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Chapter forty-seven more than three heads and six arms

Guan Yu's dragging sword tactic, Luo Cheng's turning spear, and Qin Qiong's trump card are the three classic tricks in the history of martial arts.

In ancient battles, when two generals clashed, among all the ways to win from defeat, turn defeat into victory, or fake defeat in order to win quickly, these three tactics were undoubtedly the most famous.

Among these three great tricks, the dragging knife tactic is the most praised. This is because Guan Yu's achievements in martial arts far exceed those of Luo Cheng and Qin Qiong.

However, it is a pity that these three tricks have been lost now.

How are these three moves used, and what kind of power can they produce? No one knows, and no one can imagine them.

"Is dragging the knife just a trick?"

This time Long Yaojing didn't believe his sister's words and said again: "Who doesn't know how to drag a knife? Ha!"

The two sisters were debating here, but the two people on the stage would not stop and wait for them to come up with the result.

Before Long Yaojing was even halfway through his words, he saw the sad dog in the 3D image dropping the knife shaft in his hand, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

This Qinglong Yanyue Sword is useless if I don't throw it away.

The Sad Dog dragged the sword backwards and ran away, but its speed was a bit slower than the Twin Dragons.

The figure of the double dragon has already chased the blade, and there is only one blade distance between it and the back of the sad dog.

In this case, what kind of knife-drag tactic can achieve a counterattack? That is simply impossible!

But in front of Sad Dog is his weapon rack, where else can he run?

The Sad Dog suddenly jumped up and rose more than two meters high from the ground, as if it wanted to stand on the weapon rack, or jump over the weapon rack, using the weapon rack to block the pursuit of the double dragon behind it.

Haha! The dog is so anxious that he jumps over the wall!

At this moment, Long Yaojing suddenly thought of such an idiom, it was so appropriate!

Just when he was about to speak out, he saw Sad Dog grabbing two long swords from the weapon rack while abandoning his sword.

Weapons have their own dual-sword path, so both sides have two long swords on their weapon racks.

Do you want to use two swords to deal with nunchucks?

As soon as this idea came up, I saw the Sad Dog throwing the two swords behind him with his backhand, without even having time to take off the scabbard.

What's the use of this? Long Yaojing scoffed at this.

From this point of view, the purpose of the Sad Dog is to prevent the Double Dragon from jumping after him. As long as the Double Dragon also jumps up, the two long swords will hit the Double Dragon's left and right shoulders.

But what's the use of a sword if it's not unsheathed?

Even if the long sword is unsheathed, it will still have to be stabbed with all its strength to penetrate the three-star warrior's defense.

But like now, even if the two swords hit the double dragon, it would be as insignificant as a mosquito bite.

In the image, the nunchucks did not make any evasive movements and allowed the two swords to be shot. Following the figure of the sad dog, it jumped up, and the nunchucks continued to dance into a ball of black light, chasing the back of the sad dog's head and


Sad Dog is finished.

This was the prediction of all the viewers at this moment. Even Long Yujing, who had always been optimistic about the sad dog, couldn't help but shook his head slightly in surprise. He thought to himself: If you fight like this, it won't work!

However, the next moment, the mutation reappeared. The Sad Dog's body actually flew over the weapon rack and fell from the other side of the weapon rack.

If it were just like this, it wouldn't be a big change, because after jumping up, if he didn't land on a weapon at the top of the weapon rack, he would have to land on the other side of the weapon rack.

What was unexpected was that no one noticed that when he threw away the Qinglong Sword before crossing the weapon rack, the end of the Qinglong Sword's shaft rested on the beam at the bottom of the weapon rack.

And now he fell over the weapon rack, making a heavy-body falling posture, and kicked the sword pole supported on the beam of the weapon rack with his right foot. The Qinglong sword head that was already behind the double dragon was like a deception.

The corpse jumped up suddenly like a poisonous dragon.

The green dragon's sword head jumped up to scare people. The cold blade went straight from bottom to top, and actually chopped into the lifeblood between the double dragon's legs...

