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Chapter 55 Wild Hunt

 A string of sparks flashed in the air, burning the air of fear that filled the air.

In the forest goods market, vendors and most of the guests hid in nearby rooms, fearing that they would be stared at by the magical creatures with red eyes. Only a handful of brave wizards followed Andrew and the three-pronged sword to stop those

A raging figure.

The figures of the misfortunes are getting closer and closer, and their appearance is becoming clearer and clearer.

Zheng Qing saw their charcoal-like eyes, their satin-like shiny fur, and their bifurcated tails like poisonous tongues.

Their mouths breathed blazing flames, leaving a mess wherever they passed, leaving behind them raging horrific fires.

From time to time, jars storing medicines were detonated by these flames, emitting dazzling lights and loud noises, making the scene seem increasingly out of control.


The young public-funded student pulled the trigger and fired an evil-repelling talisman bullet at a fudou who was approaching the team.

Fu Dou twisted his waist and dodged the rune bullets, but did not escape the power range of the rune bullets. The milky white magic halo flashed past with the impact point as the center. Fu Dou, who was about to pounce, seemed to have seen something terrifying.

The natural enemy, with long hair standing on end on its neck, bared its teeth, barked and took a few steps back.

The evil-repelling talisman is mainly used to frighten and ward off evil spirits, and its lethality is not very strong.

Most of the talismans in the magazine of the silver python in Zheng Qing's hands were of this type. It wasn't that he didn't want to see his prey killed with one blow, but that most of the talismans he learned in school were non-lethal. This

It is also consistent with the consistent teaching purposes of First University.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have other options.

In the gray cloth bag at his waist, there was also a Remington loaded with blood runes. Since the last time he used the runes made of blood runes to kill the descendant of Tsathogua, he had secretly used this kind of runes.

The method is regarded as one's trump card.

But right now, facing a group of 'big wolf dogs', he felt that he didn't need to use another big gun.

The aftermath of the explosion of rune bombs also attracted several other beasts, all lowering their bodies and roaring at the new hunters.

Robert Lee didn't pay attention to these barking dog-like monsters. He stared at the breached wall at the edge of the forest commodity market, his face extremely ugly.

"Why would it cause trouble?" He gritted his teeth and whispered to himself: "Why now?!"

"We saw a vendor selling cubs in the market before. Is it because of this?" Zheng Qing guessed and replied. At this moment, he was still standing beside Robert, holding guns in both hands, watching steadily.


Although the rune bomb he had just played did not kill the tiger, and the effect was not satisfactory, Zheng Qing was not particularly frustrated. At least it attracted the attention of several tigers, which reduced the pressure in other directions. This was the result.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to refill his bullets immediately.

The magazine capacity of the Colt Silver Python is six rounds. He only fired one round just now, and there is still plenty of remaining ammunition.

"It's really an ominous sign." Fatty Xin stood on the other side of Robert. He didn't hold a book in his hand, but a quill and a notebook. Of course, this didn't mean that he didn't care about the danger.

.In fact, from the moment he stepped through the gate of the Lin Goods Market, Xin's figure had suddenly grown in size, and the skin all over his body had turned light blue.

It can be seen that compared to the time at the school hunting party, he has a stronger degree of control over his transformation ability, and can already maintain the state of low-level transformation.

"Should we take action now?" Zheng Qing looked at the raging Fu Dou figures in the distance, licked his lips, and was eager to give it a try.

He felt that his big gun was already thirsty.

"No," he was answered by Xiao Xiao, who was standing at the back of the team: "The situation in the market is currently controllable. Those troublemakers, including Andrew and Professor An, plus those many people, can completely handle it.

…My divination results show that the biggest risk currently comes from that wall.”

Robert did not look back, but there was an expression of approval on his face, and he nodded in agreement: "It is indeed the hunting team that won first place. Everyone is outstanding. But there is one thing you are not clear about. To be precise, the biggest

The risk is the gap in the wall... This wall is the first line of defense to protect magic outside Beta Town. Beyond the wall are the Silent River and Silent Forest. A gap in the wall means that Beta Town has moved towards the Silent Forest.

The door is open."

"This is the biggest crisis right now."

"The black tide is about to pour out of that gap."

When Zheng Qing heard this, he took a deep breath.

In recent times, he has heard Xiao Xiao and other elders in Beta Town talk about the horror of the 'Black Tide' more than once. The so-called Black Tide refers to the impact of hungry magical creatures in the Silent Forest during certain bad times in late winter and early spring.

Beta Town, a natural phenomenon seeking food and other ways out.

This period of time happens to be the time when the Kuroshio is most likely to appear. Even on the pedestrian street, many stores have shortened their business hours and strengthened the protective magic on their facades. The most popular ones on the market now are similar amulets, formation disks, and talismans.

and other products.

Under normal circumstances, a large-scale protective magic formation is deployed around Beta Town - although it cannot be compared with the protective formation of First University, it can also be called a high tower, a deep chasm, and a golden city soup pool - these magic formations interact with each other.

It is a horn that pulls a hair and moves the whole body.

Magical creatures rushing out of the Silent Forest and impacting any magic position will cause concerted attacks from other guardian magics around them.

In most cases, the black tide will gradually dissipate under the layers of defense in Beta Town, and it is rare to actually break the magic circle.

According to the elders in the town, the last time Beta Town was washed into the pedestrian street by a black tide was three years ago. Several fire demons broke through the defensive position under the cover of other magical creatures and rushed into Beta Town, igniting dozens of fires along the way.


Lin Guo's former Lin's Shop was destroyed in that disaster, and his family members also lost their lives in that disaster. Because of their close relationship, Zheng Qing was particularly impressed by this incident.

"Fortunately, Lin Guo is not here." The young public-funded student twitched his lips and whispered.

Although he didn't know what it would be like if Lin Guo were here. He simply felt that the little wizard should not be allowed to face such a bad situation again.

Robert E. Lee didn't pay attention to Zheng Qing's whispers.

"Get ready for the Wild Hunt," the Sheriff said softly to the young wizards beside him: "Open your Dharma books, open your eyes wide, and curse every wild beast that appears in front of you... Tell the people in the town

, close the doors and windows."

"Wild Hunt?" Zheng Qing felt a cold air running straight up from his tailbone along his spine. This word seemed to contain huge negative magic power.

"Take a deep breath," the Sheriff seemed to understand the wizard's mood very well, and pointed out: "They are still deep in the Silent Forest... It's just that their cold breath and cold breath have eroded the town... That's why we feel like it's noon

The sunlight was like the moon, and the fire scene was extremely cold."

This chapter has been completed!
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