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Chapter 262 Real gold is not afraid of fire

 Ever since he passed on the martial arts to Long Yaojing, causing him to fall into coma and then regaining consciousness, Chu Di has been looking for opportunities to try his martial arts.

In the past years when there was no internal power, just like Zhang Wuji, a child on Binghuo Island in the late Yuan Dynasty, he could not use many of the martial arts on the computer hard drive that he had learned. Now that he has internal power, he is naturally eager to try it.

In fact, this is easy to understand. It’s like if you bought a high-tech household appliance and found that there was a power outage at home, how would you feel? Once the call came, would you immediately try the effect of this appliance?

Chu Di was in such a state. He was eager to verify every magical skill he had memorized in his mind, but he was frustrated that he had no chance.

Just like the Wuxiang Jie Zhi that just killed people, can it be tried on Tao Bao? Can it be tried on Long Yujing and Long Yaojing?

Not to mention that these people who are close to him, including Li Yuze, Linda and every officer and soldier on the Dawn, cannot become his test subjects.

So who else can he find to test? Jack, who was resurrected from the dead before, is a good test subject, and so are the two remaining ring players at this moment.

Originally, he had another concern before he decided to test the Wuxiang Jie Finger, that is, he was worried that he would not have anything to play with after killing these two unjust ring players. That would mean that this event had reached a turning point, and there would definitely be a fight.

Massive killing.

He didn't care how many Japanese League thugs and Wood League soldiers and police he killed. He was only worried that the situation would force him to move his position, so that Long Yaojing and Tao Bao would not be able to find him when they came out.

But the two aliens who delivered the medicine to Yin Fuhu dispelled his worries. The meaning of those two aliens was very clear. Even if all the ring contestants selected from volunteers died, the ring would not be over.

As long as I can still play in the arena!

At the same time, the fate of the remaining two ring contestants was decided.

After a period of chaos, Chu Di stood on the stage and said loudly: "Listen to the families of the two deceased people, your relatives did not die in my hands. The drugs of Rixin Pharmaceuticals are poisonous. You should let them compensate, one share."

The pension is definitely not enough because they are murderers!"

Needless to say, Chu Di said, people already thought so. At that time, the two contestants were climbing up to the ring. The two dogs did not move at all. Even after the slow play, they did not see any movement from the two dogs. How did the two contestants die? Sure.

He died of poisoning!

When a citizen of Mu Meng died abnormally, the police of Mu Meng naturally had to go through the procedures. The forensic doctor conducted an autopsy on the spot and quickly concluded that the body of the deceased did contain highly toxic substances.

Now Yin Fuhu was in a panic. Not only did a thousand people blame him, but the most terrible thing was that he himself knew that the speed-increasing pill contained toxins. The so-called medicine was three parts poisonous. How could the human body's functions be stimulated to explode exponentially without poisons?

Although according to the prescription of the Speed-increasing Pill, the dose of toxins in it is not enough to cause death, but with the facts in front of him, what else can he say? The pill produced by Rixin Pharmaceutical has not passed the authority of any official organization in the solar system


There are many people in the audience who know medicine-related knowledge, and some people are already criticizing Miumeng for its negligence, "Who allowed this kind of medicine that has not passed e-certification to be sold in Mimeng? The responsibility must be investigated!"

e-certification has been the European Union’s compulsory pharmaceutical authoritative certification since the Earth Age, and it has not changed until today in the Galaxy Age.

In principle, drugs without e-certification cannot be sold in Miumeng. This is a crime.

The audience reacted strongly, and Yin Fuhu couldn't argue. He could only look at the two aliens standing behind him and whispered: "You guys hurry up and kill the two dogs first before talking about anything else."

The two aliens looked at each other, and then one of them snorted at Yin Fuhu and said: "Useless thing! You still have to let us wipe your ass! I'm here!"

Yin Fuhu was reprimanded, but he dared to get angry but did not dare to speak out. He could only eat Coptis chinensis in silence. Who could let him do things badly?