At this moment, the double dragon jumped up in the air, with nothing under his feet. The most terrible thing was that he had no idea about the "resurrection" of the Green Dragon Sword!

At this moment, there was so much content in his sight that he could only return the two long sheathed swords that were about to be hit on his shoulders. What shocked him the most was that his opponent picked up a long spear at the same time as he dropped it.


At this moment, the spear was passing through the gap in the weapon rack, stabbing his abdomen from bottom to top!

This counterattack, the complexity of the move, the tricky angle, the three-dimensional shape, and the meticulous conception, exceeded the imagination of everyone inside and outside the game!

The two swords, the Yanyue Dao, and the spear appeared almost at the same time, just like the Sad Dog with three heads and six arms!

Who can crack such a bizarre counterattack?

No one can crack it.

The twin dragons only had time to let out a roar that shook the sky. This roar was not to frighten the enemy, but to express his despair.

At the last moment, he discovered an abnormality under his feet. The Qinglong Sword resting on the bottom beam of the weapon rack was like a lever. The end carrying the Sad Dog sank. Isn't that the same as the Qinglong Sword's blade rising?

So at the last moment, he only had time to close his legs and use his legs to clamp the head of the Qinglong Dao.

It was too late to kick him, because when he found out, the blade of the knife was already at the same height as his knees, and there was no time to retract his legs and kick him.

But how can you hold a flat knife head with just your legs?

The next moment, four weapons hit the double dragon at the same time.

Although the two sheathed swords failed to produce any effect, the shot that hit the abdomen and the knife that hit the lifeblood spurted out blood.

In the sight of the audience, the health bar of the Double Dragon was instantly cleared!


For a male warrior, the most critical part of the body is not the temples or the pit of the heart, but the lifeblood below!

Even a three-star warrior with the third level of bone tempering cannot temper a soft and vital part like the lifeblood.

At the Kongte headquarters, Li Yu couldn't help but burst into laughter after watching this scene, and cheered loudly: "Absolutely awesome!"

At the same time, someone knocked on the door from outside, and Li Yu immediately sat back in his chair and said, "Come in."

Xiao Sa, wearing the same military uniform, pushed the door in, stood at the door and saluted: "Hello, sir! Xiao Sa has been ordered to report here!"

Li Yu turned his head and glanced at Xiao Sa, nodded with a smile and said, "Come in and sit down."

Then he turned his attention back to the TV image and said, "How are you doing lately? Are you familiar with the performance of the Bluebird II? Who has the advantage compared to our Raptor?"

The second-generation Blue Bird is the latest space interceptor developed by the Earth Alliance. Many of its functions are designed for the third-generation Raptor interceptor developed by the Mars Alliance.

To put it bluntly, the imaginary enemy of the second generation Bluebird is the third generation Raptor.

For a long time, in the field of military science and technology, various alliances in the solar system have always been spying on each other and guarding against each other, without sharing anything.

Even if various alliances have now formed the Galactic Federation and agreed to jointly develop the universe, they will not make their own scientific and technological achievements public.

Even if they are brothers, after they start their own families, they must first take care of their wives and children, eat and clothe them well. What's more, the relationship between the major alliances is inherently hostile and competitive?

Therefore, the Mars Alliance cannot fully understand all the technologies of the second-generation Blue Bird. Similarly, the Earth Alliance cannot master the core technologies of the third-generation Raptor. Both sides can only design, modify, and upgrade their own fighters based on the performance of the other's fighters in actual combat.

Seek to restrain the other party.

But smart technology is an existence independent of each alliance.

Smart Technology is not bound by any alliance, and dares to simulate the secret weapons of each alliance as equipment in the game for gamers to try out at will.

Although you have played the second-generation Bluebird or the third-generation Raptor in the game, it is impossible to successfully imitate these fighters, but as active military personnel of both camps, there are many benefits to being able to operate the other side's secret weapons in the game.

The reason why Xiao Sa is keen on the Galaxy War and was invited to join the Haoyu Legion established by the people on earth is precisely because of the above purpose.

To put it bluntly, he just went to test the second generation of Bluebird.

This chapter has been completed!
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