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Chapter 241 The top level of the Earth Alliance is passive

 After the victory on Earth and before the victory on Venus, Dawn remained silent.

The purpose of maintaining silence is to try to avoid exposing the exact location of the Dawn aircraft carrier.

Although major alliances, including the Earth Alliance and the Moon Alliance, will use space observation devices such as space radars and space telescopes to track Dawn, this is better than actively exposing it and allowing aliens to accurately locate it.

But it's different now. Now that another wave of invading enemies have been wiped out, I believe the aliens have learned the outcome of this battle. What else can be hidden?

So this time to release the news, Li Yu ordered people to directly edit the video of Long Yaojing's live broadcast and publish it on the online platforms of major leagues.

Let people in the entire solar system see how the people on the Dawn defeated the alien fleet. Let people know that I, Li Yuze, am not bragging, but I have really beaten the aliens.


The video released by Dawn completely ignited the enthusiasm of mankind in the solar system. Seeing such fierce battle scenes, as long as there is still a little bit of humanity and consciously considers oneself to be a member of the human race, who can't be excited?

For a time, there were countless posts on the online platforms of various alliances begging for war and joining the war.

The strongest reaction to this was from the Earth Alliance netizens. This was not because the Earth Alliance’s senior officials had previously blocked the news in a stoic manner, which led to the backlash from netizens, but because the Earth Alliance already had nearly one million Space Force family members.


Our husbands, our children, and our brothers and sisters are all on the hijacked Zhiyuan. Why don't your space force send troops to rescue us?

Since the Zhiyuan was hijacked, the families of the officers and soldiers on the Zhiyuan have started petitioning. However, the result they received was that the military was already implementing a rescue plan. Isn't that what the combined fleet waiting near the asteroid belt was doing?

What's the matter?

Well, this explanation makes sense. At that time, the family members went back to their homes to wait for the good news.

However, when the Golden Crow, which participated in the combined fleet, returned to Earth, the news from General Gao Jianwu's men was even more desperate news. The Zhiyuan had been surrendered by the starry sky pirates, and together with the starry sky pirates and the aliens who invaded the solar system, they joined the

The Japanese alliance's advance army.

As soon as this news came out, the families of the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyuan exploded.

"How can this be?"

"How could my son surrender?"

"Why don't you bring them back?"

The Space Force station was besieged by military families. People were excited and asked the spokesperson of the Space Force: why they gave up the rescue of the Zhiyuan.

The spokesperson gave two explanations at that time: first, the Space Force was already preparing for the second rescue; second, you all know how powerful the aliens are, they captured Mars in just a few hours.

Aliens are coming to attack the earth, and there is still debate on whether the Earth Alliance's space force can withstand it. How can we divide our forces for an expedition at this time?

It cannot be said that these two explanations are unreasonable. Although people were furious, they had to admit the reality, so this wave of petitions was suppressed.

In fact, the spokesperson of the Earth Alliance Space Force was also very helpless. It was clear that the top management had no intention of sending troops to fight aliens, but could he say that?

The spokesperson also knows that the fire cannot be contained in the paper. Sooner or later, this matter will have to break out. Whose children have been kidnapped? Whose family is not in a hurry? This matter can be delayed for a month or two, but it can be delayed indefinitely.

Drag it down?

The Earth Alliance military was already in a fight with the family members, but the aircraft carrier Dawn always won the battle!

The first great near-land victory was said to be a boast, with no plan and no truth. It was bluffed by the Earth League officials, and it was ignored.

The Earth Alliance officials promptly blocked all the programs relayed by the Japan Alliance TV station, the Mars No. 1 communication satellite. Viewers and netizens on the earth could not see the Japan Alliance TV station, and they did not see the aliens themselves admitting their victory in the near-Earth.

losses in.

But this time, even the video of the Venus Victory was released. By the time the Earth League official responded, it was already too late to block it.

The people of the earth’s war mood is at an all-time high!

And the families of the officers and soldiers on board the Zhiyuan are making a comeback. This time, they can't get over it no matter what.

what to do?

The leader of the Earth Alliance, Qin Chunguo, was also in a state of confusion and didn't know what to do.

Stand up and declare war on aliens? The Moon League, Wood League and Earth League haven't made any move yet. How can the Earth League take this initiative?

If the first bird is shot, the first rafter will die first.

Besides, if we really declare war on aliens, the Earth Alliance's space force simply cannot defeat them based on their military strength. If we still declare war if we can't defeat them, isn't that asking for trouble?

The head of state of Qin could only hold a high-level military and political meeting overnight, but no matter how much such a meeting was held, it was in vain. Xun Changjun, who dared to fight, went home to take care of his grandson. Xiao Boran, who did not dare to fight, also suffered a stroke. Although he did not die, he was still in the hospital.

After recovering for a while, what can the remaining senior officials say?

However, this group of people really had something to say. They almost unanimously believed that the Venus victory was fake, and even the video was faked.

The reason why they think this is because they think it is impossible for the Dawn to escape from the nuclear explosion caused by the aliens. The power of that nuclear explosion is equivalent to that of a sun, and the Dawn must not be blown into gaseous metal.


These people can find any excuses and reasons to avoid war. Those who put forward this point of view completely ignore the fact that the "nuclear explosion of the sun" comes first and Dawn releases the news later. They tell lies with wide eyes. The participants actually

They all expressed their agreement.

However, nonsense can't solve any problem after all. How to deal with the strong voice of the people around the world is an urgent matter. The head of Qin quietly called Xiao Boran in the hospital. After symbolically asking about his condition, he directly asked Xiao Boran if he was better.


Of course Xiao Boran had a way, and said: "This matter is easy to handle, just put the responsibility on the Long Group."

When the Zhiyuan mothership participated in the Ceres project, it was financed and leased by the Long Group. The Zhiyuan's trip to Ceres was not a military operation, but a civilian activity.

In fact, the Long Group did not specify the Zhiyuan mothership and the more than 10,000 officers and soldiers on the Zhiyuan. It was the captain of the Zhiyuan mothership who fought red-faced with the captains of other motherships, and finally won this.

A "fat difference".

At that time, the Long Group promised that as long as they were space officers and soldiers participating in the Ceres Project, ordinary soldiers would be given an additional business trip subsidy of 100,000 Galaxy Coins, and officers would be given a higher allowance.

Now that the Zhiyuan has fallen into the hands of space pirates and aliens, isn't it only natural that the family members should go to the Long Group to come up with a solution?


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