" Zheng Qing repeated the name. It felt very familiar for a while, but also had a strong sense of dissonance.

Fatty Xin spoke immediately and expressed Zheng Qing's sense of disobedience.

"De?" The fat man raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows. "She is a noble? I heard you right. You just said that his father's name is Corrado Gini. There is no 'de'."

Zheng Qing immediately realized that he had just noticed something abnormal.

In French, names containing 'de' (Germany) are a symbol of nobility, used to express noble status and are intended to highlight and show off their lineage. Similarly, there is 'von' in Germany and 'van' in the Netherlands.

etc.; from a certain perspective, the Spanish 'Don' and the Italian 'Emperor' also have similar functions.

As we all know, the inheritance of aristocratic status is extremely rigid and strict, but again, this kind of status inheritance has been very declining in modern times. Colma's name has "virtue" in it but his father's name does not. No matter from that point of view, it is

It's a very strange thing.

"And, if I remember correctly, 'Gini' should be the surname in Italy," Zheng Qing realized later and added, "It always feels weird for an Italian to use the word 'German'."

Dr. Xiao Da nodded happily.

"Being able to see this shows that you still have some common sense." He adjusted his glasses and explained calmly, "Colma inherited the word 'De' from her mother, Ms. Sophia de Heer, and

Ms. Sophia's father, Baron Hale of the Cotentin Peninsula, had only one daughter and no adopted son. In other words, de Hale was extinct in this generation. So after Baron Hale's death, with the approval of the Wizards' Union, Cole

Miss Ma inherited the identity of 'De' and became the last remnant of the Hale family in the world."

"In other words, except for the extra 'German' in her name, Miss Colma is not really a noble."

Zheng Qing and Fatty Xin were in admiration as they listened to the doctor's eloquent explanation.

Finally, Xiao Xiao added, "The school actually has professional courses to study the noble lineage. Things like 'blood heraldry' and 'werewolf totemology' are two of the most popular subjects. You can study them if you have time."

If you can't learn it, you can't afford to offend him, so you run away.

Zheng Qing and Fatty Xin handed over to the doctor almost at the same time, expressing their attitudes.

A gust of cold wind blew by, rolling down a few plum blossoms on the branches in the garden, and their snow-white petals fluttered down, adding a bit of artistic conception to the conversation between the few people.

Before the wind had subsided and the plum blossoms had fallen, the girl who had informed appeared in front of the three boys again.

This time, she opened the door of No. 33 Gudiao Street.

"Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time." She apologized and led the three of them to the yard. At the same time, she explained, "Sister Kolma is guiding her companions inside. You may have to wait for a while after entering... But don't worry.

, very fast.”

Naturally, Zheng Qing and others wouldn't worry about it at this time. After all, they had already checked in at the hotel at the North District Pier and had no need to rush.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Guests can do as they please." Xiao Xiao was polite and walked at the front.

Zheng Qing and Fatty Xin were half a body behind, following the doctor - this time it was Xiao Xiao who received the task at the secret bulletin board, so naturally he took the lead.

At noon, most pubs are not open yet, and Sakura Tavern on the first floor of No. 33 Gu Diao Street is no exception.

Perhaps for this reason, the young girl who led the way did not lead the three people to enter through the front door of the house. Instead, they walked half a circle around the white exterior wall of the two-story building, and finally came to an external staircase on the side of the house.



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