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Chapter 41 The Boxer With Internal Strength

The fourteenth arena match was about to begin, but the commentator on the Earth Alliance arena was blinded.

Because although King Kong Gourd Baby looks familiar in the game, he is only a one-star warrior after all, and is a stranger in the eyes of the television commentator.

How do you introduce it to a stranger? As a commentator, you should always understand the characteristics and resumes of both opponents, right? The sad dog guarding the ring is already a fledgling novice, and now there is another King Kong Calabash Baby. The commentator is completely speechless.

I had no choice but to hire another Gao Ming.

"Now let's connect with Cheng Tianxiao of the Dongsheng Martial Arts School in Quancheng to give you an analysis. Master Cheng is an honorary six-star grandmaster and has profound attainments in martial arts..."

Quancheng and Lidong are two adjacent cities. Before the first year of Xinghe, both cities belonged to Lutai Province, but Quancheng was the provincial capital and Lidong was a satellite city of Quancheng.

Dongsheng Martial Arts School was a famous martial arts school in Lutai Province and even the whole country in the past. It taught many apprentices with high martial arts skills and spread throughout the military and police circles.

The owner of the hall, Cheng Tianxiao, was already a six-star warrior more than ten years ago. However, after the warrior certification standards were re-evaluated, all the original star certifications were invalidated. If a highly respected person like him is unwilling to retake the qualification certificate

, can only leave behind a fig leaf of six stars of honor.

Especially after the establishment of the Zhiyun Military Academy, the once glorious Dongsheng Martial Arts School declined even more, almost to the point of being destitute. When Cheng Tianxiao was discouraged, he plunged into the Galaxy War to kill time. As a result, this...

In just ten years, he has become famous in the gaming industry.

He was once famous all over the world at the Dongsheng Martial Arts School, and he already had a wide network of contacts. Who among those who knew him would not give him a thumbs up? In addition, he had been immersed in the game for many years and became very familiar with some outstanding players. In the end, he became a

He is a specially appointed commentator of Galaxy War Chronicles, who is responsible for explaining the one-on-one arena of Soul of Jingwu. He is like an expert.

Today, the Earth Alliance TV station asked him to cooperate and assist. Otherwise, he would not be able to commentate on this kind of novice area arena competition. A six-star grandmaster explains that a one-star warrior is not even as good as a one-star three-legged cat. What a bargain! This is not

Are you kidding me?

You must know that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The six-star warriors of the past may not be able to compare with the four-star warriors of today, but they are still much better than the one-star warriors of today.

"To be honest, I don't know many warriors below two stars, but I have met this player called King Kong Gourd Baby."

After the connection was successful, Cheng Tianxiao immediately expressed his opinion, his tone was very relaxed, as sophisticated as a private auto mechanic deceiving a female driver, "This player is a boxer."

Cheng Guan's subject was so surprising that the television commentator immediately praised him and asked in a surprised tone: "Boxing? Can boxers also compete with our traditional warriors?"

Then he gave the audience some popular science: "You must know that the current spiritual energy of heaven and earth has returned to the level of the early Qing Dynasty. It is definitely not comparable to the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. It is no longer possible for foreign strongmen and Western boxing champions to compete with our domestic warriors.


At this point, he turned back to ask Cheng Tianxiao: "Furthermore, these boxing practitioners can only rely on the power of their muscles to deliver attacks. If they are strong enough, they can still try. How can this gourd boy fight with such a short Jingwuxiu?"

Cheng Tianxiao was not anxious at all while listening to the commentator's verbosity. Without the commentator's verbosity, he would not be able to show his true knowledge and insights.

When the narrator asked himself again, he said: "Your analysis is very correct, but you just ignored one possibility."

"What's possible?"

"People who practice boxing can also have internal strength!"

The commentator suddenly realized: "You mean, this gourd boy can use his internal strength to box?"

Cheng Tianxiao smiled and said: "Of course, this is what makes him special. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't know him."

"So, this Calabash Boy is a weirdo who has found a new way. Master Cheng, what do you think the outcome of this arena will be?"

Cheng Tianxiao said: "Calabash Boy should win, Calabash Boy's chance of winning is over 80%."

The commentator naturally wants to ask: "Why do you say that?"

Cheng Tianxiao said: "I don't know if you've noticed, but the players who lost in the previous thirteen games all used Military Boxing."

