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Chapter 194 An escape

 Among all the space vehicles manufactured by humans in the solar system, compared with each other, the defense of the mothership is the strongest.

The strongest mentioned here does not mean how powerful the mothership's anti-aircraft firepower is, but that its energy shield is the strongest.

To use a common saying, it means thick skin.

A mothership is the mobile home of a fleet.

Although the mothership has the slowest moving speed and the least maneuverability compared to the battleships, frigates, light boats, and carrier-based aircraft it carries, it is after all the base for all ships and fighters and the basis for all members of the fleet.

Take the perch of the castle.

It can be said that the life of the mothership is the life of all fleet members. Once the mothership is destroyed, the demise of the fleet is declared.

But at this moment, in the airspace only 70,000 kilometers away from Mars, the two motherships, the Leader and the Terminator, have fallen into the baptism of enemy fire.

Except for the Tu-2 piloted by Qu Xiaoqing, all the ships and fighter planes that could be sent out were dispatched and all were destroyed by the enemy. Currently, only the Leader and Terminator are left.

Got two pieces of "thick skin".

Although it has the slowest relative movement speed and the worst maneuverability, the aircraft carrier is the largest in size and carries the most energy, so it has the strongest endurance and the strongest energy shield.

So at this moment, under the bite of enemy artillery fire, these two aircraft carriers can still sustain themselves for a period of time. This period of time is one hour.

It can still last for 1 hour. From this point of view, the enemy's firepower does not seem to be particularly strong, or it can be considered that the number of enemy spacecraft that are always harassing the two aircraft carriers is not large.

If the number of enemy spacecraft is large enough, then just a salvo of missiles can "bite" a piece of flesh off the huge body of the aircraft carrier. Just like the enemy did at the beginning of the live broadcast, they said to destroy Lunya

The fortress will be blown up directly.

Although the Lunya Fortress was caught off guard at that time and failed to activate the energy shield to the maximum, or even turn on the energy defense, which was one of the reasons why it was exploded instantly, the strength of the enemy's firepower was also obvious.

"In forty-five minutes, we will break out."

Aboard the Leader, in Long Yaojing's room, Long Yujing made his final decision.

If the skin is gone, how can the hair be attached? Instead of blowing up the leader, it is better to break out in advance and escape. Even if my sister's clairvoyance has not reached a small level at this moment, she can't care about it.

Forty-five minutes later, Long Yaojing held Chu Di and sat in the cockpit of Tu-2. Qu Xiaoqing and Tao Bao also sat in the driver's seat and co-pilot's seat. Only Long Yujing stood in Tu-2.

Next to the huge rubber tires, I sincerely apologized to General Steve who came to see him off.

Long Yujing felt that an apology was necessary because all the officers, soldiers and logistics personnel on this aircraft carrier went to the Huomu asteroid belt to help the Long Group, and now they were on the verge of death on the way back. As

How could the eldest lady of the Long Group abandon them and escape alone at this moment?

However, General Steve and the officers and soldiers who came with him to see him off had no intention of complaining about Long Yujing.

In the live broadcast, the Three-Eyed God has made it clear that he will fight a star war with the Fire Alliance, which means that all the officers and soldiers of the Fire Alliance's aerospace army will be massacred by them.

In fact, the massacre has already begun. At this time, the enemy may have entered the atmosphere of Mars and begun attacking military zones and military targets on the surface of Mars.

The Star Wars have broken out, and the situation is one-sided. The Fire Alliance's air and space forces have been defeated. The ships and fighter planes flying in the sky have been destroyed again and again, but the air defense positions on the ground are ineffective.

The enemy's shadow cannot be seen at all, so all ground firepower can only be directed at various layers of the atmosphere, trying to block the enemy's attack with covering fire.

But this kind of blind coverage shooting is futile, just like the infantry during World War II using rifles to shoot down airplanes. Although occasionally a blind cat can encounter a dead mouse and shoot down one or two, it will not have any impact on the outcome of the battle.

any impact.

As of now, it has not been confirmed whether any enemy spacecraft has become the "dead rat". Mars has become a mess, and people can't find a suitable place to hide. Who else would risk being killed?

I walked around, picking up the debris on the ground. Are there any alien spaceships?

In view of this situation, the officers and soldiers aboard the Pathfinder no longer care about returning to Mars or waiting to die here. Anyway, they will die wherever they go. They only hope that the president can announce the surrender in time and meet all the conditions proposed by the other party, or they can save the lives of those who are still alive.

Martian citizens struggling on the edge.

At this moment, the officers and soldiers on the Leader were very clear that everyone had less than 15 minutes of life left. No one blamed Long Yujing for leaving early, because people felt that if Long Yujing had to fly away from the aircraft carrier, then

The lives of the four members of their crew will definitely end before everyone else.

So many powerful guns, ships, and advanced fighter planes have all turned into cosmic dust. How can this Tu-2 survive? It makes no sense.

Long Yujing didn't care what others thought, she just wanted peace of mind. After apologizing to Marshal Steve and all the officers and soldiers, she apologized to Mr. Long Er: "I'm sorry, uncle, there is no such thing in the cockpit of my plane."

There is no room for one person."

Mr. Long Er would not blame Long Yujing, and said: "Miss, what are you talking about? I failed to protect the eldest lady, and I deserve to die. I only hope that the eldest lady will be lucky and be able to

Turn danger into misfortune, and when the time comes, Lao Nu will have knowledge under the spring and be able to rest in peace."

Long Yujing raised her slender hands, rubbed her eyes, and gave Mr. Long Er a smile: "Second uncle, you will always be a good uncle to our sisters."

With only 5 minutes left before the energy shield of the Leader aircraft carrier was broken down, Long Yujing finally boarded the cabin of Tu-2. Qu Xiaoqing had already started the plane. After Long Yujing sat down,

, he raised his hand to close the cockpit hatch, pushed the throttle lever lightly, and the Figure-2 slowly slid towards the exit of the dock.

Tu-2 is the only "space fighter" in this era that can take off without ejection.

Watching Tu-2 fly out of the dock runway and slide into the deep starry sky. After the dock exit automatically closed the door that had just been opened momentarily, General Steve waved his hand and ordered all officers and soldiers to disperse and move freely. He himself led a man and a woman.

The adjutant returned to the dormitory.

As soon as he arrived at the dormitory, he went directly to the bathroom and started to sort out his military appearance in front of the mirror. At this last moment, all he could do was to leave one last photo in his memory.

If memory can exist forever in the universe without life.

Just when he finished shaving and carefully looked at his weathered face in the mirror, the bathroom door was pushed open by the female adjutant. He turned around and glared at the female adjutant unhappily.

The female adjutant, however, was no longer bothered to apologize and pointed to the outside and said: "Your Excellency, go watch TV quickly."

Is there any good news at this time? Could it be that the President of the Fire Alliance has announced his surrender? Even if the President of the Fire Alliance declares his surrender, I am afraid that the Three-Eyed God will not immediately issue a ceasefire order to his side.

General Steve walked outside suspiciously, but happened to hear another thing the Three-Eyed God said. The Three-Eyed God said: "All soldiers, please pay attention, this plane cannot be shot."

In the TV screen, it was the Tu-2 that had just flown away from the Leader.

(End of this volume)

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