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Chapter 19 The Master of Sinology

 The security system of Zhiyun Military Academy has an extremely high level of security. Even a master like Tao Bao took three days to intrude into the system without being noticed.

After hacking into the system and discovering Chu Di's situation, Tao Bao immediately saw the danger Chu Di was facing.

Although Chu Di himself was very adaptable to the harsh environment of this cage, in Tao Bao's view, this environment was no different from a death row.

How could the confinement room of a military academy look like this? This is clearly a facility for imprisoning wild beasts!

So even if Tao Bao didn't know about the tragedy that happened at Zhiyun Military Academy, he could still tell that someone wanted to harm Chu Di.

"Let's talk about how to get out. Do you want me to call Li Ying and Linda?"

Tao Bao is still observing, using an astronomical telescope to observe the asteroid belt between fire and wood. It is not possible to spot abnormalities with just one glance.

Tao Bao is a person with rigorous logic and thoughtful thinking. He knows that if he wants to rescue Chu Di through Li Ying or Linda, he must first seek Chu Di's opinion. At least Chu Di must know this, so that he can form an internal and external cooperation.

Unexpectedly, Chu Di said: "Don't tell them about me, but you must tell them about aliens entering the solar system."

Tao Bao said anxiously: "If you don't tell them, how can you get out? I can only fake a dynamic picture for those watching the surveillance at night, and then use this device to talk to you, but I can't hack the three gates of this prison.


The three gates, especially the lock on the door above the metal cage, are independent devices from the system and use the latest eye recognition technology.

According to previous surveillance videos, only the ugly girl who delivered the food, Hao Yunlai, her daughter Hao Ying, and the first disciple Si Guosheng were able to open the gate. Among them, the ugly girl had the lowest authority and could only open two gates.

Now Hao Ying and Si Guosheng have followed Long Yaojing to Ceres. If they want to let Chu Di out, unless Hao Yunlai comes to open the door in person, is that possible?

Tao Bao told the truth: "I can't hijack a master-level person."

Chu Di smiled and said: "You don't need to hijack me. Have you forgotten the function of the Cosmic Divine Sword? It can vaporize all the power grids and metal grids that are blocking us."

Tao Bao objected: "That won't work either. I don't know how to swordsmanship. As long as I walk up the back hill with my sword in hand, I will definitely be intercepted by the pickets."

Chu Di said: "You don't know swordsmanship, but I do. I can teach you, teach you the Dugu Nine Swordsmanship!"

Tao Bao couldn't help being surprised, but he also doubted: "Can I learn it?"

Chu Di said: "Based on your IQ, if you can't learn it, it's impossible for anyone else in the world to learn it. Besides, I can show it to you here, and you can just imitate it."

, can you learn radio gymnastics?"

As long as Tao Bao controls the monitoring system, Chu Di no longer needs to pretend. He can say whatever he wants and do whatever he wants.

"Okay, then tell me the principle first."

"The principle is the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes. I'm afraid it will take some time for you to understand this."

"What do you understand? What I studied is the Book of Changes! My knowledge system of mathematics, astronomy, physics, etc. are all derived from the Book of Changes!"

Now it's Chu Di's turn to be confused, isn't it? Co-author Tao Bao is the real master of Chinese studies!

Chu Di naturally knew that the Western knowledge system pursued and studied by people on earth in modern times was actually a technological tree that was destined to wither. To put it more simply, the knowledge learned by people on earth from modern times to the present was an extremely long dead end.

If a dead end is only ten or eight meters long, everyone will naturally know that it is a dead end, but what if the dead end is several thousand meters long? If there are a few more turns in the middle, people will not know that it is a dead end.

The scientific knowledge developed by Westerners on earth is wrong from the beginning. It is the lowest knowledge system in the universe, or it is not an exaggeration to call it pseudoscience. It can only be used during a period of ignorance after the birth of human beings.

Here, in a limited space, provide guidance to humans.

Another example is that the added root of an equation seems to be the solution to the original equation, but in fact it cannot satisfy the problem setting conditions of the original equation.

It was the top talents of Western science, such as Newton, Einstein and Hawking, who were the first to discover that Western science was a dead end. These people, without exception, began to study theology in their later years because they knew that the scientific knowledge they had learned

It's all wrong.

