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Chapter 128 Major Accidents

 While Tao Bao and Chu Di were holding Shen Xinzi hostage and fleeing, an emergency meeting was being held in the conference room in the Nanshan teaching building. The main leaders, except for the school's top leader, Commander Xun, who hosted the meeting remotely through a holographic projection, were only in charge of logistics.

Principal Li Li did not attend.

Except for Li Li, all the school leaders were in the conference room.

Something big happened!

Just tonight, a major accident occurred in the Earth Alliance's task force bound for Ceres. Without any sign or warning, the task force suddenly disappeared from the radar screens of all space monitoring and navigation systems, and all the people under the fleet's jurisdiction

All contact with the ship and its crew was lost.

This is an unprecedented major accident in the history of human spaceflight on Earth.

Since mankind realized manned spaceflight, it is not that there have been no accidents. On the contrary, in the process of human exploration of space, accidents of one kind or another will always occur. This is caused by the limitations of the relevant science and technology mastered by mankind and is inevitable.


Different from previous accidents, the cause of the accident could always be found, but this time there was no clue, as if the entire fleet was suddenly swallowed by a black hole.

But even if it is swallowed by a black hole, before being swallowed, the fleet will not be unable to send out a distress signal. At least it should notify various space base stations to report the upcoming danger.

However, the fact is that it did not happen. 136 ships, including the space carrier, 400 space fighters, and more than 10,000 fleet members, just disappeared without a trace.

This accident was really too big, big enough to cause the Earth Alliance space community and the Earth Alliance space force to lose face.

It would be fine if it was just a loss of face, but what would be even more unbearable would be a heavy loss.

Although the task force is leased by the enterprise, this mothership and all the ships and fighter aircraft carried by the mothership belong to the Earth Alliance Space Force.

The entire Earth Alliance only has 11 space carriers in total, and now it has lost one inexplicably. What a huge loss is this?

The above is not the most unbearable thing. The most unbearable thing is that the missing persons include Long Yaojing, the daughter of Longshi Pharmaceutical!

Long's Pharmaceutical has spoken to the entire solar system, asking all alliances to send elite troops to search and rescue near Ceres in an effort to find and rescue Long Yaojing.

Long's Pharmaceutical is fully qualified to make such a request, because it is responsible for the supply of elixirs to all warriors in the entire solar system, ranging from one-star warriors to nine-star grandmasters. Without its elixirs, there is no way to improve.

Zhiyun Military Academy was not required to participate in the search and rescue work, but the school had unshirkable responsibility for the accident because Long Yaojing's participation in the task force heading to Ceres was approved by the school.

Yes, the school does have to meet any request made by Long Yaojing, but once something goes wrong, the responsibility that should be borne cannot be escaped at all.

Therefore, Commander Xun, the top leader of the school, personally held a meeting and asked all school leaders to analyze the accident and try to avoid responsibility.

The meeting was held in a tense atmosphere. The participants were scratching their heads and racking their brains. They naturally thought of the post Tao Bao posted on the forum a few days ago, and then jointly raised a point - the space anomalies in the asteroid belt, and the

The loss of contact with the task force is inextricably linked.

As an astrophysics expert at Zhiyun Military Academy, teacher Liu Qingzhi became the keynote speaker at this meeting. She had already calculated the data given by Tao Bao in the post in detail and believed that the cause of the accident was the gravitational field of the asteroid belt and the

The magnetic field has undergone drastic changes.

Dramatic changes in the gravitational field may cause all ships, including the space carrier, to stop mid-air, or even collide with an asteroid, causing them to be shattered to pieces;

Dramatic changes in the magnetic field will paralyze all communication equipment, including the personal terminals implanted in each person's cranial cavity. All equipment will be unable to work. At the same time, the monitoring radars of various space base stations will not be able to continue to monitor the area.

Liu Qingzhi believed that this was the reason why the task force suddenly disappeared. As for whether the task force had been completely wiped out, she believed that there were two possibilities. One was that the ship was destroyed and people died; the other was that the fleet was still there, but it was just

Trapped in the asteroid belt.

While Liu Qingzhi made the above analysis, aerospace research institutions such as Dimeng, Yuemeng, Huomeng, and Mumeng also expressed their opinions online. Their views were similar to Liu Qingzhi's. For a while, Tao Bao posted in the forum

The post was raised to a considerable height by solar system scientists.

If only someone had paid attention to this post earlier! If someone had paid attention to it earlier, it would have reminded the task force heading to Ceres to proceed with caution.

People think this way with regret, but what's the use of thinking like this now? It's all hindsight.

Compared with the school leaders present, Hao Yunlai is the most anxious one, because his daughter Hao Ying is also in this task force. Even if Long Yaojing is not in the fleet, he does not want anything to happen to the fleet.

It was precisely because of his anxiety that he ignored other chores and ignored Zhu Xiaoliang's call. Otherwise, he answered the call in his mind without disturbing others, so why couldn't he answer it?

After the meeting lasted for more than an hour, everyone in the meeting unanimously agreed that Liu Qingzhi's analysis was reasonable and began to discuss solutions.

Although Zhiyun Military Academy does not need to send people to search and rescue near Ceres, if it can come up with a good solution, it can also ease the pressure from Long's Pharmaceutical.

On this issue, Liu Qingzhi had the most say, so everyone focused on it. However, Liu Qingzhi could only respond with a wry smile and said a solution that was simply not feasible.

Liu Qingzhi believes that the search and rescue personnel to be dispatched must meet the following conditions:

1. There is no personal terminal installed in the body;

2. Be proficient in the skills of manually piloting ships or fighter aircraft;

Third, without relying on a calculator, the gravitational field structure of any space region can be calculated in real time using only mental calculations.

The strength of a four or five-star warrior or above is so that you can protect yourself when encountering enemies and survive longer in harsh environments.

After saying this, Liu Qingzhi explained in detail that the first two conditions are to prevent the search and rescue people from being interfered by the magnetic field, and the third condition is to prevent the ships or fighter planes driven by the search and rescue people from being captured by the gravitational field of the asteroid.

Then crashes and other accidents occurred. The fourth condition is to consider the possibility of encountering space pirates who used to be active near Ceres.

Liu Qingzhi said that in theory, only those who meet the above four conditions can carry out search and rescue in the Ceres area. Otherwise, they will die.

This statement left everyone in the audience speechless, because theoretically such a person does not exist.

However, Liu Qingzhi's professional authority made others blameless, so Commander Xun finally decided to transfer Liu Qingzhi's analysis to the Long Group, and let the Long Group recruit such people throughout the solar system, perhaps again

There can be brave men under the reward.

The meeting has reached this point, and some results have been achieved. Just when everyone in the meeting was feeling relieved, they suddenly felt a dazzling light in front of their eyes, and a purple light reflected from the window into the room. Everyone couldn't help being shocked, especially Commander Xun, who was presiding over the meeting remotely.

He shouted sharply: "Who has entered the forbidden area?"

Everyone present knew what this purple light was about. It was the "scalpel" in orbit above the earth at work.

"Scalpel" is the alias of a geostationary satellite, and this satellite is actually a laser weapon. Its entire task is to monitor the forbidden areas of Zhiyun Military Academy from being invaded. Once someone enters the forbidden area, it will directly launch

Death light turns intruders into ashes.

This chapter has been completed!
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