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Chapter 344: Autumn is high and airy

   Bai Tianyu ignored the panic of the shipyard director and the ship sales lady. After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, he immediately returned to the palace to hold an emergency meeting. Now that it was determined that Chu Di was not bragging, he must take appropriate measures.


 Cooling is not a joke. If the temperature drops suddenly without people being prepared, the disaster brought by cooling will not be as simple as a cold or a fever.

  Human beings, animals and plants with rapid civilization have adapted to the high temperature on the planet's surface for a long time, although they will complain that the weather is too hot every summer.

 People of Feiteng Civilization have transformed Feiteng Planet into a very large air conditioner. To be precise, the entire interior of the planet has been transformed into a natural air compressor, which uses the heat of the earth's core as energy to drive refrigeration.

In this case, if the temperature of the planet's surface drops suddenly, coupled with the refrigeration effect of the "compressor", the Feiteng planet will be frozen into an ice ball. Not only humans, animals and plants will be frozen to death, but also the equipment on the planet's surface.

Facilities will also malfunction until they are scrapped.

 So you must be prepared in advance and stop all refrigeration equipment when the temperature drops to avoid disasters.

At this meeting, Bai Tianyu did not explain much and directly issued an order, requiring refrigeration drivers all over the world to work overtime and be ready to receive orders at any time to stop the refrigeration machines.

 After settling everything, Bai Tianyu ordered the harem kitchen to prepare a table of wine and food according to the highest standards, waiting for Chu Di's return.

The prince suddenly made such a fuss, and all the ministers were confused. What does it mean to turn off the refrigeration equipment? It means that the vegetation on the ground will immediately wither and the houses will be baked into charcoal or charcoal by the soaring high temperature. Is the prince crazy?

However, it was the prince who gave the order, and the emperor was not in the country. Who dared to disobey? He immediately left in panic, and trotted out of the palace gate, hoping to convey the prince's order to the people under his command as soon as possible.

No matter what kind of madness he has during the day, conveying the order is the first priority. No matter what the final result is, it will not affect his own black hat.

 After the arrangements were made, Bai Tianyu went to the top of Feiteng Tower, the highest point of Feiteng Planet, and waited for Chu Di’s contact.

Bai Tianyu had no way of guessing what method Chu Di would use to contact him. Was it using his martial spirit? But it seemed that Chu Di didn't even know what his martial spirit was. How could his martial spirit reach directly from the interior of the Greedy Wolf Star to the surface of Feiteng Planet?

The reason why Bai Tianyu thinks this way is because his own martial spirit has a limit exploration distance. This distance is equal to 1/30 of the distance from Greedy Wolf Star to Feiteng Planet. What method can be used to enable the martial spirit to reach the target in space?

If Chu Di can really do it, I must ask him for advice later.

 Just like that, two days later, the cooling began.

Not only Tianyu, but also humans on the entire planet feel that the weather is getting colder. Fortunately, the heads of management agencies and functional departments at all levels have already issued cooling notices. Otherwise, not to mention frostbite and frostbite, people can be frightened.

Scared out of something.

People will definitely ask in horror: How come the temperature, which has never dropped for millions of years, suddenly dropped?

 But it is no longer like this. People on the entire planet already know that there is a hero named Chu Di who is doing something in the Greedy Wolf Star just to improve the long-term bad weather of the Feiteng Planet.

If Chu Di can really lower the temperature of Greedy Wolf Star, then he can no longer be described as a hero, then he will be divine!

At this moment, people who have never believed in God and are highly civilized are all thinking this way.

The next moment, Bai Tianyu issued an order from the top of the tower, "Global refrigeration equipment will gradually stop operating!"

Cooling is also a gradual process. The heat radiated from the star gradually decreases, and the temperature of the planet's surface will gradually decrease. The refrigeration equipment cannot be stopped all at once, nor can it be stopped until the temperature drops to freezing point. It must be gradually stopped.

Only then can the temperature on the planet's surface be kept stable.

Bai Tianyu used Wuhun as a medium to accurately issue orders to refrigeration stations around the world. Shortly after the order was issued, Bai Tianyu heard Chu Di's voice: "How's it going, Brother Bai? Just tell me if you feel you can."


 Tian Tian Yu heard the sound and felt like he was falling to the ground. Chu Di really did what he said. This ability... is really incredible! After being excited, he said: "It would be better to lower it a little more."

Chu Di's voice didn't ring again. Bai Tianyu was not surprised. He felt that even if Chu Di's voice traveled at the speed of light, it would take nearly three days to reach him. What Chu Di said just now should be two

Said it days ago.

However, when he thought about it, he felt something was wrong. He was not standing on the top of the Feiteng Tower two days ago. How could Chu Di transmit his voice here?

Could it be that Chu Di was speaking to the entire Feiteng planet, and anyone on the surface of the planet could hear it? This is the only explanation, but if this is really the case, then another question arises. What he said reached

Doesn’t it also take three days to reach Chu Di’s ears? And it’s impossible for his own voice to travel that far...

The more Bai Tianyu thought about it, the more confused he became. Could it be that Chu Di's martial spirit also has the function of hearing distant sounds?

He was thinking about it here, but the temperature around him continued to drop, until he felt that the surrounding air began to soak into his skin like cool water, and he quickly said: "That's good!"

"Okay! Then I'll stop." Chu Di immediately replied, leaving Bai Tianyu dumbfounded. He wanted to ask: You are greedy for the wolf star, but talking to me is no different than face to face. How on earth did you do it?


 Tian Yu finally understood the general situation and felt that Chu Di must be in danger inside the Greedy Wolf Star at this time. He would not have time to answer his own questions, so he did not ask the question.

At this time, all refrigeration compressors on the surface and underground of the world have been shut down, but the air temperature on the surface of Feiteng Star has been frozen in a cool feeling. The people of Feiteng Civilization have never experienced such weather, and they feel very comfortable. The planet

Every corner burst into cheers.

Tian Tianyu had mixed emotions amidst the cheers. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't listen to the advice of the passing expert and didn't let his tribe evolve into mummies like the Trisolarans to resist the poisonous sun of Greedy Wolf Star.

Absolutely the right choice!

Just when I was rejoicing, suddenly there was a blur in front of my eyes, and Chu Di's figure appeared out of thin air. He looked at him with a smile and said, "How do you feel now? Such a temperature and such an environment. There is an idiom on our earth that can describe it, called high autumn air and refreshing air."


 Bai Tianyu murmured and repeated: "The autumn air is crisp, the autumn air is refreshing, what a wonderful autumn air! Brother-in-law, you are the great benefactor of our rapid civilization. Come on, I will treat you to a drink!"

This chapter has been completed!
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