It was wrong from the beginning.

These contents are all on Chu Di's laptop. Although Chu Di is not a scientist and has no intention of studying science, he understands this principle.

He also knew that knowledge that was superior to Western science was the Book of Changes left by the ancestors of the Chinese people.

Confucius and Mencius read the Book of Changes, and Confucianism appeared in the world;

Li Er read the Book of Changes, and Taoism appeared in the world;

Zhuangzi read the Book of Changes and then realized martial arts;

Guiguzi read the Book of Changes, and the art of war appeared in the world;

Mozi read the Book of Changes, and there were magical instruments in the world;

Sun Simiao read the Book of Changes and medicine made progress...

I would also like to add here that Tao Bao read the Book of Changes, so he was better than countless scientists today.

And the Book of Changes is not the source of Chinese learning for the descendants of Yan and Huang. The real source is Hetu Luoshu.

No wonder Tao Bao was able to solve problems that even the academicians of the Academy of Sciences could not solve at such a young age. It turned out that the methods he used were the methods inherited by his ancestors, not the pseudo-science of Westerners.

After being shocked for a moment, Chu Di asked: "So, you know all the principles of position change in the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes?"

"What you're talking about is that returning to a younger sister leads to Wuwu, Wuwu leads to the same person, and the same person leads to the richer, A turns to C, B turns to Geng, Geng turns to Gui, etc., right? Listen to me and tell you, the acquaintance of Zi and Chou, the acquaintance of Chen and Si.

, the turn of the Five Five Years. Wind and thunder are changing, mountains and rivers are changing, water and fire are changing. Qian and Kun stimulate each other, earthquakes and shocks stimulate each other, Li and Xun stimulate each other, three increase to become five, five increase to form nine..."

Chu Di couldn't close his mouth when he heard it. This guy knows memorization better than me!

He said quickly: "Okay, okay, it will be easy if you know these things. Not only can you practice the Dugu Nine Swords, but you can even practice the Lingbo Weibu."

Tao Baowu said disdainfully: "What's the point of this? This is using the stems and branches to express the orientation, which is equivalent to the o'clock direction stated by the special forces during special operations. However, the orientation expressed in the I Ching is three-dimensional and can still be used in space.

, the special forces method won’t work, they have to add three-dimensional coordinates.”

Chu Di was so impressed that he sighed for a moment before asking: "Then why don't you understand martial arts from the Book of Changes? The source of our Chinese martial arts is the Book of Changes."

Chu Di didn't say anything about Hetuluoshu, because there was no Hetuluoshu in his laptop, so it would be in vain to say it.

Unexpectedly, Tao Bao said: "I realized a truth from the Book of Changes. There is only martial arts that cannot be exhausted by the Book of Changes. If you want to practice the highest martial arts, you have to learn Hetuluo Shu. I don't know where it can be found."

Hetu Luoshu has not studied the martial arts in the Book of Changes. This is what I think. Either don’t learn it, or if you want to learn it, learn from the best.”

Chu Di said: "In that case, then you should start learning swordsmanship from me now. Just use the Cosmic Divine Sword, don't turn on any switches, and imitate my posture."

Tao Bao was not in a hurry and said, "Wait a while, I seem to see something is wrong. I have to do the math."

Mathematicians believe that the position of any star in the universe can be determined through mathematical calculations.

The former German mathematician Gauss once determined the position of Pluto through mathematical calculations, and then people discovered Pluto through observation. This was already the top achievement of Western mathematics, because Western mathematics can only make mistakes in the solar system at best.

Now Tao Bao wants to use Chinese arithmetic to calculate the movement trajectories of several asteroids he is observing. As long as the movement trajectories of the asteroids do not match his calculation results, it can be proved that what Chu Di said is true.

In Tao Bao's personal terminal, there is an app he wrote himself, which specializes in calculating various mathematical problems using Chinese arithmetic. The calculation speed is faster than any computer in the solar system at this time. The key is that the accuracy of the calculation results is 100%.


Once the calculation was done, the result was obtained immediately. Tao Bao was shocked and said: "Chu Di, it seems that what you said is right."

This chapter has been completed!
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