"Yeah, so what?"

"This shows that this sad dog has a very profound research on cracking the military boxing..."

"I understand, Calabash Baby no longer uses military style boxing, but uses boxing techniques with no fixed moves. Sad Dog can't find a way to solve it, right?"

"That's it, let's watch the game first, the game has already started."

The game has indeed begun. I don’t know since when, TV stations have to set up a broadcast room when broadcasting competitive competition programs, and the only function of the broadcast room is to drag out the game screen to prevent the audience from watching.


Cheng Tianxiao was right. The King Kong Gourd Baby is indeed a boxer. The reason why he dares to come up to fight is that he is certain.

Because he had also read Long Yaojing's post on the forum and felt that the characteristic of a Mantis boxer is that he has a relatively low center of gravity. He will maintain a low body position throughout the fight, without raising his legs, and mainly uses his two arms to attack.

You don't take advantage when you fall in love with a gourd boy like him.

Calabash Baby is not tall, but he stands upright to attack and defend. If his opponent is shorter, the two sides will be equal in height. However, his opponent's arms are longer, so his strength will be greatly reduced when attacking.

This is like using the tip of a spear to hit the head of a short-handled sledgehammer. If you want to win the collision, the spear side must be several times stronger than the sledgehammer side.

Based on this consideration, he felt that it was his turn to show his face on this occasion. Maybe he didn't need to wait for Long Wu to appear, and he could solve this sad dog for Young Master Long.

Chu Di also saw that Calabash Boy was a boxer, but it was a little different from the previous Western boxing.

The difference lies in the footwork. The standard footwork of Western boxers is to spread their feet forward and backward, stand on two straight lines with their legs at a certain angle, center of gravity between the legs, and face the opponent with the side of the body.

But this King Kong Gourd Baby stood in a T-step - his legs stood on a straight line, and the heel of the front foot, the left foot, and the arch of the back foot, the right foot, were perpendicular.

This is a typical street gangster stance. It looks solid with both feet sideways, but it is very slow when you want to move quickly, especially when moving sideways.

This is an extremely lazy stance, which means that the opponent's attacks cannot shake you, and you don't need to think about moving left and right.

Chu Di couldn't help but get angry when he saw this stance. Is this guy here to cut you? Then why are you still spoiling me?

Without waiting for the opponent to punch and probe, he directly attacked with the "mantis arm blocking the car" move.

This move of mantis arm blocking a car is very interesting. If you understand it according to the original meaning of the idiom, it means overestimating one's ability, but when used in Mantis 16, it has another meaning. This move is a hand knife.

Cross-cut hand knife.

The arms of the mantis are originally shaped like a pair of large knives, so they are also called "knife mantises". The real purpose of blocking the car with the mantis' arms is not to block the progress of the wheels, but to cut off the wheels.

Cut it off with one knife!

Mantis's big knife has serrated teeth and is very sharp. Chu Di's hand knife is not much different. He puts his four fingers together and swings at Calabash Baby's arm hugged in front of his chest at super speed. It depends on whether your arm is strong or not.

My knife is sharp!

Even a piece of moving white paper can cut a watermelon if it reaches a certain speed, not to mention Chu Di's fingers are much harder than paper.

What Chu Di pursues is one word, fast! Only fast enough can be sharp enough!

The Vajra Calabash Baby is not an indestructible Vajra. Before he could understand the intention of his opponent's move, he heard a "click", and then a heartbreaking pain spread from his left arm to his whole body. One left arm had lost its fighting function.


He instinctively retreated, but because his back foot was standing horizontally, his retreat was not fast enough. When his opponent caught up with him, he slashed him horizontally with his hand, and then he had no choice but to disappear from the scene.

Forced to retreat immediately.

What a shame! How can a one-star warrior lose his arms in just one encounter? He can only forcefully retreat.

The ending of this scene was shocking. In the live broadcast room, the commentator closed his mouth in embarrassment because he felt that no matter how he talked, he was slapping Cheng Tianxiao in the face.

So it is better to give the right to speak to Cheng Tianxiao himself, "Mr. Cheng, what do you think of this ending?"

Cheng Tianxiao hesitated for a long time before saying: "Oh, well, I guess Calabash Boy was careless and didn't dodge."

After hearing this, the audience couldn't help but wonder, why do these words sound so familiar? Who has said this before?

This chapter has been completed!
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