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Chapter 45: Air Special Headquarters

Long Yaojing was right about at least one thing, that is, being embarrassed in this arena competition is not just embarrassing within the confines of the earth.

Because at this moment, on every habitable planet in the solar system, there are countless viewers watching the broadcast of this game.

Take Mars as an example. There are hundreds of thousands of viewers on Mars who are interested in this program, even if it is less.

Mars, Utopia Planitia.

The political and cultural center of the Mars Alliance, New Testament City, is located in the center of this fan-shaped plain, like a castle in the wilderness of ancient Earth.

In the center of the city, about three hundred meters above the ground, there is a large pentagonal building suspended in the air.

Anyone who has immigrated to Mars from Earth knows that this is the former Pentagon of Country A, and now it is the Space Defense Command Center of the Mars Alliance.

The Pentagon arrived later than the immigrants, migrating from the earth only last year.

That's right, this building flew from the earth to Mars, flying as a whole. The provider of this technology is the most mysterious and hottest technology company in the solar system today, Smart Technology.

Smart Technology is also the developer of the space war simulation game Galaxy War.

In a single room in the Pentagon, a young man of yellow and white race was watching TV. Naturally, the program on the TV was also the one-on-one competition of Galaxy War.

The young man is less than thirty years old. He has the facial features and appearance of a yellow race, and is tall and strong as a white race. He is wearing a straight military uniform and has stars shining on his shoulders, giving people a handsome and capable impression.


If we were to choose ten high-status and powerful figures among the Martian audience at this time, then the Long sisters would be two, and this young general would definitely be one.

Because he is the supreme commander of the Mars Alliance Aerospace Forces Special Operations Force.

His Chinese name is Li Yuze.

Today's Mars Alliance Air and Space Special Forces, referred to as "Aerial Special Forces", was formed by the merger of the four special forces of country A. Its predecessors were SEALs, Rangers, Green Berets and Delta Force.

The responsibilities and missions of Kongte cover all the former four special forces, including protecting alliance political figures, counter-terrorism, assassination, subverting the enemy's regime, stealing military secrets, etc.

But its most important function is to cooperate with the space fleet of the Aerospace Forces to conquer the universe. This mission was something that the four major special forces did not have in the past.

The TV in Li Yuze's office is also the most high-tech at present - a 3D holographic projection TV developed by Smart Technology, which can put oneself into either side of the battle in real time to feel the effect of the other side's attack.

Li Yuze is also a warrior and is the number one master in the Mars Alliance.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to rise step by step until he took charge of an important alliance weapon like Kongte.

You know, political groups like the Mars Alliance have always been very concerned about race and color.

So if Li Yu hadn't been really good and had a Caucasian mother, it would have been impossible for him, a mixed-race child, to be where he is today.

Li Yu attaches great importance to Eastern martial arts originating from the earth.

He believed that the fighting skills of the Western countries on the original Earth were too crude and lacked imagination. They were barely adequate for ordinary people to fight, but they were of little help when used on the battlefield.

This is also the reason why armies with thermal weapons once completely defeated armies with cold weapons. Although the cold weapons in the east of the earth during that period were also unable to resist the invasion of thermal weapons, wasn't that caused by thin spiritual energy?

Facts have proved that Li Yuze's concept is correct. As soon as the spiritual energy on the earth was revived, the Orientals immediately made a turnaround.

Science and technology are not very backward, and martial arts crush the West. If such Easterners cannot rule the earth, is there any justice?

Li Yu insisted on this concept, insisted on practicing martial arts, and finally reached the pinnacle of the Mars Alliance.

But he knows that the pinnacle of the Mars Alliance is by no means the pinnacle of martial arts. Compared with the top masters on earth, it is still a little behind.

And if compared to the vast martial arts, his current strength can be considered entry-level at best.

He knows that there must be warriors higher than himself on the earth, so he pays attention to all information about warriors on the earth.

Of course, the Jingwu Soul section in Galaxy War Chronicles has become a must-read content for him every day.

He had read Long Yaojing's post, and of course he had also seen Sad Dog's comments.

He is not a fan of Long Yaojing. So he was able to examine Sad Dog's comments from a third party's perspective, and he felt that Sad Dog made sense.

But if this principle only remains theoretical, it would be meaningless.

So he still wants to see the actual combat of Sad Dog.

What he looks forward to most is that Sad Dog can have a fight with Long Yaojing, and use the theories in the forum comments to defeat Long Yaojing's Mantis Sixteen Styles.

If Sad Dog can win, then the value of this person is too great, immeasurable!

"General Li, the Interstellar Intelligence Bureau has forwarded some information to you, please take a look."

A woman's voice came from Li Yuze's personal terminal. It was his secretary, Major Linda.

As secretary, Major Linda had the right to speak directly into his mind anytime and anywhere without his permission.


Li Yu simply replied, then transferred his consciousness to the personal terminal in his skull and began to read intelligence documents.

There are three pieces of information:

The first one is: Long Yaojing, the second lady of Long's Pharmaceutical, sent a message to the earth, instructing the fan club to stop insulting Sad Dog, and also instructing warriors below three stars not to compete on stage;

The children were playing house. Li Yu laughed at it.