The audience on the field did not notice what was going on here, and they did not expect that the nature of this arena match had completely changed at this point.

No one introduced him, and no one announced whether the match would continue. The alien who scolded Yin Fuhu jumped up, crossed the ring rope, and landed in front of Chu Di. As his body fell, he stretched his arms forward.

Purple flames shot out from both hands at the same time, forming a ball of purple light.

No one knows who this man in a space suit is, and no one knows what this purple light is. Is it electricity? Is it thunder? Is it fire? Or is it some kind of high-tech weapon?

People only know one thing, that is, this man once used this purple light to melt the tempered glass above his head!

In an instant, this purple light enveloped the entire arena, covering Ergou as well, and the audience suddenly exclaimed.

What does this mean? Come and kill people without even saying hello. Is Rixin Pharmaceutical still being reasonable?

What will happen if the purple light that can melt tempered glass instantly burns Ergou? You don’t need to think about it to know that Ergou will definitely die!

"You, Rixin Pharmaceutical, are so careless! How could you conduct such a sneak attack?"

"What kind of arena competition is this? Isn't this just killing people?"

Amid the strong condemnation of the audience, the space in the arena has been engulfed by a purple ball of light. In the field of vision of the audience on the sidelines, and on the screen of every TV in the solar system, everyone can see except this man in a space suit.

Apart from the people, there was only a ball of purple light.

This is to turn Ergou into ashes alive!

The audience was already shouting, roaring, and crying. However, the man wearing a helmet and a space suit still had no intention of stopping. Purple light was still filling the arena space. No one noticed that under the dazzling purple light.

In the middle, there was a faint golden halo.

At this moment, almost all humans in the solar system felt tortured, as if this ball of purple light was not refining Ergou, but themselves.

At this moment, time seemed to become extremely long. The man on the stage seemed to be deliberately torturing the hearts of all humans and refused to take back the purple flame.

On Mars, in the ice palace on the top of Olympus, Yin Yanmei shook her head and sighed: "What a pity! This Ergou was definitely a martial arts prodigy, and it's such a pity that he died like this! You said that your kid is doing the same thing as the Three-Eyed God?

What’s right!”

On Earth, in the large classroom of Zhiyun Military Academy, Xu Yanfei burst into tears and said silently in his heart: "Er Gou, I, Xu Yanfei, swear to your heroic spirit that I will avenge you in my lifetime!"

On Earth, in the office of the Director of the Lidong Wu Comprehensive Bureau, Li Ying was also crying. She looked at the screen and sobbed: "Chu Di, is it you? Why are you so careless! Your Aunt Ying'er wants to see you again but she can't get it.

Got it!"

I don't know how long it took, but finally, the purple flame dimmed. The size of the light ball gradually shrank, and then shrank again. The purple light gradually turned into gold, and finally shrank into the shape of a human body, and the color completely turned into gold.

Then people saw that this did not seem to be a golden ball of light in the shape of a human body, but a person with a golden light all over his body. He was not wearing any clothes, and he was actually a completely naked person, a man!

Is this a second dog?

This is not a second dog!

People could clearly see that the golden man's face was completely different from Ergou's, but why was this face so familiar?

In just a moment, someone recognized this face. Isn't this Chu Di?

Although Chu Di's image is not well-known to everyone in the solar system, it is not much different. From his appearance in the arena of the Galaxy War in the reality show, to the press conference in the Sendei Building, to the bravery on the Freedom Tower

Seizing the Divine Sword of the Universe, people are already very familiar with his impression.

Except for the big glasses on his face.

He is Chu Di!

Now the question has become, has Chu Di been burned into a golden statue? Or is he still alive?

The moment people thought about this problem, Chu Di suddenly sneezed, sniffed, and actually spoke.

He faced the enemy opposite and said: "Is it just this little flame? Is there any more? Give me some more, I haven't had enough yet."

This chapter has been completed!
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