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Chapter 252: Empowering Linda to be President

 The two most unfavorable accusations against Linda were that Linda was taking the blame for Chu Di. How could Chu Di not be angry? He was directly preparing to kill someone.

However, Linda reluctantly told Chu Di, "It's useless for you to kill the person who posted the message. If you kill one of the pen writers who posted the message, he can find a hundred more. And if you kill him, it's just a matter of time."

If my fault is confirmed, it means that I will voluntarily give up the election."

Chu Di asked: "He can find another hundred? Who is he?"

Linda said: "He is my opponent, Jack."

Since she is running for president, Linda must have an opponent, and this opponent is Jack, the former Vice President of the Fire Alliance.

Linda said that Jack was the leader of the Fire League who was captured by the Cheka and broadcast live inside the Gendaya mothership. After the Cheka occupied Mars, the Cheka released the kidnapped people and let them return

Their respective alliances sang praises to the Gendaya people. Jack was very smart. When he returned to the Fire Alliance, he pretended to be sick at home and did not help the Gendaya people. However, he managed to accumulate enough political capital to run for president this time.

In this election, Li Yu naturally chose Linda to be the president. However, Jack was not willing to accompany the prince to study. He actually wanted to run against Linda. In order to overthrow Linda, he would use any means, including traditional tricks.


After finding out the whole story, Chu Di said impatiently: "Then I will kill Jack!"

Linda sighed: "You useless brother, if killing Jack can solve the problem, General Li and I will do it. Do you still need your sledgehammer to kill chickens?"

Chu Di wondered: "Why is it useless?"

Linda said: "Jack represents the interests of many people. He is the spokesperson of an interest group. If you kill him, they will introduce another spokesperson. Unless you kill half of the people on Mars, then I, the president, will not need it."


Chu Didao: "Who is in this interest group?"

Linda said: "The composition of this interest group is very complicated. Some are in the open, such as Monsanto, and some are in the dark, such as smart technology, and even the scavenger killer organization."

Chu Didao: "Aren't you familiar with Monsanto and smart technology? Can't you just meet their requirements and directly represent their interests?"

Linda smiled and said: "If I were not the president, I would naturally be able to get along with them, but if I were the president, the interests I represent would definitely conflict with their interests."

Chu Di knew nothing about political matters, but Long Yujing could understand Linda's difficulties and explained for Linda: "Miss Linda is the president of the Fire Alliance to seek benefits for the vast majority of citizens on Mars, and those

What the big capitalists seek is to maximize their personal interests. This is a fundamental conflict that cannot be reconciled."

Long's Pharmaceutical also has an industry on Mars, and it is quite large. Of course, Long Yujing knows that Linda does not belong to any consortium.

Chu Di didn't want to discuss this topic in depth and asked: "You can't kill people, so what do you think we should do? Sister Da must become the president. I will put it here. If Sister Da loses the election, who will be the president?"

If I kill anyone who becomes president, the Fire Alliance will not be allowed to have a president from now on!"

Originally Chu Di didn't care whether Linda was elected president, but it's different now. If Linda can't become president, aunt Yin Yanhua and cousin Qu Xiaoqing will lose their protection. He could have taken them away from Mars to Uranus, but Tao Bao

They also want to build a factory on Mars. Even if Yin Yanhua and the others leave Mars, they still need the support of the Fire Alliance.

So there is no room for maneuver in this matter. The power of the Fire Alliance must be in Linda's hands. Even if she doesn't understand politics, Chu Di can think about these things clearly.

Long Yujing said: "In order for Miss Linda to be elected with a high vote, we need to do two things. On the one hand, we need to make the remarks attacking her in this post untenable! On the other hand, we need to make the public believe that Lin

The election of the eldest lady as president will bring benefits to the citizens of Mars."

Chu Di said: "What kind of benefits?"

Long Yujing said: "For example, it can improve the living standards of citizens, improve the scientific and technological level of humans on Mars, increase citizens' personal income and wealth, and protect Mars from external forces..."

Tao Bao excitedly interjected: "If I build a super mothership on Mars that is ahead of the Milky Way, does that count as improving the scientific and technological level of humans on Mars? Protecting Mars from infringement, Sister Da has already done it! Who drove away the roots?

Daya invaders? Aren’t they Sister Da? If we want to increase citizens’ income and improve living standards, then give them money!”

After saying this, he looked at Linda: "It is the most economical thing to give out money! When the Dimension League elected village chiefs and village directors, most village chiefs and village directors would give rice, flour and oil to the villagers. Sister Da, as long as you give money to the people of Mars,

They will definitely support you!"

Linda worried and said: "The problem is here, how can I have money? The money is in the hands of the big consortium, and it is too late to collect taxes."

Chu Di said: "Give out diamonds! Sister Da, you first give out a wave of diamonds to the common people, and the five-carat diamond rings can be called pigeon eggs, right? You give each citizen on Mars ten carats!"

Linda smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, just tease me, where can I get so many diamonds?"

Chu Di said: "I do! How many people are there on Mars?"

Linda didn't believe what Chu Di said at all, but she still answered his question: "Twenty million, maybe."

Chu Didao: "There are only 200 million people? I'll give you 400 tons of diamonds, that's enough!"

1 carat = 0.2 grams, and a 10-carat diamond is only 2 grams. Even if there are 1 billion citizens on Mars, and each person has 10 carats, only 2,000 tons of diamonds will be needed, which is less than the amount of diamonds mined on Uranus in one day.

Ten carats of diamonds per person is a world of difference compared to a bag of rice, a bag of noodles and a stick of oil per person. It is enough to elect the Jade Emperor, not to mention the president. If it benefits every citizen, it is not vote-buying.

As he said, Tao Bao immediately returned to the Gendaya mothership and sent a transport ship to transport diamonds to Linda. Then there was only one problem left to solve: how to solve the ultimatum issued by the Zeta civilization on Mercury.

It has been found that the Zeta aliens called the two presidential candidates Jack and Linda at the same time, because they did not know who of the two would be elected president. Of course, Jack knew that only Li Yuze and Linda

Just when we had the strength to destroy the alien spaceship, a bad guy came and complained first to take advantage of us.

It is not difficult to refute Jack's men's posts. All they have to do is publish the fact that the Gendaya people were driven away. Previously, Li Yuze and Linda did not publish it out of caution, but were used as a talking point by their political opponents.

Now we only need to announce to the solar system that all the Gendaya spacecraft that once invaded the solar system were destroyed under the command of Li Yuze and Linda, letting the citizens know how strong the New Fire Alliance is, and ensuring that they will not be attacked by the Zeta civilization

The attack is enough.

As for shielding traitors and war criminals, we can also find sufficient reasons to claim that the technology of Rixin Pharmaceuticals is in the hands of Yin Yanhua, Qu Xiaoqing, Liang Yuhan and Yin Qinglian, and ask them to serve their crimes.

Although the Gendaya people are invaders, the products developed under the leadership of the Gendaya people are still ahead of the times and need to continue to be produced to benefit the citizens of the Fire Alliance.

The above measures are all propaganda, but in actual operation, in order to prevent the Zeta civilization from launching an attack, in addition to annihilating the aliens on Mercury as soon as possible, the only way is to meet the other party's request and hand over a scapegoat.

So the problem is back to the original point. Xiao Sa can't be found. Who should we choose as the scapegoat?

This chapter has been completed!
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