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Chapter 264 Another Dragon Song

 Chu Di felt that riding a dragon was much more powerful than riding a horse.

Only a mentally retarded monk like Tang Monk would foolishly turn the little white dragon into a white dragon horse. Just ride the dragon and have a flying dragon flying in the sky. Wouldn't it be delicious?

It was not that he had not thought of the anxiety of Tao Bao and Long Xu, so before heading to the planet whose surface was entirely covered with oceans, he had to come and check that his four companions were safe.

In his subconscious, he had equated the white dragon he had released with the white dragon horse ridden by Monk Tang, so he asked Bai Long: "Where have all your dragons gone? How come there are so many dragons on earth?"

Can’t see you?”

Bai Long said: "We are not in the same universe to begin with. Only during special periods, the two universes will overlap."

Chu Di recalled what Grandma Huang said about the fairy universe and the divine universe, and said, "At what time will the two universes coincide?"

Bai Long said: "When gods fight for mortals, the fairy universe and the mortal universe will overlap. I can't calculate the specific time."

After hearing this, Chu Di suddenly thought of the Battle of the Gods and asked, "Were the Shang and Zhou dynasties a special period?"

Bai Long said: "What dynasties were the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty? I don't know."

Chu Di then realized that the white dragon might be older than the white dragon horse, so he asked: "When were you imprisoned here by Nuwa?"

Bai Long said: "If we calculate it according to the years of the ancestral star, it must be more than 200 million years ago. I am not sure about the specifics. I thought I would never get out in this life, so how can I still remember the days?"

Two hundred million years? Chu Di originally wanted to ask about Xia Chao, but stopped asking after hearing this. Suddenly he felt that something was wrong, so he asked: "Since you have been locked up here for so long, you don't know about the earth."

Shang and Zhou dynasties, how do you know about the Gendaya people?"

According to the existing literature records of the people on earth, the Gendaya civilization appeared hundreds of thousands of years ago, but the white dragon has been imprisoned for 200 million years. How is it possible to know about the Gendaya people? Can they still speak the Gendaya language?

Bailong said: "What's so strange about this? When I was born, there were Gendayas, Mayans, and of course Chinese people on the ancestral planet."

Chu Di was very surprised when he heard this. If it were said in this way, wouldn't it be true that Chi You, the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor, had conquered the earth earlier?

Within a few words, Bailong flew near the Gendaya mothership. Chu Di immediately reported to his family that he was safe, and then told him: "You guys just keep flying like this, and stop flying when you run out of energy. Wait until Brother Long and I go."

Kill those three Gendayans and then come back to find you."

In the mothership, the Long sisters looked at each other in disbelief. Chu Di Zhenxing, in addition to his two Long sisters, actually found another Long brother, who was authentic.

Tao Bao was also amused by Chu Di's adventure and said, "Sister Yujing, sister-in-law, you two have to think about what you two will call that dragon in the future."

Long Yaojing said: "How to call it? Chu Di calls it Brother Long, so we will call it Brother Long too."

Long Yujing was sensitive to the inappropriateness of this title because it had a homophonic pronunciation for "breast augmentation".

It's okay for Chu Di to call him this, but if his sister mentioned this dragon to others and said "How about my brother Long", it would be misunderstood as having a kind of surgery.

It's also inappropriate to call him "Long Ge" because his sister's biological father was once called "Long Ge".

So he said: "Let's call it Long Da. Anyway, our family only has Long Er but not Long Da, so even if it fills the gap."

Chu Di stopped listening to the jokes of a few people in the mothership cabin, and followed Bai Long to teleport to the sea planet, only to find that there were actually four Gendaya people, fighting fiercely with countless mermaids on the sea.

Three Gendayans are hovering outside the atmosphere, and one is low in the atmosphere.

The torpedo-shaped spacecraft has disappeared.

No, when they were on the planet Gendaya, didn't they say they were preparing three people to go to the solar system? Why did four people come?

Chu Di was a little confused. Could it be that the Gendaya people deceived the Supreme God of Gendaya?

He manipulated his consciousness to go around in a circle, turned back from the sea level of the planet, and looked at the front of the four Gendayans in the sky, only to find that the three Gendayians outside the atmosphere were exactly the ones he had seen.

Bain, Longin or Quinn, but the Gendayan who was attacked by the murloc water column at low altitude had completely lost his appearance.

He knew that the faceless Gendayan was the one who had previously disguised himself as a worker in the air-conditioning machine room. The moment he followed the Gendayian mothership and jumped over, his appearance was burned away by the blue light of Sirius.

Then he discovered that the fighting style of the four Gendayians was very strange. It seemed that only the Gendayians without appearance were fighting with the fish-men, while the three outside the atmosphere stood idly by.

Bailong didn't know what Chu Di was thinking, so he said, "These are the four, right? I'll kill three of them for you first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three Gendayans hovering outside the atmosphere fell down like a malfunctioning plane, quickly falling into the atmosphere and plummeting towards the sea.

What is this for? Practicing diving? Before Chu Di understood it, he saw the figure of the Gendaya man in the low altitude quickly faded and disappeared in the blink of an eye, while the Gendaya Sanyin who was "practicing diving" fell into the sea.

, was instantly eaten by the mermaid until only three skeletons were left.

Chu Di's scalp felt a little numb when he saw that the sea on this planet was actually filled with man-eating mermaids!

While he was in shock, Bai Long's words came to his ears: "Okay, what I promised you is done, but I really don't understand. It's so easy for you to kill these three people. Why do you want me to kill them for you?"

Are you worried that I won’t repay you the favor quickly enough?”

Chu Di couldn't help but be confused after hearing this, and asked: "I forgot to ask you, what method did you use to launch the attack when we first came here? And how did you kill these four people just now? No.

, you said you killed three, why is the other one missing?"

Bai Long said: "I use dragon chants. There are two types of dragon chants. One is the one you humans can hear, and the other is the one you can't hear. I use the latter one..."

Infrasound? Or ultrasonic? Chu Di knows that sonic martial arts in martial arts, such as the Buddhist lion's roar, are actually infrasonic attacks. Furthermore, the tiger's roar is also an infrasound wave, which can not only shock the target's mind, but also destroy the target's internal organs.

In this way, when the Gendaya mothership just jumped to the Sirius galaxy, the big hole in the mothership's hull was made by infrasound waves.

Just listen to Bai Long continue to say: "They are three people originally. The one closest to the sea is a phantom created by these three people. When these three people die, the phantom will naturally disappear."

Only then did Chu Di suddenly realize that the guy with whom he couldn't kill with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms on Mars was actually just a phantom.

According to Bailong, if he had been able to find the Genda Ya Sanyin hiding nearby on Mars, or when the torpedo-shaped spacecraft appeared, he had quickly bullied the spacecraft to launch a melee attack, then in the solar system he would have

This group of invading enemies had been destroyed, so there was no need for Tao Bao to activate the hyperspace jump.

This chapter has been completed!
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