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Chapter 355 Covering the sky with a big hand

 Niu Wenshan made his meaning very clear. If he wanted to kill this young man named Chu Di, he must not meet him face to face. If he met him and then killed him, the consequences would be unbearable.

When the time comes, Empress Yao Ji will definitely reduce the blame like this: You should always ask the other person who killed him, right?

On the contrary, if you kill Chu Di without meeting him, then you can say that you were so angry after hearing the bad news that you killed him too quickly. Who knew that the other party had such a background?

This is always the only way to kill those who are behind the scenes.

But at this moment, it is most appropriate for Dragon Slayer to use this method.

Tu Long's identity goes far beyond being the manager of Niu Mansion and Niu Wang's master. In addition to these two identities, he also has three identities.

One is the empress's nephew; one is the dean of the Lingtian City Martial Arts Research Institute; and the other is the military police commander-in-chief of the Tianhe Army.

Niu Wenshan didn't think that the five identities of Tu Long combined could kill Chu Di without any scruples. The reason why he asked Tu Long to take action was because Tu Long had a authority that no one else had, that is, he could kill Chu Di without any scruples.

Use your spiritual consciousness anywhere outside the inner courtyard of the palace.

It is illegal for others to use their spiritual consciousness to scan the whole city, but slaying a dragon is not. I am the commander of the military police and a law enforcer. I am originally responsible for checking and restraining other people's spiritual consciousness. Of course, the law enforcer can use my spiritual consciousness. Otherwise, how can I detect that others are breaking the law?

Reading this, readers may wonder, how could such an outstanding figure as Tu Long be willing to serve as a general manager in Niu Mansion, and how could he be willing to accept a dandy like Niu Wang as his apprentice?

The reason is reasonable: when Tu Long angered the Empress, before the Empress was about to kill him, Niu Wenshan said something to Tu Long, which actually made the Empress turn from anger to joy. At that time, Niu Wenshan was in the stage of being favored, and in front of the Empress

, his words are more effective than all the words spoken by men in the world put together.

In this way, Tu Long was willing to be Niu Wenshan's younger brother. There was no way he could repay the so-called life-saving grace.

In addition to his life-saving grace, Niu Wenshan himself does have many advantages, such as being meticulous in dealing with people, being considerate in everything he does, being extremely accurate in figuring out his intentions, being impeccable in speaking and doing things, etc. For such a person, the empress once loved him very much, let alone being loved by him.

A life-saving dragon slaying?

So from then on, the two of them became sworn friends, not to mention working as the general manager of Niu Mansion, even entrusting their lives to Niu Wenshan, and even slaying dragons without a second thought.

This is also the reason why Niu Wenshan and Tu Long get straight to the point. There is no need for either of them to hide and hide. They say what they say and do what they say.

Niu Wenshan didn't need to explain clearly, Tu Long already understood Niu Wenshan's intention.

To kill Chu Di remotely, you must use your spiritual consciousness! If it were done by someone else, even if Chu Di was killed, he would still be held accountable by the empress, and it would also affect everyone in Niu Mansion, but he was different. He was in

Killing Chu Di without "knowing the whole reason" would not only not implicate Niu Wenshan, but he himself would not be severely punished.

He only had to ask Niu Wenshan whether he wanted to live or die.

After receiving Niu Wenshan's instructions, he didn't say anything, and directly drove his consciousness to the sky above Wu Zhuangyuan Restaurant, transformed into a sky-covering hand in the air, and patted down the entire Wu Zhuangyuan Hotel.

He wants to turn everyone in this hotel into a piece of meat.

Before the big hand that covered the sky was formed, Chu Di was thanking Manager Wen and the young man in the Wu Zhuangyuan Hotel.

Manager Wen is an extremely decisive person. After living in the world for so many years, he has long understood the truth that you cannot be a mere wallflower.

It's not okay to be a grass on the wall and follow the wind on both sides. The result of doing that is that Zhu Bajie looks like a different person in the mirror.

