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Chapter 196 Don't get burned

 The north wind is howling and snowflakes are falling.

On December 3, the sixteenth year of the Galaxy, the northern hemisphere of the earth has entered the early winter season. The joint military and political meeting of the Earth Alliance was held until 8 o'clock in the evening, and there was still no intention of adjourning the meeting.

The consensus that the participants can basically reach for the time being is that the top priority is to inform all commanders and fighters of the Space Force to pay close attention to the development of the situation, but no matter what situation they encounter, they are not allowed to fire the first shot.

Don't be like the Fire Alliance, who sent out ships and planes to attack before they knew where the enemy was, only to end up getting burned.

Therefore, this preliminary resolution was immediately issued to the entire army.

Commander Xun Changjun had reservations about this resolution.

Our laser satellite "scalpel" has been blown up by others. They have already fired the first shot. If we want to fire, we will also fire the second shot. Now it is good that the entire army is actually ordered not to fire the first shot. Then we

How many shots can I take?

Commissioner Zhao Zurong has been captured by aliens. Do you want to rescue him? No one mentioned this matter. It was not you who were captured?

No one told Commander Xun how many shots he could fire. Anyway, he couldn't fire a single shot for the time being. No one told Commander Xun whether he should save Commissioner Zhao. This matter didn't need to be brought to the table for discussion. If you want to save him, you know how.


The meeting remained in its current state. Participants could not go home. The service staff brought meals. While everyone was eating, they watched the live broadcast of Japan Alliance TV and watched the development of the situation.

The top meeting of the Earth Alliance came up with such a move, and the reactions of the other major alliances were similar. Wait and see, continue to wait and see, and see who the aliens will fight first next.

The top leaders of all alliances are waiting and watching. One thing that happened before has become the focus of all parties. What is it? That is the Tu-2 flying out from the USS Leader aircraft carrier.

One of the questions is, how can such a bomber exist in space? Where did this Tu-2 come from?

Question 2: Why did the aliens explicitly order not to attack this bomber?

Regarding this matter, the leaders at the top meeting of the Earth Alliance naturally found out easily. At that time, Long Yujing took people into the military museum, modified the aircraft, dragged the aircraft to the military area airport, and then flew out of the earth from the airport.

There are cases to be investigated.

Even who Long Yujing was looking for at that time and who gave Long Yujing the green light to do so were not secrets in front of these military and political officials at the meeting.

But when people knew that Miss Long was sitting on the plane, no one said anything. What could they say? Before you speak, you have to move the Long Group first. Can you move it?

Only Commissioner Xiao Boran was holding on to this matter and said thoughtfully: "Could it be that the Long Group has colluded with aliens?"

When he said this, others ignored him and just thought he had farted. Even if the Long Group has colluded with aliens, do you dare to deal with it?

The top leaders of each alliance are studying this matter, and the people below are naturally talking about it. Especially after the Fire Alliance surrendered and the officers and soldiers on the Leader aircraft carrier survived, some people revealed the truth about this matter.

The Internet transmission speed in the Galaxy Era was so fast. After a few minutes, everyone in the solar system knew the secret. It turned out that the people sitting on Figure 2 were the Long sisters.

But why didn't the aliens attack the Long sisters? There are many opinions and opinions on this issue. Some people think that the aliens want to capture them alive in order to blackmail the Long Group.

This statement is indeed reasonable. Is it easy to make the Long Group surrender? It is not easy. Even though the aliens have already beaten the Fire Alliance to surrender, the same method does not apply to the Long Group.

The difference between the Long Group and the regimes of various alliances is that the regimes of each alliance are all on the surface, and who is in charge and who is in charge is clear, but this is not the case with the Long Group.

In the entire solar system, no one knows who Chairman Long of the Long Group is, and no one has ever met Chairman Long. It is said that even the Long sisters have never met their biological father.

This means that even if you take all the Long Group's factories and properties in your hands, you can't force Chairman Long to do what you want.

But it would be easier to catch Chairman Long's two precious daughters. It's okay if you don't submit, as long as you don't care about your daughter's life.

Of course, some people disagree with this statement, saying that the Three-Eyed God only said not to attack Figure-2, but did not issue an order to capture Figure-2. It seems that he did not want to capture him alive. This approach of the Three-Eyed God is more like attacking the dragon.

The group showed goodwill.

However, this statement can easily be refuted. Through Yao Xiaoyuan, the host of Japan Alliance TV, people now know that aliens and space pirates are a group, and the space pirates kidnapped Long Yaojing not long ago. This is not correct.

Does it mean that aliens are trying to threaten the Long Group?

At this moment, in the space between Mars and the Earth, an aircraft carrier is flying towards the Earth at high speed. This is the Dawn aircraft carrier of the Fire Alliance Aerospace Force, a special carrier for Kongte.

In a cabin inside the Dawn mothership, Major General Li Yuze, the top commander of Kongtang, and his adjutant and secretary, Major Linda, were also talking about the Tu-2 matter, but from his side

The focus is not on the Long sisters, but on Chu Di.

"What a pity. Chu Di is such a good young man. If you could have brought him to Mars, he wouldn't have died so early."

Major Linda was speechless. What could she do? Back then, Chu Di refused to leave the earth, but she had already tried her best.

She could only change the topic and said with concern: "If we fly to the earth without saying hello, will the Earth Alliance accept us?"

Li Yu left Mars before President Bill made the decision to surrender without announcing it.

At this critical moment of life and death, the half Chinese blood in his body inspired him and made him refuse to become a slave to aliens.

He had always believed that the Fire Alliance was the most powerful force in the solar system, and was once proud of being an officer of the Fire Alliance. But now, he was only deeply disappointed with this political group. He found that his previous concepts were wrong, wrong

Very outrageous.

Regarding Linda's topic, he didn't say anything immediately. He just glanced at Linda and motioned for Linda to continue talking.

Linda continued to elaborate on her point of view: "I really look down on those people of the Earth Alliance. It seems that since their ancient times, they have always used their women and money to exchange for peace. In the late Qing Dynasty, Great Britain's warships

A few cannons fired at sea would make the Buddha in the Forbidden City wet his pants. Can such a group cooperate with us?"

Li Yuze said: "You seem to have some prejudice against the Dimeng group. You only saw Cixi, but not Ying Zheng and Liu Che. Don't you think you are one-sided? Yes, whenever war comes, this land

There will always be a large number of traitors up there, but you should know that there are also more martyrs on this land who dare to throw their heads and blood to fight for the continuation of their nation."

Seeing that Linda was speechless for a moment, Li Yu added: "Maybe you don't understand what a martyr is, because in our Fire League, there has never been a hero who dared to give up his life and die with the enemy. Our heroes are all good men.

They call a hero who doesn't suffer the immediate losses called rationality, but I think this is a coward!"

This chapter has been completed!
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