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Chapter 316 The Earth Begins to Cool

 Expelling the internal force from the body and leaving it somewhere to continue doing kung fu is Chu Di’s latest achievement after studying martial arts.

Force is an instantaneous concept, involving two objects, a force-exerting object and a force-receiving object. Once the force-exerting object stops exerting force, the force disappears.

In order to solve this problem, Chu Di once racked his brains and thought for more than an hour. This more than an hour was also the more than an hour when he and Cheka fought against each other in the sky above Lidong on Earth.

At that time, he had already found out through the dialogue between the Cheka and "Liu Hangao" that the Cheka's flaw was the area where friction was generated under the feet, but he could not think of a way to attack this flaw for a while.

Until the last moment, he finally found a way to combine the four martial arts skills of Red Fist Rock Technique, Black Horse Divine Palm, Shifting Flowers and Trees, and Alligator's Mouth Scissor to break the situation in one fell swoop.

Among these four martial arts, the Red Fist Rock developed by Patriarch Chen Tuan in the late Tang and early Song Dynasties was selected for its method of accumulating power. The Red Fist Rock is also known as "the stone from other mountains can attack jade".

A method of luck that can accumulate internal energy somewhere and choose the opportunity to explode;

The Xuanju divine palm taught to Li Xuanba by Ziyang Zhenren in the late Sui Dynasty and early Tang Dynasty was selected based on its ultra-high frequency when it erupts. Xuanju is an ant. An ant has six legs, which is equivalent to a human having three heads and six arms. One of its movements is made of

Six legs are completed at the same time, the frequency of movements is high, and accordingly, the efficiency of explosive power is also very high;

Choosing Yihuagong Martial Arts to graft others on others is to take advantage of its ability to subvert its strengths. Turn part of the enemy's force field into your own strength to achieve the effect of concealing the enemy's force field;

Choosing the crocodile scissors created by Yue Laosan, the crocodile god of the South China Sea, is to take advantage of its moves. The difference between scissors and knives is that scissors do not require large movements and can initiate shearing force after being close to the target or even close to the target. They can also cut and decompose the target.


He fused these four martial arts together, and unknowingly created a "ticking time bomb" between the soles of Cheka's feet and the platform machine on which they stepped.

In the final stages of the battle between him and Cheka, on the surface, he was doing useless work with one sword after another, but in fact, he buried waves of "explosives" under Cheka's feet, and then exploded, incredibly powerful.

The explosive power of imagination forms a scissor head like a paper shredder or an electric hair pusher.

And his enemy Cheka is like a bunch of hair standing vertically on the head of an electric hair trimmer, which will naturally be cut shorter. This is why people at that time saw that the three-eyed god gradually became shorter.

It was this successful attack that allowed him to completely master the technique of using martial arts to create a "time bomb", so that he could leave his power in a certain space and continue to perform work.

Chu Di insisted on leaving the igloo. Even though Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei were very worried, they could not stop him. They could only watch him leave and could only say: "Be careful!"

Compared with the corona, the chromosphere, which is only 2,000 kilometers thick, is almost negligible at Chu Di's flight speed. The photosphere, which is 500 kilometers, is even less worth mentioning and passes by in seconds.

What is slightly longer is the next troposphere. The sun's troposphere is 150,000 kilometers long. In this level area, hot matter rises sharply and cold matter drops extremely.

Here, a being like Chu Di, whose body temperature is constant at 36.5°, naturally belongs to cold matter. He does not even need to fly by himself. He is "dragged" to the radiation zone only by the gravity of the sun and the violent convection movement in this area, which is very time-consuming.

It only takes a few minutes.

What is more difficult to pass through is the radiation zone with a thickness of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

In the radiation zone of the sun, there is no convection movement, and the various rays and forces emitted by the sun's core are uniformly directed to the outside, resisting any foreign matter that wants to enter the sun's core.

It's not just resistance, it's destruction.

The various external rays, heat, magnetism, and explosive force that interact with the sun's gravity are enough to strangle any foreign matter.

You cannot use the Flying Catkin Technique here. This is like a flying catkin trying to fall into the air outlet of a hair dryer. Is that possible?

Chu Di did not use Feixu Kung Fu.

But without using Fei Xu Gong, how can we withstand those deadly rays and various huge energies carrying a high temperature of 700,000 degrees?

Chu Di doesn't need to resist.

Even though they had witnessed and experienced traveling through the corona layer with their own eyes, Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei could not imagine that the reason why Chu Di came to the sun was to absorb this energy.

Suck as much as you want, no one will be turned away.

Not only do they welcome everyone who comes, but they are also very dissatisfied with the energy in the radiation zone.

It's like a senior alcoholic. If you prepare a room full of low-alcohol wine or even beer for him, will he be satisfied? What he wants to drink is high-alcohol wine.

So Chu Di still has to go to the heliocentric zone, that is, to enter the core of the sun.

But entering the sun's core requires a lot of effort. Just like continuing to dive into the deep sea from a shallow sea, Chu Di used the "Thousand Category Drop".

Just like the principle of flying with a sword, the real Thousand Jin Pendant requires the internal force to be released outside the body to form an "external force" to act on itself. The difference is that flying with a sword is a support, while a Thousand Jin Pendant is pressure.

Chu Di released enough power to push himself to the "bottom of the sea", which took up to 30 hours.

Finally coming to the core of the sun, it was like entering a super huge nuclear reactor. The moment he entered the core of the sun, Chu Di felt extremely comfortable, like a traveler who had traveled for days and nights, soaking his body in

Went to hot springs.


He lay down directly, all the pores in his body opened, and began to absorb all the energy around his body.

I don't know since when, his relationship with the cosmic light changed from passive bathing to active swallowing.


The earth has been occupied by aliens for more than a month.

Just one month after that global grand party, aliens came back and attacked the earth again.

The earth has no defensive weapons. Or maybe there are still some who have surrendered due to the cowardice of the top leaders of the Earth Alliance Space Force.

The surrendered space officers and soldiers, as well as the civilians who failed to enter the underground air defense fortifications in time, were brutally massacred by the aliens.

This time, the aliens' approach was completely different from before. They did not focus on appeasement like they occupied Mars, but carried out brutal killings.

In just one month, aliens killed 100 million Earth soldiers and civilians.

Regarding this act, as the spokesperson of the aliens, Qu Liang gave the reason: We are retaliating against Chu Di.

Qu Liang's original words are: "The Three-Eyed God said that although Chu Di is dead, as long as there is one person on the earth who dares to go against the sacred Gendaya people like Chu Di, we will kill 100 million people on the earth.

People, to show revenge!"

Such brutal killings caused all the people on earth to lose the courage to resist. Even the Lidong Volunteer Army organized by Li Ying was ordered to be disbanded by Xiao Boran. Xiao Boran sent a call to order Li Ying to be revoked as director and issued a declaration: If you still dare

If you resist, I will kill you all first.

On March 8, the 18th year of the Galaxy, the earth began to get colder.

This chapter has been completed!
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