The predecessor of the Interstellar Intelligence Agency was mainly the CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency.

Secondly, SHIELD lacks funds and is unable to perform well.

Now the two bureaus are combined into one, forming the Interstellar Intelligence Agency.

Since the Pentagon moved to Mars, the headquarters of the Interstellar Intelligence Agency has also moved to the Pentagon to work. It is on the same level as Li Yuze's Kong Special, and the work relationship is horizontal.

Li Yu asked the Intelligence Bureau to submit a copy of the information between Mars and other habitable planets to him, so that he could keep abreast of the political and military trends of various alliances in the solar system in order to better safeguard the interests of the Mars Alliance.

The Interstellar Intelligence Bureau is very cooperative. As long as there is information entering or leaving Mars, whether it is in clear code or code, a copy will be forwarded to him.

However, information like Long Yaojing has little analytical value and can be ignored.

The second piece of information caught his attention: the scavenger issued a secret order to the earth. After deciphering, the content was "Kill Chu Di".

Who is Chu Di?

Li Yu knew that the Scavenger headquarters was on Mars. Although he didn't know the specific location on Mars, he just didn't want to know where they were.

Because if you know where they are, it means urging them to move.

The Scavengers are not an organization with a certain ideology. The organization does not have any political beliefs. It only accepts money and kills people when given money.

The existence of such an organization in the solar system is not without its benefits.

In many cases, the Mars Alliance also needs to hire scavengers to do some unseemly things.

It's also an assassination. If you use Kongte people to kill, if things go wrong, it will have interstellar effects and may even trigger Star Wars.

But it's different to let the scavenger take action. No one knows who the employer behind the scenes is. If you want to kill, just kill. If you can't kill, it doesn't matter.

However, the success rate of the Scavengers has always been well-known, otherwise it would not have become an interstellar killer group famous throughout the solar system.

The question is who is Chu Di? Who hired the scavenger to kill Chu Di?

In other words, who will benefit from killing Chu Di? What kind of benefits can be obtained? This is a question that interests him.

In any murder, there is always a dispute of interest involved, whether it is politics, money, or personal grudges, but in the final analysis it is still a dispute of interest.

But in order to understand this, you must first know who Chu Di is.

The scavenger's killer on Earth must have a way to know who Chu Di is, but the Interstellar Intelligence Agency doesn't know, and neither does Kongte.

He immediately dialed Linda's phone: "Check, there is a person named Chu Di on earth. I want his detailed information."

After giving instructions to his secretary, he continued to read the third piece of information.

The third piece of information is actually two code words for two-way interaction, but it has nothing to do with Mars.

One of the code words was sent from Earth to Ceres, and the content was: "The eaglet has been found, and great things can be expected."

Another code message was sent to the earth from the space near Ceres, and the content was: "The eaglets are urgently needed and hope to be delivered as soon as possible."

As for who sent these two interactive messages, the Intelligence Bureau was unable to determine.

However, Li Yu knew that there was a gang of starry sky pirates hiding near Ceres.

Star pirates are of the same nature as pirates on Earth in the past, except that the place where they commit crimes is no longer the ocean on Earth, but the sea of ​​stars in the solar system.

Li Yuze also knew that this group of space pirates owned a space carrier with a crew of 20,000 people, which could grow crops in space, so they were able to hide near Ceres, which has a relatively harsh environment.

Space pirates are the common enemy of the entire Galactic Alliance, that is, all habitable planets in the solar system, but they cannot be eliminated.

Because they will never go head-to-head with the space fleets of any planet. The fleet you sent to destroy them has just gone out, and they have been informed and disappeared.

The movement of the space fleet's expedition was too great to hide from the eyes of any force, so the major alliances could not catch them at all.

And when your fleet returns in vain and returns to the airport of this planet, they will return to the space where they often occupy and continue to make trouble there.

What is an eaglet? Li Yu thinks that the eaglet in these two code words is definitely not the little eagle that has just hatched out of its shell on the earth. Is it an advanced fighter plane? Or a fighter pilot?

The main reason why the Star Pirates dare not go head-to-head with the fleets of major alliances is that their weapons and professional units are not up to par. This incompetence is first reflected in their fighter planes.

In today's space war, whether it is an encounter or an ambush, the first to be dispatched by both sides must be space fighters.

Space fighters are the fastest and most maneuverable combat units in the space fleet.

It is no exaggeration to say that the combat effectiveness of the space fighter team can affect the final outcome of both fleets.

But the Star Pirates don't even have a Bluebird II, and only have a few Bluebirds of the first generation, which are considered the best fighters.

Even so, they dare not fly out to engage in air combat, because they do not have the technology to manufacture advanced space fighters at all, and losing one means losing one.

Therefore, Li Yu felt that the Star Pirates lacked two things the most, one was advanced fighter jets, and the other was excellent pilots.

Thinking of this, he told his secretary, Major Linda: "Inform Colonel Xiao Sa and ask him to come to my place."

This chapter has been completed!
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