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Chapter 303 Throw me into the sun

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Long Group has been bombed into ruins by aliens, no one dared to refute Long Yaojing's words.

She put Chu Di into a space dormant cabin that Long Er had found, and then stood by the dormant cabin, waiting for Chu Di to wake up like the last time.

At the same time, Long Er and Long Wu were ordered to personally take turns on duty, and no one was allowed to approach the room where the space dormant cabin was located for any reason.

Even in the Wuhan Comprehensive Bureau building, Director Li Ying could not enter the room where Long Yaojing and the dormant warehouse were. Miss Long Er was so domineering.

"Chu Di is not dead!"

Miss Long Er repeated her judgment to everyone who had doubts.

"Chu Di is not dead."

In the Oort Cloud, a space nearly 1 light-year away from the Earth in the solar system, a planet similar to Mars is flying.

In the atmosphere of this planet, in a palace on a suspended mountain, the lid of a coffin suddenly opened automatically, and a Dharmakaya sat up inside. The first words he said were: "Chu Di is not dead."

The Dharmakaya who spoke was none other than Cheka, the three-eyed god worshiped by members of the Japanese Alliance.

The palace is very spacious and has a hexagonal structure, but there are only six people inside, six Gendayas.

The Chika who sat up from the coffin and spoke was not among these six people. Although he was also a human being, he was the awakened Dharmakaya.

Dozens of coffins and coffins were lined up at the base of the six walls of the palace. What was contained in these coffins was not corpses, but Dharmakaya.

The Dharmakaya is the backup clone of the god-man. Only when the real body is destroyed and the conscious body returns to this hall instantly, the Dharmakaya will wake up.

One of the six people immediately said: "You used up all your mental power to launch a killing blow. How could Chu Di not die? Unless you didn't try your best."

Cheka said: "I can't explain it. I did try my best, but when my divine light hit Chu Di's body, I failed to damage a small part of his neurons. These neurons are his

Hope of survival.”

"Why is this happening? Does Chu Di's body originally lack neurons? Or does he have a way to isolate or even shut down neurons?"

Cheka said: "I don't know, but I am going to return to the solar system immediately to find out why Chu Di survived by chance, and then completely eliminate him."

After hearing what Cheka said, the six people in the hall laughed, and one of them said: "Do you think you have a chance to enter the solar system again? Cheka, we are very disappointed in you."

Another person said: "After you led the first advance army to Ceres, you did not launch a unification war for four years. I heard that you wasted your energy on learning indigenous culture and selecting wives and concubines. The Presbyterian Church has long been dissatisfied with you. You

You actually want to go there again, do you think our Gendaya people’s resources are endless?”

Chika said: "Elders, I admit that I have underestimated the new indigenous people in the solar system, but you should know that whether it is learning the indigenous culture or choosing wives and concubines, it is all for the future of our Gendaya people, without any selfish motives.


The man before said: "It is precisely because we know that you have no selfish motives that we have tolerated you until now. Otherwise, we would have sent people to arrest you and bring you back for trial."

Another person also said: "We don't care whether you are selfish or not, we only look at the results. The current result is that you and a native of the solar system have lost both sides. With such a dismal record, are you embarrassed to ask for the command of the second batch of advance troops?


A third person said: "In the past four years, the only few battles have ended with the defeat of the Gendaya fleet. Shouldn't you take responsibility for this?"

The fourth person said: "You also lost a set of Stellar Light, four Force Stones, and an excellent warrior Lanka. How should this account be settled?"

The third person said: "So, you should just face the wall and think about it. We have recommended Wuka to be the next commander of the advance army."

Dismissing students if their performance is not good is a common employment standard in the entire universe.

Chika was silent for a long time and said guiltily: "Elders, I admit that my record is not good, but you should also understand that among our Gendaya tribe, I am the only one who has the most detailed research on the indigenous people of the solar system.

In an unwinnable war, can I win it if I am afraid that Waka will go to rescue me? He will only fight worse."

The person who spoke first said: "We don't deny this, but if everything is as special as you want, wouldn't our rules be in vain? So you should hurry up and tell me the experience you have summed up.

Tell me about it."

The Cheka was dismissed from get out of class and was deprived of the right to lead the army to conquer the solar system by the Presbyterian Church. At the same time, people on the surface of the earth had decorated their faces with lights and colors to celebrate the victory of the battle just now.

The alien fleet withdrew from the Earth's atmosphere without a trace. Perhaps they are still on standby in space near the Earth, but due to their invisibility function, they are not detected by any detection system. But in any case, they withdrew and escaped.

, isn’t it worth celebrating?

The scale of the celebration was unprecedented. There was no rehearsal, artists from all over the world competed to perform, and the audience enjoyed the talents of the artists. Except for the hundreds of Lidong Volunteers in the Lidong City Martial Arts Bureau building, there were almost no people.

Remember, Chu Di, who brought such victory to the people on earth, is dead.

Although at this moment, no one dares to say that Chu Di is not a hero of the people on earth.

In the building of the Wushu Comprehensive Bureau, Xu Jingyuan, Li Ying, Xu Yanfei and others suppressed their grief, gathered in the conference room, and began to discuss the next step. If the three-eyed god is dead, will the aliens give up?

We must always be on guard against the return of the alien fleet.

But what's the use of being careful? All the air defense positions on the earth's surface have been destroyed, and the main fleet of the Space Force has been crippled. Even if the alien fleet comes back, there is nothing the people on earth can do to stop or resist.

Although the Lidong Volunteer Army had obtained hundreds of mechas and weapons, these weapons were almost useless against powerful alien spacecraft, so Li Ying asked the participants to brainstorm and try to summarize an effective defensive strategy.


You can't just sit back and wait for death, right?

Everyone spoke enthusiastically at the meeting. Only Long Er and Long Wu stopped expressing any opinions. They attended the meeting on behalf of the Long Group. Their opinion was that we only follow Miss Long Er's arrangements.

Of course, no matter whether Long Er and Long Wu spoke or not, people could not sum up any effective defense methods, so Li Ying decided to invite Long Yaojing to the meeting.

After all, Long Yaojing is also a being who can fly in the air and fight against the three-eyed god. Except for Chu Di, no one can compare with her. Her speech must be the most valuable.

However, Miss Long Er is not something that ordinary people can invite, not to mention that she is staying next to the space dormant cabin at this moment. Li Ying had no choice but to invite her in person, "Miss Long, I will guard this room for you. Can you go and attend the meeting?"


Long Yaojing made an exception and gave Li Ying a favor, letting her into the room, and then said: "Actually, I can see the content of your meeting on my personal terminal. I don't have any good solutions. If you must ask me to tell you a solution,

Come out and wait for Chu Di to wake up."

She said what she said but didn't say anything. Li Ying couldn't help but be disappointed. Just when she didn't know how to answer the question, she suddenly heard Chu Di in the dormitory say something vague.

This sentence seems to mean: "Throw me into the sun..."

This chapter has been completed!
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