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Chapter 192 I can't leave if I want to go

 In the information control room of the Pathfinder, Tao Bao came to his conclusion that Cheka was on Mars.

His basis is that the so-called Japanese Alliance TV station does not have a legal broadcast channel. The programs of the Japanese Alliance TV station can still crowd out the news programs of the Earth Alliance TV station and be broadcast on the top channels of all TV users in the solar system. This is through hijacking the vicinity of Mars.

This is achieved through a communications satellite.

Today, there are only two communication satellites in the solar system that can receive satellite TV signals from various planets and forward them to cover the entire solar system. Both satellites are around Mars. One is owned by CBS and the other is owned by Smart Technology.

If Cheka wants to achieve live broadcast to the entire solar system and ensure broadcast quality, his live broadcast room must be located near the satellite he hijacked.

Long Yujing immediately told General Steve Tao Bao's judgment for confirmation.

After the United Fleet was disbanded, Marshal Steve was no longer a marshal, and his position as marshal of the coalition was only a temporary and false position.

General Steve's original military position was the commander of the First Fleet of the Fire Alliance Aerospace Force. Just because his general rank was one level higher than General Davis on the Terminator, the two aircraft carriers returning to Mars at this moment

In the meantime, the Navigator still occupies the status of the flagship.

General Steve did not believe the judgment given by Long Yujing. The Fire Alliance Air and Space Force has its own specialized intelligence system-"Kongte". If there are alien aircraft carriers peeping near Mars, Li Yu from Kongte

Then the general cannot be unaware of it.

In fact, he had been in contact with General Li Yuze just now. During the call, Li Yuze did not mention the danger in this regard. He only said that he was fully investigating the reasons for the bombing of Lunya Fortress and asked the Air Force to

All departments mobilized to block the airspace around Mars to prevent terrorists from escaping in the chaos.

Although he didn't believe this analysis and judgment, the words spoken by the eldest lady of the Long Group were still very weighty, so he didn't mind spending some more trouble and contacted the Space Monitoring Department of the Aerospace Forces near the two communication satellites.

Start a search.

There's no harm in searching more than once.

However, half an hour later, the results of the search came out, which scared General Steve into a cold sweat. There was indeed a UFO near the Fire Alliance 1 communication satellite.

The space monitoring department of the Fire Alliance Aerospace Force did not call this UFO an aircraft carrier because it is rhombus-shaped and only one-third the size of a space carrier. How could such a flying object be an aircraft carrier?

When General Steve received this result, the Third Fleet of the Fire Alliance Aerospace Force had already dispatched a formation of landing ships, space patrol boats and space fighters to hunt down the personnel aboard the UFO.

General Steve couldn't figure it out anyway. There was a flying object in space so close to Mars, and the space monitoring department and garrison on Mars were not aware of it. Could it be that these people were drinking and sleeping with girls?


Even if these people are sleeping, the smart radar system should automatically call the police. Why do you have to wait for others to tell you and ask for a targeted search before you find out?

Long Yujing also had the same question as General Steve. When she came back to ask Tao Bao, Tao Bao said: "It's very simple. Cheka's diamond-shaped mothership is invisible to all radars created by humans in the solar system."

No matter what kind of radar it is, it cannot be observed by the naked eye. As long as it is not observed by the naked eye, it can be designed according to the working principle of the radar, making the radar deaf and blind.

However, the distance that human eyes can see in the dark space is extremely limited. In addition, the diamond-shaped mothership is originally black and neither emits nor reflects light. How can the Martian military detect it? They can only fly aircraft or ships.

Only when you get close to the opponent's airspace and within visual range can you detect the opponent's presence with the naked eye.

When Tao Bao said this, the Long sisters understood. It is estimated that the thousand spaceships sent out by the Cheka are also invisible in this way. At this time, they are already lurking near various habitable planets. As long as the Cheka gives an order,

, hit wherever you point, and explode wherever you hit, but the humans in the solar system who were hit did not know their existence.

"Only when these spacecrafts enter the atmosphere will they be seen by people, but if they are lurking outside the atmosphere, they will not be visible anyway. Even if our ships or fighter planes fly towards them by mistake, they will

You can also avoid or destroy our ships and fighter planes in advance."

Before Tao Bao finished his analysis, General Steve had already called Long Yujing and told Long Yujing in great frustration that the ships and fighter planes just sent by the Fire League to the No. 1 communication satellite had been completely wiped out.

When they flew close to the communication satellite, they exploded inexplicably. This happened to every ship and fighter plane, and none of the crew members survived.

In air combat in the atmosphere, there is still a way to survive by parachuting, but in space there is no such way. As long as you can't fight and can't escape, you will die.

General Steve said that the Fire Alliance Aerospace Force has sent a more powerful fleet to attack. His leader and General Davis' Terminator will also join the battle after returning. These two aircraft carriers are no longer safe.

, asked Long Yujing if he wanted to leave early.

Long Yujing originally wanted to avoid the Cheka, so of course she chose to leave the Leader. She felt that the best way now was to return to the earth and then immediately enter the cave. Only the cave was the safest place because it was so high.

Technological weapons will become scrap metal.

As long as the Gendayans can't attack the cave, they can wait for their mother to return and then fight back, then the chance of winning is pretty good.

General Steve was also afraid that something would happen to the Long family's daughter on his mothership, and he would not be able to bear the responsibility at that time, so he said, "Do you want me to send a ship to escort you back?"

Long Yujing immediately refused and returned to Earth with a fleet. Wouldn't that provide a living target for the Cheka? The only one who could escape from the surveillance and hunting of the Gendaya spacecraft was the Tu-2 modified by Tao Bao.

It was decided that there was only one thing to do first, and that was to take Chu Di's body out of the dormant warehouse. So the Long sisters went back to open the warehouse and dress Chu Di. Tao Bao stayed behind to monitor Qu Xiaoqing.


Next to the dormant cabin, Long Yaojing was dressing Chu Di while watching TV programs on his personal terminal.

The live broadcast of the Japanese Alliance TV station is still continuing. Several of the alliance bosses who were secretly arrested by the Cheka could not bear the pressure and expressed their willingness to surrender, but only on behalf of individuals.

Just when the sisters were dressing Chu Di, a female officer under General Steve suddenly came to the room in a hurry and said in panic: "You two ladies, General Steve asked me to tell you that you can't do it now.


Long Yujing asked curiously: "Why?"

The female officer said: "Three minutes ago, the Leader and the Terminator were attacked by the enemy at the same time. Now General Steve is commanding the soldiers to fight the enemy."

After hearing this, the Long sisters immediately ran to the porthole and looked outside. Sure enough, they saw space fighter planes ejecting and sailing into the deep night sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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