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Chapter 189 Rumors

 Since Long Yujing agreed with Marshal Steve's decision, Long Yaojing had nothing to say. Although she wanted to catch up with the two aircraft carriers and kill them, she reserved her opinion because her sister's concerns were reasonable.

In fact, even if she thinks her sister's ideas are unreasonable, she will not refute her sister's opinions in public. Wouldn't that be a joke to others?

Now that we have decided not to pursue the pursuit, the mission of the United Fleet has naturally come to an end. In order to repay the kindness of all people to the Long Group, Mr. Long Er proposed to hold a grand thank you banquet, which would be held simultaneously on six aircraft carriers to reward everyone.

The general and all officers and soldiers.

This is also the proper meaning of the question. People from all walks of life are here to help the Long family. After the matter is over, how can you make it right if you don't say? At the very least, you have to treat everyone to a meal.

This proposal was naturally welcomed by everyone. Even on an aircraft carrier with a capacity of more than 10,000 people, space navigation is extremely lonely. Everyone performs their duties at their own post, and military regulations prohibit playing games.

As boring as the years are, people are eager for someone to suggest activities.

Eating is secondary, the key is to eat together. You can not only find close friends to have a drink and have fun, but you can also take the opportunity to flirt with girls, and maybe you can have an affair.

The banquets are naturally hosted by the chef teams on each aircraft carrier, but the Long Group pays for the meals. Not only can you feast on them, but it is said that you can also receive a large amount of bounty. Once you are full, you can set sail home. At this time

Who is unhappy?

So a grand and lively cocktail party started at the same time on the six aircraft carriers. Journalists from major alliances were also fortunate enough to be invited to participate in this grand event. However, the "lucky" of the reporters did not lie in eating and drinking, but in

The reason is that they (they) can interview two key figures at the same time, Miss Long and Miss Long.

How Miss Long rescued her sister from the tiger's den is definitely a wonderful and exciting story. How can such a hot news topic not be included in the interview?

Miss Long Er’s posts on the Mars Internet platform are also very popular nowadays. Where are the aliens? What do they look like? These are all news topics that reporters are eager to know.

Dozens of reporters surrounded the Long sisters, but left the marshals and generals aside.

The marshals and generals were happy to do this. It would be the most embarrassing thing for reporters to interview them. This time they came to help, but the combined fleet made no achievements. Not only did it not make any achievements, but it lost troops and generals. It cost them dozens of pilots and dozens of pilots.

An advanced space fighter.

The people who interviewed Long Yujing were mainly reporters from the Earth Alliance. Since the Earth Alliance officially prohibited the media on Earth from reprinting Long Yaojing's post, Earth Alliance reporters could not interview matters related to that post. So they could only hope that Long Yujing would

Give them a legendary story.

However, Long Yujing also remained silent regarding reporters' questions and refused to answer directly.

Because the matter involves my sister's reputation, although I personally witnessed the Cheka doing no harm to my sister Qiu, it would definitely not be the case if I told the media that my sister had been hired as a wife by aliens and then spread it to the audience and readers.

Reporters from other major leagues did not have so many restrictions. They surrounded Long Yaojing and asked all the news about aliens. As long as Long Yaojing was willing to tell, it would be first-hand news material.


Although Long Yaojing was not as tight-lipped as her sister, she was also a little absent-minded. The reason was that before the banquet, Tao Bao quietly told her that Chu Di might still be alive.

Tao Bao's reason is that Chu Di cannot be measured by ordinary people's standards, because Chu Di is not an ordinary person, so the signs of death that appear in ordinary people do not apply to Chu Di.

At that time, Long Yaojing was so happy after hearing this that he immediately wanted to open the dormant chamber and take Chu Di out to wake him up. Tao Bao was so frightened that he quickly stopped her. Tao Bao said that if Chu Di could wake up, he would naturally wake up by then.

, but it cannot be awakened by external forces. If it is forcibly awakened, it may be counterproductive.

Long Yaojing agreed with Tao Bao's statement. How could she not be excited when her husband changed from a certain dead person to a person who might be "asleep"? After that, she no longer cared about things outside her body.

My heart is only for Chu Di, hoping that he will wake up suddenly.

The Long sisters were more perfunctory than the other. The reporters were disappointed, but they didn't dare to offend them. Just when they didn't know how to end it, a female reporter suddenly pointed to the projection TV screen on the wall of the restaurant and said, "Look, Xinghai News Rumor Refuting Channel."

Xinghai News is one of the well-known media in the Dimeng League. Although it is a private news organization, it is known for its courage to break news. Especially the rumor refuting column it opens often exposes various scams spread on the Internet. It has a good reputation among netizens.


At this moment, when Xinhai News' rumor-refuting channel was broadcast throughout the solar system, people immediately realized that the topic Xinghai was talking about this time must be very important.

People's attention was immediately drawn to the TV screen, where a beautiful announcer in a white uniform said: "At 3 o'clock this morning, someone published a post about aliens on the Fire Alliance network platform, claiming that

Star Wars is coming, causing a panic... After investigation, this matter is completely false. The poster may have deliberately created panic to achieve a certain purpose. Xinghai News hereby urges the general public not to be gullible, not to believe rumors, and not to spread them.


The press release read by the announcer did not mention Long Yaojing's name. Obviously Xinghai News did not want to make people angry, but every word of this press release pointed to Long Yaojing's rumors and trouble. People at the banquet

Of course, everyone knew this, so they all looked at the Long sisters.

Most people here know that the first person to announce the alliance between space pirates and aliens was not Long Yaojing, but Miss Long. However, no one really believed it at the time, and Long Yujing did not elaborate on the matter afterwards.

, so people don’t take it seriously anymore.

The content of the rumor refuting program naturally attracted the Long sisters. After watching it, Long Yujing sneered and said to himself: "Do you really want to fight with us? They all started to criticize you, but it's a pity that the entry point you chose is too lame.

, just wait until your face hurts!”

She said this to her sister, meaning that we don't need to confront the Xiao family in the news field. Since the Cheka has been operating in the solar system with its fleet for a long time, the truth about this matter will be revealed to the world sooner or later.

Along with the Xiao family and Xinghai News, the mouthpiece of the Xiao family, they were all scolded by netizens.

Long Yaojing nodded absentmindedly after listening to her sister's words. She didn't have the heart to fight with anyone right now. Whether Chu Di could wake up was what she was most concerned about.

Seeing the attitude of the Long sisters, the reporters were a little undecided. Some people originally wanted to take the opportunity to interview Long Yujing and ask about Long Yujing's attitude towards Xinghai News, but there is no need to ask now. It seems that Long Yujing doesn't want to

Are they really arguing with Xinghai News? Are the two sisters really spreading rumors?

Just when the reporters were hesitant, the picture on the TV screen suddenly switched, and another beautiful announcer in uniform appeared on the screen and said: "Hello, viewers. I am Yao Xiaoyuan, the host of Japan Alliance TV.

, now it’s up to me to broadcast a major news live to all TV viewers in the solar system.”

This chapter has been completed!
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