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Chapter 261 Sirius

Wizards of Heaven Chapter 261 Sirius Since the distance between the Gendaya planet in the Oort cloud and the sun is 1 light-year, Tao Bao took it for granted that the ultimate jump distance of the Gendaya mothership is 1 light-year.


It cannot be said that this is unreasonable. After all, the two Gendaya motherships jumped from the Gendaya planet to Ceres in the solar system, and the jump distance happened to be close to 1 light-year.

Therefore, Tao Bao made a conservative estimate using 1 light-year as the limit, believing that it only takes four or five jumps at most to jump from the solar system to Proxima Centauri. This is the simplest addition and subtraction calculation, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

However, at Chu Di's strong request, Tao Bao set up the extreme jump mode. After the mothership jumped, Tao Bao was instantly dumbfounded.

"What...is going on?"

There was no need to wait for the mothership to emerge from the destination space and observe the external environment. Tao Bao had already cried and exclaimed. The reason was that the energy on the mothership was exhausted!

In a hyperspace jump operation, energy consumption is proportional to the jump distance.

However, just one extreme jump at this moment has consumed all the energy on the mothership. How far has it jumped?

Will it jump to Proxima Centauri this time?

Chu Di didn't understand and didn't bother to check the Gendaya-style instruments inside the spacecraft. He immediately looked through the lookout mirror to the space outside the mothership.

The lookout mirror of the Gendaya spacecraft is very advanced. In addition to the automatic focusing function, it can also automatically adjust according to the intensity and spectral characteristics of external light to protect the observer's eyes.

Chu Di saw a blue world at first sight. The blue "sun" and the blue starry sky.

He knew that the blue sun was definitely not the sun in his hometown, so he asked Tao Bao: "Did you jump directly to Proxima Centauri? I saw a blue sun."

Tao Bao was about to cry and said: "Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star, how could it be blue? It could be Sirius!"


The Long sisters and Xu Yanfei exclaimed at the same time, and Long Yujing asked: "Isn't Sirius 80,000 light-years away from the solar system? Have we jumped so far?"

Tao Bao had already taken out an old-fashioned wireless keyboard. He was inputting the parameters of the armillary sphere with one left hand, and dialing the abacus with the other hand. After pressing the Enter key, he let out a sigh of relief and said, "It's really Sirius."

!We are now two astronomical units from Sirius."

As we all know, two astronomical units equal 300 million kilometers.

Long Yaojing asked: "Are the Gendaya and his spaceship still there?"

Chu Didao: "Still..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt the whole cabin shake, as if he had been hit by a giant hammer. The shock made everyone unsteady and staggering around.

Tao Bao fell to the ground and rolled, wailing: "We are under attack! It's over, we no longer have the energy to open the protective shield!"

Chu Di felt very apologetic, blaming himself for bringing everyone into such a dangerous environment, but he saw that the Gendaya people seemed to be under attack as well. The torpedo-like Gendaya spaceship jumped over with his mothership.

It disintegrated instantly and became three parts.

But there was no time to say "I'm sorry" now. He said: "You all stay in the mothership. You are not allowed to go out without my permission! I'll go out and take a look!"

After saying this, he teleported outside the mothership and at the same time used the time-displacement armor.

As soon as I came out, I felt a wave of heat scorching my body, as if I was thrown into a tornado. I couldn't help but be surprised.

When I went in and out of the sun, I didn't feel any burning. Why was the space near Sirius so hot?

Looking at the Gendaya man dressed as a worker, his work clothes have been vaporized by the high temperature, revealing his original shape. It is the Bain whom he had seen on the floating mountain of Gendaya planet!

At this moment, Bayin no longer had any clothes on his body, not even flesh and blood, only a skeleton, just like the human skeleton specimens used in medical teaching on Earth.

Bayin is running away.

What's wrong? Stop fighting?

He couldn't help but be surprised, but then he thought that the Gendayans couldn't stand the ambient temperature. Looking at the spacecraft that had just disintegrated, he was surprised again. The spacecraft that had been dismembered into three parts was actually reunited.

, became one again.

The next moment, the spaceship that had become one again disappeared together with Bain.

Hyperspace jump! Teleport!

The torpedo-shaped spaceship can jump through hyperspace, and Bayin can teleport. These Gendayans are very powerful!

Chu Di guessed that Quinn and Longin in Gendaya Sanyin should be hiding in this extremely small torpedo spacecraft. It is so small that it can actually perform hyperspace jumps. This is beyond imagination.

For a spaceship, the volume of the hyperspace jump device and the required energy is already very large. In theory, it is impossible for ships below the cruiser to have the hyperspace jump function, because there is neither a hyperspace jump device nor a load capacity inside the ship.

space required for energy.

But this Gendaya torpedo-shaped spacecraft can actually perform hyperspace jumps, so where are its jump devices and required energy sources?

Chu Di had no time to think about this, because at the moment when the Gendayans disappeared, he and the mothership behind him were attacked again. He had time to displace the armor protection, but the mothership did not, and the hull was hit by a three-meter hole.

What a long hole.

Who is attacking?

While using his internal power to melt the material of the ship's hull and sealing the hole, he used his spiritual consciousness to talk to Tao Bao: "Can the mothership still be operational? If it can, drive away from Sirius. I'll find who is attacking us.


There is also a self-repair mechanism inside the Gendaya mothership. Tao Bao has activated it and said: "Leave us alone and find the enemy quickly, otherwise they will attack again. We can't repair it as fast as they can fight!"

Chu Di felt that Tao Bao was right. Since the Gendaya people had escaped, he could boldly use his spiritual consciousness and immediately spread his spiritual consciousness to search around Sirius.

He discovered that Sirius is a three-star system. Around the blue "sun", which is Sirius, there are two stars orbiting Sirius as companions to each other.

Although there are three stars, they do not appear to be three suns because these two stars do not emit light. They should be what the earth science community calls white dwarfs.

In addition, there are fifteen larger planets in the Sirius Galaxy, including gaseous planets and solid planets, all of which are relatively far away from their location, and the nearest planet is more than 5 astronomical units.

He felt that the attacking enemy should be on one of the two white dwarfs. What kind of creature was it and in what form was it attacking him and the mothership? He didn't know, so he decided to go to the two white dwarfs to have a look.

This chapter has been completed!
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