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Chapter 29 Break up

In less than ten minutes, Chu Di drank three kilograms of Maotai, which shocked the five people around him and didn't know what to say.

Among these five people, except for Qu Xiaoqing, who liked Chu Di no matter how he looked at him, the most angry one was Ding Junchao. However, the person who had the least say was also Ding Junchao. He was full of anger but could not express it. For a moment, he was on pins and needles.

Thorny back.

While he was gnashing his teeth secretly, suddenly a phone alert sounded in his mind. The number was his mother's. He quickly answered it. His mother's excited voice rang in his mind: "Chaochao, are you still at Qu's house? Come back quickly! A large group of people are coming to the house.

Reporters blocked our community!"

As if Ding Junchao had been granted amnesty, he quickly stood up and looked at Qu Liang and said, "Uncle, aunt, my mother called. I have to go out and answer it."

Qu Liang and Yin Yanhua were also eager for something to distract them from the embarrassing situation. Yin Yanhua quickly said: "Oh, go pick it up quickly. Don't forget to ask your mother to call me when you're done. I have something to tell her.


It was polite to leave the table and talk on the phone. Ding Junchao actually had nothing to say to his mother. If he had to find one thing to say, it would be to blame his mother for inviting a wolf into the house, inviting Chu Di to come to the house and rob Qu Xiaoqing.

But at this moment, he didn't want to say this. Even if he walked outside the door, he wouldn't be able to guarantee that the people inside wouldn't hear him. He made a symbolic circle outside the door, then turned back inside and said, "Uncle and aunt, my mother said

Many reporters came to my house to interview me, so I have to go back."

Qu Liang nodded quickly and said: "Then go quickly. Now you are already a big star in our Lidong City. Such things will definitely happen in the future. Don't put on airs when you go back. Build a good relationship with your reporter friends and let them help you promote it."


Yin Yanhua was already answering Mi Qian's call. She deliberately did not leave the table, so she sat at the table and told everyone: "Yes! Your Chaochao family is really promising. Whose daughter will be lucky to marry him..."

Mi Qian called here just to show off, to erase the status gap between the two families. In the past many years, the Ding family was at least psychologically humble compared to the Qu family, but now her son Ding Junchao has become a star.

, of course, you should tell your in-laws as soon as possible.

Yin Yanhua took the opportunity to speak to her daughter. She wanted her to see who was her true love, so she followed Mi Qian's instructions. The two middle-aged women became more and more congenial, and even talked on the phone.

Every sentence is about praising how good Ding Junchao is.

However, Ding Junchao knew in his heart, what kind of big star am I? The big star driving the Bluebird generation is Chu Di, okay?

Although he hated Chu Di for stealing his love, he couldn't help but be grateful that Chu Di didn't slap him in the face by telling the incident in public. It was precisely because of this that he never dared to speak against Chu Di.

At this time, seeing Yin Yanhua talking endlessly on the phone, for fear of causing a backlash from Chu Di or Qu Xiaoqing, he told the truth in anger, said goodbye to Qu Liang in a hurry, and left the Qu family as if running for his life.

Qu Liang looked at Ding Junchao's back and couldn't help but admire: "This kid is so good. He has become a star without any airs and is still so low-key. Oh, I wish I had such a son. Old Ding is really lucky!"

After saying that, he looked at Chu Di and asked: "Xiao Chu, you are also Xiaoqing's classmate, right? Where do you live? What do your parents do?"

Chu Di replied: "I am not your daughter's classmate. I have never gone to school. I have no family or father. I don't know what my mother does. I only know that she has been away from the earth for many years."

This answer shocked Qu Liang and Yin Fuhu even more. This... is this Chu Di actually a street boy? Could it be that Qu Xiaoqing only invited him home out of compassion? But that can't be the case.

It’s not your attitude to marry someone else!

Yin Fuhu couldn't help but ask: "Then where do you usually live? Do you always sleep on the street?"

