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Chapter 370 The Origin of the Universe

 Are all the people and animals in the Magic Cloud Realm silicone dolls?

Chu Di didn't think Yao Ji was making up a story. He thought there was no need for Yao Ji to make up a story to deceive him, so he believed it and asked: "So, are the people in the Demon Cloud Realm human beings?"

Yao Ji said: "Of course they are not human beings. Human beings are the names given to us by humans in the Tianhe Realm. What do they count?"

Chu Di couldn't help but nodded, expressing his approval of Yao Ji's reasoning.

Yao Ji then said: "Of course, in the eyes of these creatures in the Demon Cloud Realm, we are not humans, we are also animals, so they will use us as food."

This is cannibalism! Chu Di felt nauseated. Even the cannibalism that had occurred on the earth due to famine and hunger could not be understood by him. How could human flesh be eaten? As for those who have special habits for

He is even more abhorred by people who cannibalize people because of their taste.

"Why are you doing this?" Yao Ji felt Chu Di's discomfort and said: "Silicon-based lifeforms eating humans like us are actually the same as us eating pigs and sheep. In their eyes, we are pigs and sheep.

. On the other hand, if the pigs and sheep in our world also have thoughts, they will definitely hate us humans to the core. They will think, how can they eat pork? How can they eat mutton?"

Chu Di felt that what Yao Ji said was reasonable, so he nodded, but then he felt something was wrong, and complained with a smile: "Are you comparing me to a pig and a sheep? The pig thinks the same way, is that what you mean?


Yao Ji also smiled, "You think too much, how dare I? Can't you see that I'm afraid of offending a lovely person like you?"

The two of them chatted and laughed, and the atmosphere became much more harmonious. Chu Di said: "Keep talking, I want to know more about things over there, and you haven't made it clear why I am Tang Seng, the life of the Demon Cloud Realm.

Where’s the meat?”

Yao Ji said: "Don't worry, listen to me slowly. As I said just now, the appearance of silicon-based lifeforms was originally very rough. In the past, their skin was very hard and looked like rough sand.

Their internal physiological tissues are very fragile, just like a pile of iron blocks loaded in a tin carriage. As long as the iron carriage is penetrated, their bodies will fall apart and then die."

Chu Di listened quietly and memorized silently. Yao Ji continued: "The silicon-based life forms at that time were no match for our Tianhe humans. As long as there was an encounter, they would be completely defeated. At that time, they did not like our carbon-based life forms.

Life is food.”

Hearing this, Chu Di vaguely guessed that Yao Ji was talking about the genetic mutation.

As expected, Yao Ji continued: "But later, I don't know if their leader thought of something, or if there were some external factors that induced them to change. In short, their genes mutated, and the intelligent life among them evolved into the appearance of our Tianhe humans.

And those creatures that have no intelligence or low intelligence have evolved to look like animals in our world."

Chu Di thought of an idiom, "Wide a monkey and grow taller." Perhaps silicon-based life forms are like monkeys, yearning to become human beings.

He suddenly remembered his friend Silky Chicken. Silky Chicken is a tungsten-based life, but Silky Chicken doesn't seem to want to permanently become a human on Earth. Silky Chicken is not a human being, but Silky Chicken is not bad in nature. They only eat metal and not people.

Maybe I should be like Yao Ji, be polite and respectful towards non-carbon-based life, and treat the facts objectively?

Just when I thought of this, I heard Yao Ji say: "What? Remember your alien friends? Well, as long as we don't eat people, we can make friends with aliens, but these silicon-based life forms in the Demon Cloud World are not included in this.


Do they (them) all eat humans? Chu Di wanted to ask, but in the end he did not ask. He did not dare to think about that oval face ninety thousand light years away, for fear of being noticed by Yao Ji, and said: "Why do silicon-based life forms eat people?"

Where are the people?”

Yao Ji said: "I said, they didn't eat humans before, but after their genes mutated, their skin became delicate and their internal organs were organically combined. In one sentence, their body changes

They have become like the humans and animals in our world, but they cannot maintain this appearance for too long. They need to eat our humans or animals to maintain the organic combination of their internal organs."

Chu Di felt confused and asked: "You mean, their humanoid creatures eat our people, their tigers eat our tigers, and their pigs eat our pigs, so that they can survive. Is this

What do you mean?"

Yao Ji said: "That's what it means."

Chu Di said: "Then why am I their Tang Monk Meat and not someone else? In terms of their food ingredients, don't I eat the same food as other humans in the galaxy?"

"It's different!" Yao Ji categorically denied Chu Di's question, and then thought for a while before saying: "You are the origin of the universe. Not to mention in the Tianhe world, in the entire universe, there is only one person with your physique.


It was the first time Chu Di heard about the whole concept of "cosmic source body". He didn't understand it very well, so he asked: "What is the cosmic source body?"

Yao Ji said: "To put it simply, you are the universe, and the universe is you."

Chu Di didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, so he asked: "I am the universe, what about you? Are you the universe?"

Yao Ji said: "You are right, I am also the universe. All living things and non-living things around us are actually the universe. Didn't Sakyamuni also say that one flower and one world? This is what he meant.


Yao Ji's words make sense. It can be understood that no matter any substance, as long as you explore its inner, microscopic direction, it can be regarded as a universe, because the microscopic level is also infinite.

Matter is made up of molecules. Molecules are made up of atoms, and atomic nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons are made of quarks. As long as the level of human exploration improves, then the quarks will definitely not be arranged in this way.

The smallest unit in the sequence.

Of course Chu Di understood this truth, but just because he understood this, he became even more confused and asked: "Since I am the universe, you are also the universe, and everyone is the universe, then why am I the only source of the universe?"

Yao Ji smiled and said: "This is the difference. Each of us can be a universe, but this universe only exists in his own body. Others cannot control the universe outside his body, let alone control the entire external universe.

Become part of his body."

At this point, she paused and said in a more serious tone: "But you can! You can incorporate the entire universe into your body and make the universe a part of your body. This is the power of the universe source body.

Compared with the chaotic holy body that people have always admired, the innate Tao body and other physiques are hundreds of millions of times stronger?"

"Me?" Chu Di couldn't calm down anymore. He couldn't imagine how he could annex a universe. Even though he had a deep understanding of the laws of space and time, he still couldn't imagine the blueprint drawn by Yao Ji.

"Of course, it will take a very long process for you to reach this state. In this process, there will be too many variables that will cause you to die prematurely, including the Demon Cloud Realm. For the silicon-based life forms in the Demon Cloud Realm, you

It is the treasure they dream of. Once they get your body, they may gain eternal life as a whole, and you will become their sacrifice to gain eternal life!"

When she said this, Yao Ji was slightly excited. She stood up from her seat and walked behind Chu Di. She gently pressed a pair of white catkins on Chu Di's shoulders and said softly: "You said, in this kind of situation

Under these circumstances, can I let you go to the Demon Cloud Realm to die?"

This chapter has been completed!
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