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Chapter 249 The end of the world is like a neighbor

 It’s finally here!

After waiting for so many days, an alien spacecraft finally appeared in the solar system. Apparently, it jumped in from hyperspace.

However, in the process of fighting the Gendaya civilization, it was the first time that a saucer-shaped spacecraft was seen. Even Chudi, who could directly see the surface of the Gendaya planet, had never found such a spacecraft on the Gendaya planet.

In his impression, the Gendaya people did not have such a saucer-shaped spacecraft, only saucer-shaped missiles.

Tao Bao also said in confusion: "Could it be that other aliens are visiting the solar system?"

"What kind of visit? Did you say hello? Is the behavior of this saucer-shaped spacecraft any different from someone running into your kitchen in the middle of the night?" Chu Di corrected Tao Bao's wording.

Tao Bao smiled and said: "You are right. This cannot be called a visit. So what do you mean..."

"Destroy it!" Chu Di replied decisively, "It doesn't matter if it is Gendaya's spaceship or not. It flew in without the permission of the humans in the solar system. How can we tolerate it?"

In the past, the space in the solar system, including the Earth's atmosphere, was like a free market that could be entered and exited at will, without any defenses.

Or it can also be thought that the defense facilities of the earth people cannot restrict the entry and exit of aliens at all.

It is depressing to say that in the past few years, scientists from all over the world have always tried their best to prove that so-called UFOs are natural phenomena generated by magnetic fields, electric fields and other natural factors.

All in all, the statements given by all official scientific research institutions point to one conclusion, that is, there are no aliens in the universe.

It is clear that the former President of the United States has signed a cooperation agreement with aliens but refuses to admit it, and then scientific research experts from all over the world join forces to cover up the fact that aliens exist. What is the purpose of this?

It is nonsense to say that it is for the stability of human society. The former United States has often used force against other countries, and it is responsible for 99% of the unrest in the world.

Until entering the intergalactic era, until the Gendayans occupied Mars and the Earth, these experts in the scientific community seemed to have died overnight, and no one stood up to apologize for their wrong remarks. They said it with red lips and white teeth.

Let’s just say it, academic research, who hasn’t gone through detours?

Take the saucer-shaped spacecraft that appears near Ceres at this moment. The human space monitoring equipment in the solar system cannot detect its arrival. If you ask the military and relevant experts of the major alliances at this time, the answer you will get will definitely be "Where?"

There are aliens."

Only Chu Di's eyes and Tao Bao's armillary sphere can detect it, so the solar system is undefended against this saucer-shaped spacecraft.

"Now that I see it, I'll kill it!"

It is better to kill the wrong one than let it go. No matter whether it is Genda Ya Sanyin or not, as long as it is not a spacecraft made by humans in the solar system, just destroy it.

The next moment, Tao Bao, the Long sisters, and Xu Yanfei witnessed Chu Di's power with their own eyes.

A man in an aircraft carrier in the synchronous orbit of Uranus was able to destroy a spacecraft 800 million kilometers away near Ceres. He hit him at any time. After saying this, the red dot that had just appeared on the spherical projection of the armillary sphere disappeared and could not be seen at all.

How did Chu Di fight?

Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei also found it incredible. Xu Yanfei exclaimed: "You don't even have to move your hands?"

On the contrary, Long Yujing was able to understand Chu Di's method and said: "Wherever the divine consciousness goes, so does the power. This is the fighting method of gods. In fact, Yaojing, you and Yanfei can also do it, but you should not be able to fight.

So far away."

Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei nodded at the same time. Both women knew that not to mention flying a spaceship that far away, they couldn't even release their spiritual consciousness at that distance. They really didn't know how Chu Di developed this skill.

The hidden danger has been eliminated, Long Yujing said: "Chu Di, you have eliminated the invading enemy. After going to Mars, please send me back to Earth."

Chu Di said: "Sister Yujing, do you mean to leave us?"

Long Yujing said: "Yes, your martial arts are increasing rapidly, but I am a useless person, and I can't help you much."

Chu Di said: "Sister Yujing, we don't need help, but if you leave us, I will be concerned about your safety, and I don't agree with you leaving."

Long Yujing said: "I want to go back to the cave to practice again, as long as you send me back to the cave."

Chu Di said: "No, that's so slow. I want to go to Mars and then try to teach you the skills again. Just wait for me to try. If the transfer fails, it won't be too late for you to go back to the cave."

Long Yujing said: "That won't work. The last time you taught Yao Jing the skills, you almost scared me to death. After you teach the skills, you will fall into a state of suspended animation. Who can guarantee whether you can still wake up? I don't dare to accept it!"

Chu Di insisted: "Sister, I will listen to you on everything else, except this matter. This matter is settled. I will teach you the exercises after I finish my work on Mars!"

If he hadn't been worried about falling into a long-term coma after teaching the exercises and not being able to fulfill his promise to Linda, Chu Di would have wanted to teach Long Yujing the exercises now.

How painful is it for a martial artist who once surpassed the Nine-Star Grandmaster to suddenly become a useless person, while the martial arts of those around him are still improving by leaps and bounds?

In contrast, Tao Bao, who had just developed his internal strength and then lost it, would not care too much, so Chu Di ranked Tao Bao behind Long Yujing.

After listening to the conversation between Chu Di and Long Yujing, Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei looked at each other. Xu Yanfei asked: "What happened when you fell into suspended animation after passing on the exercises?"

Long Yaojing recounted what Chu Di taught her Kung Fu on Ceres, and then said: "At that time, we all thought that Chu Di was really dead. Even the military doctors of the Fire Alliance's Sky Army concluded that he was dead.

, and then after a long time, he suddenly woke up. Fortunately, I insisted on not cremating him."

Long Yaojing disagreed with the decision Chu Di made at this moment. It was too dangerous!

But she couldn't say it out loud. After all, the person Chu Di wanted to teach her martial arts was her own sister, and her sister lost her martial arts in order to save herself. What's more, her sister herself didn't agree to accept Chu Di's teaching.

Chu Di said: "Don't worry, if I fall into coma again after teaching the skills to Sister Yujing, Yaojing and Yanfei will throw me into the sun..."

Although he was not sure, Chu Di vaguely felt that he had been saved from death twice by the sun, so he thought he could try again.

But just in the middle of speaking, he suddenly remembered the harm he had brought to the earth, so he stopped and asked Tao Baodao: "If the mothership we are riding in continuously jumps through hyperspace, can it fly to Proxima Centauri?"

Tao Baodao: "Okay, the maximum jump distance of this mothership is one light-year. Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light-years away from us. It will take five jumps to reach it."

Chu Di said happily: "That's good. If I pass out again after teaching Sister Yujing the skills, you can drive the mothership to Proxima Centauri and let Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei throw me into Proxima Centauri."

This chapter has been completed!
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