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Chapter 268: Three years and three hundred days

 Long Xu Sannu and Tao Bao have been waiting for three earth years, but Chu Di still hasn't come back.

The longer the four of them waited, the colder their hearts grew, and the longer they waited, the more desperate they became. Everyone had given up in their hearts, knowing that Chu Di must be dead this time, but they refused to say it on the surface.

In Long Yujing's words, "I would rather wait here until I die."

Even if Chu Di dies, he still has to wait. In the worst case, he will keep waiting until he dies of old age on this mermaid planet.

This idea is not just Long Yujing's, the other three people also think so.

In the past three years, Tao Bao has not been idle. He successfully calculated the position of each planet in the Sirius galaxy, as well as the nature of each planet, gaseous or solid, and successfully calculated the addition of each solid planet.

Mineral classification and reserves.

Fortunately, the Sirius galaxy also has the energy deposits needed by the Gendaya aircraft carrier, and their quantity and quality are far superior to similar mineral deposits in the solar system.

Although the Gendaya aircraft carrier has run out of energy, there are still hundreds of Gendaya spacecraft inside the aircraft carrier. The fuel on these spacecrafts is full. Tao Bao extracted all the fuel and specially supplied it to twenty "Beetles"

Like mining ships, these self-driving Beetle spacecrafts can travel between the mineral planet and the mermaid planet.

During the mining process of the Beetle mining ship, Tao Bao also used the shipbuilding machinery on the Gendaya aircraft carrier to create a new concept device, the gravity well generator.

The function of the gravity well generator is that as long as the device is turned on, other ships, whether friendly or enemy, will be unable to perform hyperspace operations within a certain range of space around the ship.

You can neither jump away nor jump over.

In this way, the Beetle spacecraft mined for three years, and finally replenished all the energy and fuel needed by the Gendaya aircraft carrier until the energy tank and fuel tank of the Gendaya aircraft carrier could no longer hold it.

The gravity well generator was also successfully trial-produced.

In the past three years, Tao Bao has shown great talents in supply maintenance and technological manufacturing work. Long Xu and the three girls have not been idle either. They have shared all they have learned in their lives, taught each other, learned from each other, practiced hard, and strived to master martial arts.

to a higher level.

In fact, the three of them all have the same dream, which is to reach the level of Chu Di. For no other reason than to be able to get close to Sirius, or even enter Sirius, to find Chu Di's whereabouts.

Three years have passed, and the three of them have made great progress in martial arts, but at the same time, they also realize that they will never reach the realm of Chu Di. As long as they are not afraid of high temperature, pressure, and radiation, they will never be able to do it.


There is only one conclusion, and that is that Chu Di's physique is special and cannot be compared with ordinary people.

What should I do if I can't go to Chu Di? Then continue to wait.

Even though the current Gendaya aircraft carrier can return to the solar system and the earth, Tao Bao and Long Xu Sannu still have not started it.

What if Chu Di came out of Sirius? If we couldn't find them, wouldn't it cause another problem?

It’s better to give up hope than to give up hope, but the four of us can’t make any mistakes.

During the waiting days, Long Xu Sannu was always depressed and did not feel happy about the progress in martial arts. On this day, Tao Bao suddenly thought of something, why don't we develop a spacecraft that is not afraid of the high temperature of Sirius?

This sentence immediately earned Long Xu and Sannu a beating. Why did you go there earlier? Why did you think of this? You shouldn’t have built that gravity well generator!

Tao Bao was very innocent, "I didn't dare to think about it. Besides, I have been looking forward to you being able to practice magic skills like Chu Di. Who knows that you can't do it?"

Next, Tao Bao only used 60 Earth days to trial-produce an unmanned Sirius probe and launch it. As a result, it was burned to ashes by the high temperature when it reached the Sirius corona.

Xu Yanfei, who had traveled to the sun once, had a lot of common sense and encouraged Tao Bao: "The temperature of the corona is higher than that of the chromosphere and photosphere. Don't be discouraged and keep working hard."

Tao Bao really lived up to expectations. After the third test launch, the probe successfully entered the chromosphere of Sirius. However, because Sirius is larger than the sun, the radar on the probe could not detect the core of Sirius, nor could it detect the core of Sirius.

After finding the shadow of Chu Di, he entered the photosphere. When he entered the troposphere, he was destroyed by the radiation wave of Sirius.

But Tao Bao became more confident because he thought of a way to resist the radiation waves and said: "Give me another ninety days, I can build a manned spacecraft that can fly to the edge of the Sirius star core.


After hearing this, the three women naturally applauded and encouraged. Ninety days passed in a blink of an eye, and Tao Bao's Sirius research vessel came off the assembly line.

Naturally, the three girls couldn't wait to get in and fly to Sirius, but Tao Bao didn't dare to be so aggressive and firmly disagreed: "Let this spaceship do an unmanned voyage first! After it succeeds, you can take it again. You have been waiting for this

It has been many years, but there is still one or two months to go? Besides, the radar can’t find Chu Di, so what’s the use of sitting in there?”

Long Yujing said: "The detection range of our spiritual consciousness is farther than your radar. You have to design a check valve-like device so that our spiritual consciousness can be emitted from the sealed cabin, but cannot let the outside

Gas or impurities intrude in. In this way, it will be useful for us to sit in."

Tao Bao said it was simple, and immediately installed a one-way spiritual outlet on the research ship, and then said: "Test the flight first. After it succeeds, you can get in on the next trip."

In this way, 3 Earth years and 300 Earth days after Chu Di was swept away by the white dragon, the manned research ship successfully made a test flight and could reach the edge of the Sirius core and then return safely.

On this day, Long Yujing resolutely stopped his sister and Xu Yanfei from entering the research ship, and sat in alone, "The three of us play the same role as me alone, and my consciousness can detect farther than the two of you."

If it’s far away, don’t go.”

Of course, Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei were not willing, and said that you should stay on the mothership. The two of us went over. The three sisters were red-faced and Tao Bao didn't know who to persuade. When they were arguing, the sky suddenly turned dark.

Come down.

It is normal for the sky to darken. A planet with seas and an atmosphere will naturally have cumulonimbus clouds and even rain. This has happened frequently for more than three years.

But what confuses Tao Bao and the three women at this moment is that the weather today is very sunny and cloudless at all. Why is it dark?

Tao Bao immediately found the answer from the instrument in the brain cabin: "The brightness of Sirius is decreasing. None of you should go. Just wait. I feel something may happen."

This chapter has been completed!
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