Take what happened in front of him as an example. At first, he was just worried that Chu Di would be killed by Niu Wang. When Julie or even the Empress blamed him, he would not be able to survive, so he reluctantly tried his best to help Chu Di.

But then the situation changed again and again, and it was Chu Di who killed Niu Wang. Seeing this result, he almost immediately made up his mind to stand on Chu Di's side!

Chu Di dared to kill Niu Wang. What does this mean?

It is impossible to say that Chu Di is a stupid young man who is ignorant of the world! How could Julie recommend a stupid young man to the empress? So this matter can only show one truth, that is, Chu Di is definitely the empress's new favorite, even if

It is not yet the case, but it will be in the future.

Although Chu Di is not very handsome, how unpredictable is the empress's vision? She never just looks at a man's face. As for what she cares about and what she values? No one knows, or in other words, only Julie knows.


There are many people in this world who want to get the answer to this question so that they can suit their liking and gain the trust of the empress. But how do you inquire about this kind of thing? Ask Julie? Who dares?

Even the men who had retired from the empress before, including Niu Wenshan, were very secretive about this topic.

Talking about the Empress behind her back, you don’t want to live, right? You don’t want to live, but I still want to live.

Moreover, men including Niu Wenshan were favored and then fell out of favor. They may not know why they were favored, but they all knew why they fell out of favor, that is, the empress had a new love.

When it comes to love between men and women, who can be consistent regardless of whether they are men or women?

Therefore, Manager Wen firmly believed that Chu Di was the new love of the empress. After Niu Wang and the bodyguards had stopped, he kicked them out all together, "You are neither candidates to pass the martial arts examination, nor are you guests who spend money to stay in the hotel.

What are you doing in my store? Get out of here!"

The bodyguards were just waiting for Niu Zhuguo's reply, but seeing Manager Wen suddenly getting angry, they had no choice but to give in and carry Niu Wang's headless body out of the hotel.

Manager Wen defended himself so obviously that Chu Di couldn't help but be moved and said: "Manager Wen, why are you doing this? Doesn't this involve you?"

Manager Wen said: "My name is Wen Daochen. If Master Chu doesn't mind, you can call me Brother Wen. You don't have to worry too much. Since Manager Zhu has entrusted you to me, I have the responsibility to protect you, no matter who wants to deal with you."

I can't just sit idly by and ignore your disadvantages."

This was beautifully said, Chu Di said: "Thank you, Brother Wen. It's a pity that I can't give you anything in return."

Chu Di didn't call him Brother Wen, but Brother Wen, because Brother Wen had the same sound as a piece of clothing worn by women on Earth.

"Brother, you are just seeing someone outside. We brothers have hit it off as old friends. How can we say thank you and repay you?" Wen Daochen laughed, and then said seriously: "But I must remind you that more serious trouble is coming soon. You'd better hurry up.

Get in touch with Manager Zhu, we really don’t have much time!”

Of course, Chu Di would not go to Julie. He just pretended that he did not understand Wen Daochen's advice. He turned to the young man and said: "Like my brother, who speaks out when there is injustice on the road. People with such a chivalrous character are almost extinct."

, Chu Di admires him, and feels deeply in his heart, I wonder what I call my brother?"

What Chu Di said is true. After civilization develops to a certain level and the level of rule of the political class reaches a certain level, there will be no more people who dare to stand up and speak out.

In a modern civilized environment, if anyone speaks a fair word, it will definitely attract countless cynicism and even slander and abuse. People will question such people as keyboard warriors, or define them as Internet trolls.

People will question people who tell the truth like this: Should you take care of this matter? Can you take care of it? You can just type on the keyboard online.

But this young man is different at this moment. He dares to stand up and point out Niu Wang's unreasonableness. This is definitely risking his life. No matter what his family background is or whether his martial arts skills are high or low, Chu Di wants to make friends with such a person.

After Chu Di expressed his words, the young man smiled. He was about to say something, but was interrupted by Wen Daochen's scream, "No, it turned out to be a real-life master! We are all finished, the dragon slayer is coming!"

This chapter has been completed!
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