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Chapter 321 Private Waters

Yonaguni Island is located in the Yaeyama Islands of the Ryukyu Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

The island is more than 300 kilometers southwest of Ryukyu Island, about 1,000 kilometers from the former Kagoshima Prefecture of Kyushu, Japan, only 110 kilometers from Taiwan, and only 150 kilometers from the Diaoyu Islands. Under excellent visibility conditions, Taiwan Island can be seen from the island

Eastern Mountains.

According to historical records, in the sea near Yonaguni Island, there is an underwater city at a depth of 800 meters. The underwater city is lined with palaces, orderly streets, and an underwater pyramid.

In the years before the Galactic Age, this underwater city once attracted the attention of archaeologists, scientific researchers, and ocean treasure hunters. But perhaps because humans entered the space age, in recent decades, it has

It is no longer the focus of people's attention.

However, in the information Chu Di studied, the description of this underwater city is different from the historical data. The information shows that this underwater city is a paradise where dolphins gather.

The data also shows that there was once a time traveler with extremely high martial arts skills, named Qian Qingjian, who lived in this underwater city for several years and healed his injured consciousness.

Because of this record, Chu Di took a group of relatives and friends to the sky above the Undersea City on the captured Gendaya mothership, intending to enter the Undersea City and live for a while.

Living in the water is not a problem.

Chu Di and Long Yujing can both breathe through their skin, and in addition to the two of them, including the unconscious Xu Yanfei, they can all use the artificial cheeks invented by Tao Bao.

Although scuba, artificial gills and other diving tools have long been available in the world today, the artificial gills invented by Tao Bao, who lived on the mermaid planet in the Sirius galaxy for three years, are the most advanced and absolutely the best in the solar system.

It belongs to black technology.

By wearing artificial gills, people can breathe freely in the water like a fish, regardless of whether they have internal strength or not.

At the speed of the Gendaya mothership, it only takes a few seconds from Lidong to the sky over Yonaguni Island. Once there, Chu Di immediately asked Tao Bao to land on the sea. The Gendaya mothership is amphibious in the air and water, and can both

It can fly in space, float on the sea, and even dive.

Just when Tao Bao was about to issue the landing command, he pointed at the overhead screen on the wall of the cabin and said in shock: "What's going on?"

Long Yujing followed Tao Bao's direction and saw hundreds of lights shining on the overhead surveillance screen on the wall above the dark sea.

Why are there landscape lights on the sea?

Only the landscape lights are secondary. The important thing is that these have painted a Chinese warning: Private territorial waters, trespassers will be killed without mercy."

I couldn't help but wonder, "I've only heard of people buying islands in the past, but why are there people buying them on the sea and under the sea?"

Unlike Long Yujing, Chu Di's consciousness had already covered the outside of the aircraft carrier. He knew the warning on the sea without looking at the screen, but he didn't care and said: "Don't worry about it, just open the protective shield and continue landing."

The energy shield of the Gendaya aircraft carrier is so powerful that even Chu Di, before Sirius was "upgraded", could not vaporize it. This is the main reason why Chu Di chose to keep the Gendaya aircraft carrier for his own use.

The next moment, when Tao Bao entered the command to open the protective cover and continue to land, thousands of rays of light suddenly surged on the sea, pointing directly at the mothership.

"No! This is a neutral particle beam! We can't handle it!"

As Tao Bao exclaimed, the defense meter on the wall of his head cabin quickly changed color, from white to blue, from blue to green, and then from green to red.

Tao Bao once explained the meaning of the colors of the defense table to Chu Di, Long Yujing and others. White means that there is no attack; blue means that it is attacked, but there is no possibility of breaking the defense; green means that the enemy's attack intensity exceeds

Red indicates that the enemy's attack power is super strong and the protective shield is about to be penetrated.

More serious than red is purple. As long as the defense meter turns purple, it means that the mothership will be destroyed.

Particle weapons are divided into many types, but particle beams can be roughly divided into two types, one is charged particle beam; the other is neutral particle beam. The difference between the two is whether the particle cluster is charged or not.

The particle clusters of the charged particle beam are charged, so they will be disturbed or even shielded by the magnetic field of the shield. However, the particle clusters of the neutral particle beam are uncharged. The shield of the Genda sub-ship is in the neutral particle beam.

Under the blow, he was as weak as tofu facing a steel needle.

During their three years on Earth in the Sirius Galaxy, Long Yujing, his younger sisters Long Yaojing, and Xu Yanfei learned a lot about military technology from Tao Bao. They knew that this mass-destructive neutral particle cannon was a product of the secondary civilization of the universe.

Humans in the solar system have not yet successfully developed them. The particle weapons used by humans in the solar system are all charged particle weapons.

So at this moment, Long Yujing was very anxious. He looked at Chu Di and asked, "Chu Di, what should I do? Do you want to withdraw first?"

Tao Bao also felt that he had to retreat quickly. He looked at Chu Di, but saw that Chu Di looked calm and said calmly: "Don't worry, it's okay. Let's continue descending."

Following Chu Di's brief response, the color on the defense meter changed in reverse, from red to green, from green to blue, and finally to white.

If they didn't look at the millions of neutral particle beams that continued to shoot out from the monitor screen, Tao Bao and Long Yujing would have thought that the enemy had stopped attacking. But in fact, the enemy's attack was still continuing. The two of them couldn't help but be surprised.

They asked Chu Di in unison: "How did you do it?"

Chu Di smiled and said: "Iron Curtain Device."

Long Yujing and Tao Bao were stunned. They knew that Chu Di was good at using time-displaced armor, the iron curtain, to defend himself, but they didn't expect that he could actually form an artificial iron curtain to protect the mothership.

You must know that the mothership is too large. Even if the iron curtain device generators of all the straw hat-shaped spaceships inside the mothership are activated, it will not be able to form a complete defense against the mothership. However, Chu Di can artificially use the iron curtain to protect the mothership.

The whole body of the ship, how much energy does he possess?

Not to mention that using the Iron Curtain on the body is contrary to existing scientific theories, but to use one person's power to lay a layer of space-time barrier around the mothership to make any external attacks ineffective, this kind of power is simply


After licking his tongue for a long time, Tao Bao finally came to his senses and exclaimed: "Chu Di, you can really control the universe and turn things around."

Chu Di shook his head and said: "Having said that, how big is the universe? Even the solar system is just a speck of dust in the universe. How about controlling the universe? The most I can do now is to control a star system, that is, to control a speck of dust.


While he was talking, the mothership was already approaching the sea. Chu Di looked at the thousands of rays of light on the sea and frowned: "These people are really shameless. If their weapons are not destroyed, they will fight endlessly."

At the same time as he spoke, his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the sea with internal force, churning in the water, and the 10,000 neutral particle cannons preset in the sea instantly disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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