While he was asking Chu Di, he glanced at Qu Xiaoqing. He felt that Qu Xiaoqing should know more details than them. However, he saw that Qu Xiaoqing was also looking at Chu Di, as if she didn't know the situation either.

Chu Di said: "I'm temporarily staying at Ding Junchao's house."

"Ah?" Yin Fuhu couldn't tolerate it anymore and asked directly: "You lived in Ding Junchao's house, but you stole his girlfriend. Do you think this is appropriate? Also, in what way do you compare?

Ding Jun is super strong? Do you think you are worthy of my niece?"

After hearing this, Qu Xiaoqing immediately wanted to refute, but Chu Di beat him to it and said: "I didn't steal anyone's girlfriend, and it's impossible for me to have a girlfriend. I came here just to give Qu Xiaoqing

Celebrate your birthday, Uncle Yin, don’t think too much about it.”

After hearing this, Qu Liang was completely annoyed and said angrily: "You haven't robbed me yet? Didn't you see what my daughter did to you? I think you got an advantage and behaved!"

Almost at the same time, Yin Fuhu also started to argue: "Are you here to celebrate your birthday? You just brought a bouquet of tattered flowers to celebrate someone's birthday? Haha, do you know how much a bottle of this Maotai wine costs? You drank three bottles as if you were drinking water.

, Our Moutai doesn’t cost anything?”

After hearing this, Chu Di no longer looked at Yin Fuhu, but instead looked at Qu Xiaoqing and said: "Qu Xiaoqing, let me discuss with you, can you get the legion benefits now? You don't have to give me my share.

Just think of it as paying back the money for these three bottles of wine."

In Chu Di's view, he and Qu Xiaoqing persisted until the team battle ended in a draw, which was regarded as a great contribution to the Emei Legion. According to the previous promise of the female commander, Qu Xiaoqing and himself could get all the legion's rewards.

If you get half of the welfare, you can get a quarter.

A quarter of the total welfare of the legion can be equivalent to 3.25 million Galaxy coins. Even if this money is given to the owner of the account, Ding Junchao, 90%, and he only takes 10%, he still has 300,000 Galaxy coins, which should be enough for these three bottles of Moutai.

Before Qu Xiaoqing could say anything, Yin Yanhua, who had been talking on the phone, became unhappy and suddenly said, "What do you mean, my Xiaoqing is actually in love with you unrequitedly? Is our family trying to impress you? Look, I'm dragging you down.

Do you have more brains than others or something? I will leave it here today, even if my Xiaoqing never marries, she will never marry someone with your surname Chu!"

Before she finished speaking, there was only a crisp sound of "pop", but it was Qu Xiaoqing who threw a wine glass on the ground. Qu Xiaoqing was also angry: "Mom! Dad! What are you talking about?"

The three adults were angry at Chu Di at the same time. Qu Xiaoqing wanted to interrupt but couldn't. She had no choice but to throw the cup and shouted: "I'll say it again! Can you not talk about my marriage! When did I say that I

Are you going to marry Chu Di? Did I say so?"

As soon as these words came out, the three adults shut their mouths, but they all disagreed in their hearts: Yes, you didn't say you wanted to marry Chu Di, but your every move tells us that you like this wild boy.

Needless to say, we are not blind.

When Chu Di saw this, he stood up and said, "That's it, Qu Xiaoqing, thank you for the invitation. I've been here and had a drink. Now it's time to leave."

Qu Xiaoqing had been hesitating to tell her parents that Chu Di was a genius pilot on earth, but now she had no chance, so she had time to dissuade her: "Chu Di, don't worry, you haven't seen me perform my martial arts yet.


Chu Di smiled and said: "Forget it, although I, Chu Di, am a little stupid, I can't tell the difference between my facial features and my features. Your elders are so disgusted with me, am I still embarrassed to stay here? I don't want to watch martial arts.


After saying that, he turned around and walked out, never looking back.

This chapter has been completed!
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