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Chapter 335: Extermination of Gendaya Planet

Chudi could teleport directly to the planet Gendaya, but he didn't. He set the end point of the teleportation at the edge of the Oort cloud and stopped 300,000 kilometers away from the planet Gendaya.


 300,000 kilometers, which is the distance that light travels for 1 second. He planned to launch an attack from this location, but he did not have to worry about any counterattack prepared by the Gendayans.

The Gendaya people are not vegetarians either. Less than 5 seconds after Chu Di appeared, he sent a voice message.

The message was read in Chinese: Chu Di, the Supreme God of Gendaya has sent you an invitation to a competition, promising to use the results of the competition to determine the final victory or defeat between the two civilizations. The time for the competition is scheduled to be three earth years later, before the competition.

, you and I should restrain ourselves and abide by the principle of non-aggression.

Chu Di laughed after reading this message. Are you going to compete with me? No aggression before the competition? Isn’t this nonsense?

  Oh, in the past it was okay for you to attack the solar system again and again. Now that I have come to you, I have to accept your invitation and wait for you for another three years?

He didn't even bother to reply. He pulled up a nearby asteroid with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers out of thin air and threw it hard. The asteroid was like a hammer thrown by a player in a hammer throw competition, and it hit the planet Gendaya.


Even if I agree to compete with your Supreme God, I will make up for the losses I incurred from the previous three times!

 Pushed by Chu Di’s fusion power comparable to that of the sun, the asteroid hit the Gendaya planet at one percent of the speed of light. The life of the Gendaya planet only had the last 100 seconds left.

In the history of the development of the universe, in all galaxies, almost all planets have been hit by asteroids. As long as an asteroid the size of the asteroid thrown by Chu Di at this moment hits a planet like the Earth, it will definitely cause

Global mass extinction.

Although the asteroid thrown by Chu Di at this moment is not very big, due to its ultra-high speed, once it hits the surface of the planet Gendaya, it will not only be as simple as the extinction of life? It will destroy the planet Gendaya.

Completely smashed.

 The entire planet was smashed into pieces, and the humans on the planet had no chance of survival.

This is a completely different concept from the legend of the Earth warriors that the Nine-Star Grandmaster can blow up the planet with one punch. The so-called Nine-Star Grandmaster at his peak state can blow up the planet. In fact, it is just a big hole on the surface of the planet. Its power is far greater than

Not affected by asteroid impacts.

Planets like Gendaya are reinforced. Not only can ordinary Nine-Star Grandmaster peaks not be able to damage the surface of the planet, even ordinary meteorite or asteroid impacts cannot damage its roots.

Dayu once told Chu Di about this matter. He said that all planets with civilization have been reinforced and defended, and the reinforcement of the earth is particularly complicated.

Dayu said that there are at least three layers of restrictions in the space around the earth to prevent the entire planet from being destroyed. This was the reason why Dayu pointed out that the black hole created by Chu Di could not swallow the earth.

Then again, the reinforcement and defense measures on every civilized planet, including the Earth, are to guard against the big and not the small. Those asteroids that are not large enough to destroy the entire planet will still have a chance to fall on the surface of the planet.


Chu Di was a little unconvinced by this, so he decided to try throwing an asteroid this time.

Under normal circumstances, the flight speed of such an asteroid is only 10 kilometers per second, but the speed of the asteroid he threw reached 3,000 kilometers per second.

 The speed is 300 times faster, and the power is also increased by a thousand times.

Within a minute of the asteroid flying towards the planet Gendaya, Chu Di spread his consciousness on the surface of the planet Gendaya and found that there were countless spaceships taking off in the sky, like birds flying in the woods. He couldn't help but

Nodding secretly.

The Gendayans are still pretty good. If the same situation happened on a habitable planet in the solar system, what would 100 seconds be enough for? People might not even have time to enter the spacecraft.

The next moment, the asteroid arrived on the surface of the planet Gendaya. After a dazzling white light flashed, the entire planet Gendaya suddenly turned into a fiery red fireball. The fireball only lasted for more than ten seconds before extinguishing. Then he

I saw countless dark red planetary rocks falling apart in space.

 Planetary reinforcement? Nothing more than that.

 This is the ultimate punishment Chudi gave to the Gendaya people.

 The next question is that there is only one question left, and that is whether to remove the weeds or not.

Of course, Chu Di would not leave the Gendaya people's vitality to counterattack the solar system in the future. He would use the Heluo Divine Art to kill the Gendaya spacecraft that had just launched into space on a large scale. With every attack, a large area of ​​the spacecraft was destroyed.

It vaporized, and at the same time, all the Gendayans in the spacecraft also died.

 “Don’t kill, Chu Di, we surrender!”

A familiar voice sounded in the space around Chu Di. Chu Di remembered this voice. The speaker was none other than Cheka.

Chu Di sneered in response: "Do you know that you have surrendered now? A month ago, weren't you still delivering viruses and brainwashing humans in the entire solar system? What? Now you know that you have changed? It's too late! If you say you won't kill, you won't kill? You

Surrender if you want to? How can it be so cheap?"

Now Chudi already knows that the mastermind behind delivering the virus and controlling the spread of the virus in the Galaxy Online game is the Cheka. As early as 5 years ago, Cheka had hacked into the Galaxy Chronicle server and was already in the game at that time.

A latent virus is implanted in the server.

In the following five years, because they could not find a way to remotely control virus infection, Cheka did not start the process of spreading the virus until he stole the research results of the Zetas at the Undersea City Research Base, collected and integrated them

The dolphin's telepathy formed the chain of command from the planet Gendaya to various planets in the solar system.

The mind power of dolphins is much stronger than that of humans. This is not only one of the principles why dolphin sound can treat human consciousness-related injuries and illnesses, but also a guarantee for the long-distance transmission of spiritual consciousness.

Chudi did not accept Cheka's surrender and continued to destroy the Gendaya spacecraft. Even if some Gendayas activated the Iron Curtain device, they could not escape his destruction.

The Iron Curtain device of the Gendaya spaceship is far inferior to his time-displacement armor. As long as the attack speed exceeds the defense speed, the Iron Curtain device will automatically fail. This is why Xiao Sa was able to stab one of his arms a month ago.

However, he did underestimate Xiao Sa's speed at that time.

He destroyed all the Gendaya spaceships that were escaping across the sky, but left behind the last remaining spaceship. He did not kill this spaceship because it was carrying Cheka and Wuka.

and three causes.

These five Gendaya elders can all be resurrected. With his current skills, killing them will be in vain. Even if the Dharma bodies reserved by these five people are destroyed, they can still seize other living beings and gain new lives.

This chapter has been completed!
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