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Chapter 243 Kunpeng Eyes

Under Chu Di's questioning, the metal "man" did not panic at all and said calmly: "I am not a thing, I am life, a life different from yours. According to your words, I am a metal life. I

Can speak the language of any civilization in the universe."

Everyone can feel that although this metal life's voice is unpleasant, its tone is very calm and confident. Indeed, no one knows how to kill it.

Tao Bao thought that maybe he could be vaporized with the former Cosmic Divine Sword, but the pair of Cosmic Divine Swords were now "dead" waste products, so it would really be able to rely on it.

Chu Di, however, regardless of whether the other party was confident or not, still pointed his sword at the metal man and continued to interrogate him; "Do the Gendayans still have metal life? How did you get into our aircraft carrier?"

Everyone's hearts trembled when they heard this, and they all felt that Chu Di's suspicion was very reliable. This metal man must be a spy sent by the Gendaya people, and he might even be a killer.

However, the metal man refused to admit it, "No, no, no, you are mistaken, I am not a Gendaya."

The metal man shook his hands at the same time, "I have always lived on Venus. You forced me to come to your mothership."

Everyone was surprised after hearing this, and Tao Bao immediately asked: "What are you talking about? We don't even know you exist, so why did we force you to board the mothership?"

The metal man said: "You don't know my existence, but I know that you are going to throw cobalt bombs on Venus. If Venus is contaminated by cobalt-60, I will have no food to eat, so I can only follow you."

Tao Bao suddenly understood and asked: "So, you ate all those engineering vehicles and robots?"

Metal Human said: "That's right, although your engineering vehicles and robots are of poor quality, they taste very good. I haven't eaten this kind of flavored food for a long time, so I couldn't help but give it a try."

After hearing this, Tao Bao looked at Chu Di and said, "What it says may be true."

In Tao Bao's view, if the metal man was sent by the Gendaya people, then it would never eat engineering vehicles and robots, but directly eat fighter jets, gunboats, and even battleships. Isn't it delicious?

Before Chu Di expressed his position, the metal man had already expressed his dissatisfaction with Tao Bao's analysis and said: "Of course it's true. I don't need to lie to you. I said you couldn't kill me. If you hadn't discovered my

If you exist, I am too lazy to communicate with you."

Tao Baodao: "From what you say, you plan to keep eating on our mothership, right? Our engineering vehicles and robots are not enough for you."

The metal man said: "No, no, no, of course I won't wander with you for too long. I will disembark when you arrive at Europa at the latest. You must know that the magnesium sulfate under the ice of Europa is the top delicacy in the solar system.

, just like the ice cream you Earthlings eat.”

While it was talking, it also stuck out its tongue and licked its lips, making a drooling gesture. Everyone smiled when they saw it, this metallic life was really funny.

But the metal man suddenly raised a metal thumb to Chu Di and said: "I must express my admiration for you. You are really amazing. You actually have a pair of Kunpeng eyes. I hope to become friends with you."


What is Kunpeng's eye?

This is a new term. This is the first time for everyone here to hear it. Even Chu Di himself doesn’t know that his eyes are not human eyes. He immediately asked: "What kind of eyes are Kunpeng eyes? What do you think?"

Do you know that I am Kunpengyan?"

The metal man said: "You don’t need me to explain what Kunpeng is? You all know that there are fishes in the North Ming Dynasty. I will only tell you something you don’t know much about. Kunpeng is a creature unique to the earth. It was born in the Jurassic period or even earlier.

At the North Pole of the Earth, the adult Kun grew his wings and transformed into a Peng, then left the Earth and traveled throughout the universe."

"Travel the entire universe", this sentence is the key point.

Even with the speed of light, it is impossible to "travel the entire universe" because the current diameter of the observable universe is 160 billion light-years. Even at the speed of light, it takes 160 billion years. Is that called traveling? That is crawling! And it is

Climbing at a snail's pace!

But at what speed can Kunpeng "travel the entire universe"?

The metal man did not leave everyone confused for too long, and then gave an explanation: "The reason why Kunpeng can travel the universe is not because of how fast it is, but because it has a pair of Kunpeng eyes that can see everything in the universe.

Black holes can even see the dark universe and antimatter. It can be said that all black holes in the universe are stations for Kunpeng, which can travel through black holes and reach from one end of the universe to the other."

The Kunpeng Eye that can see black holes? No one here can understand it.

Don’t the eyes passively image? First, light must illuminate the scene, and then the scene reflects the light to the lens of the eyeball, and then passes through the lens, refracts the image on the retina, and then transmits the light to the brain through the optic nerve.

A black hole can swallow even light. Without reflected light, how can Kunpeng's eye image?

However, the metal man said: "Kunpeng Eye is an active imaging device. It can see the end of the universe, and it has nothing to do with light and the speed of light!"

Hearing this, Tao Bao suddenly understood and immediately understood why Chu Di could see the planets flying towards the solar system a light-year away in the Oort cloud, but he could not find relevant observation data at major space observatories.

It turns out that Chu Di’s eyes can exceed the speed of light and do not need to rely on reflected light to create images!

"But how do you know this?" Tao Bao couldn't help but ask.

The metal man did not answer this question directly, but said proudly: "As far as I know, among all the lives and creatures in the universe, the only one who can see through my disguise is the Kunpeng Eye. I can attach myself to any kind of metal.

On the surface, it is colorless and transparent, and cannot be detected by any eyes or instruments except Kunpeng's eyes."

Tao Bao and others recalled the scene where the metal man was attached to the control cabinet. It was indeed impossible to find out. If Chu Di hadn't forced it to show up and stand there, its color would still be the same metallic gray as the control cabinet.

Now, its color has changed to the same beige as the metal floor beneath its feet.

Tao Bao asked again: "I mean, how did you master such profound knowledge? I think you seem to know the solar system very well. You even know the magnesium sulfate under the ice layer of Europa. How do you know that?"


The metal human said: "If I tell you, I can sense the small changes that are happening in any corner of the solar system. For example, there are two babies born in the delivery room of Quancheng Maternal and Child Health Hospital on Earth at this time. For example, on the Utopia Plain of Mars at this time,

In a certain patch of soil, a grass seed is sprouting, or next to the fountain on Europa, there is a seventy-year-old man dying of heart failure. Do you believe it?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. What kind of super power is this? Does it know everything? Isn't this amazing? It's simply unbelievable.

This chapter has been completed!
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